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LAPACK & BLAS precompiled binaries for Win32/Win64 platform

The original source codes of LAPACK and BLAS package are available from http://www.netlib.org/liblist.html. Since no open source Fortran compiler is natively available for Win32/Win64 platform, the precompiled binaries of these two packages can be downloaded from http://www.netlib.org/lapack/archives/ . Unfortunately, there are some bugs in those lib files and they are no more updated. When building any C++ application in MSVC against lapack.lib and blas.lib you can meet several linking troubles. For this purpose we patched the LAPACK-3.5.0 source codes, compiled them using Intel ® Fortran compiler 2013 and linked with Miscrosoft Visual Studio 12:
*) Some required libraries (DLL files) are part of Intel Redistributable package (download).

If you want to build the binaries on your own

  1. Download the patched version of lapack source codes.
  2. Unpack it.
  3. Run command line.
  4. Run ifortvars.bat (part of Intel Fortran distribution)
  5. Run vcvars.bat (part of MSVC distribution)
  6. Run cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" [path to source codes of lapack]
  7. Type nmake.

LAPACK & BLAS header files for C/C++

The source codes of lapack and blas were simply submitted to f2c program in order to obtain the prototype for each lapack/blas function. You can either create the header files in the same way on your own or use ours:
It is good to know that the header files are platform independent, i.e. these can be used either in Windows (MSVC) as well as in Linux (GNU C/C++) without any further modification.

e-mail: svoboda(at)fi.muni.cz
last modification: August 25, 2014
visitors from June 26, 2007: