MFCS'98 The 23rd
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer
Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-28, 1998
(Contents of this page is being updated regularly, last update
August 21)
The series of MFCS symposia, organised on a
rotating basis in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia has a long
and well-established tradition. MFCS'98 will be organised by
This conference is sponsored by
the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
Contact address:
Antonin Kucera (MFCS'98)
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Botanická 68a, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic
tel: ++420-5-41 51 23 36
fax: ++420-5-41 21 25 68
e-mail: mfcs98@fi.muni.cz
News & Updates
- See programme
information for both
below in this page.
MFCS/CSL Opening is scheduled for Monday 8:15-8:30.
EACSL Membership Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday,
August 25, 18:30-19:30.
Missing paper for Weak Arithmetic Workshop by C. Choffrut,
H. Pelibossian, and P. Simonnet added for August 28.
Workshop on Molecular Computing added on July 8, 1998.
- MFCS'98 Proceedings will appear as
Lubos Brim,
Jozef Gruska, and Jiri Zlatuska (Eds.): Mathematical Foundations
of Computer Science 1998, 23rd International Symposium,
MFCS'98, Brno, Czech Republic, August 1998, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 1450, Springer, 1998, ISBN 3-540-64827-5,
846 pages. (Electronic copy of the proceedings will only
be available untill September 30, 1998.)
- Greg Morrisett from Cornell University is giving the
Proofs, Types, and Safe Mobile Code tutorial instead of
Peter Lee who cannot come for very serious reasons.
Workshop on Concurrency extends till August 29
Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS'98) extends
till August 29
Travel, Organisation and Venue
Registration and Fees
Except for exceptional cases agreed explicitly with the
Organizing Committee Chairman (staudek@fi.muni.cz), those
who do not pay their registration fee before August 10
will be considered on-site registrants and will be required to
pay the full on-site registration fee.
Please note that no accomodation or any other extra is provided
to on-site registrants.
When paying by bank transfer, please do bring a bank receipt
concerning your payment with you when comming to the conference
so that possibilities for problems are minimized.
Submissions |
Programme |
Events |
The CSL'98 conference (Computer Science Logic) will be
held in parallel with MFCS'98. The federated CSL/MFCS conference will have
common plenary sessions and social events. MFCS'98 is also accompanied
by several satellite and parallel workshops on up-to-date subjects. Participants
registering for one conference can attend talks of both conferences and
parallel workshops.
Dates |
The second deadline:
Submission: |
July 1, 1998 (already expired!) |
Notification: |
August 1, 1998 |
Final version: |
August 14, 1998 |
The first
deadline: (already expired!)
Submission: |
March 20, 1998 |
Notification: |
May 20, 1998 |
Final version: |
June 1, 1998 |
mfcs98@fi.muni.cz |