Research and Educational Cooperation Platform of FI MU in the field of data processing
Project partners
- ANF Data, sro
- CEPIA Technologies Ltd.
- Lexical Computing Ltd.
- Mycroft Mind, Inc.
- oXy Online Ltd.
- Red Hat Czech Ltd.
- SODATSW, sro
- Trusted Network Solutions, Inc.
- Y Soft Ltd.
Other partners involved
- AVG Technologies Ltd.
- ESET Software, Ltd.
- Hammerware, sro
- IBA CZ, sro
- IBM Czech Republic, sro
- Javlin, as
- NetSuite Czech Republic, sro
- Photon System Instruments Ltd.
- TurboConsult, sro
Project description
The project is aimed at strengthening cooperation between the Faculty of Informatics and the application sphere. The planned activities build on the activities of the Industrial Partnership Association. It is clear that existing cooperation does not fully exploit the potential of the faculty. This is mainly due to the fact that research teams often do not know how to develop cooperation, what cooperation involves or what its legal aspects are. Therefore, the project aims to create a platform to support application and academic sector collaboration.
Objectives of the project
- Strengthening and developing cooperation between the Faculty of Informatics MU and the industrial and public sectors in the form of:
- actively searching for and supporting the management of joint research projects for better transfer of knowledge from faculty to application sphere
- related joint exploitation of research capacities, in particular human resources
- improving mutual communication
- Systematic preparation of faculty students for involvement in institutions of industry and public sector through participation in joint projects, educational and training activities, work stays and internships.
- The above objectives are primary, this is related to the multiplier effect for better employment in the labor market and to improving the readiness of graduates to engage in the daily activities of the application sphere. This goal is to achieve a state where the average graduate of the faculty knows the basic principles of functioning of institutions from the application sphere and the use of the results of science and research in these institutions. The key factor here is ensuring the transfer of knowledge from the faculty to practice in order to stimulate further cooperation.
Target group
The target group consists of faculty academics and students.
Selected lecture presentations
- Sequence Chart Studio (SCStudio)
- Import from PCAP to SCStudio
- PV177 - Measurement Tools and Techniques I
- Export to Latex
- PV177 - Measurement Tools and Techniques II
- Sync activities in SCStudio
- SCStudio Slideshow
- Programming GUI for SCStudio
- Use of whitebox cryptography in ticket subscription protocols
- Spam detection using IP geolocation
- Automatic registration of payment system users
- PA168 Postgraduate seminar on IT security and cryptography
- Designing and terminal
- LaSArIS laboratory seminar
- Search and Dialogue Lab
- Workshop of Natural Language Processing Center - Machine Translation
- Natural Language Processing Laboratory (PV173
- Natural Language Processing Seminar
- Natural Language Processing Laboratory (PV173
- Automatic Ontology Extraction
Selected theses outlined in the key project activities
- Password-based data security
- Similarity search using Bregman divergence
- Semantic classification of prepositional phrases
- Conversion of a Czech sentence to a predicate-structure
- A local service that handles data over an Oracle database
- Documentation for iproute
- Search for similar tattoo images
- A local service that monitors the status of Microsoft Windows operating systems
- Memory and its efficient use
- The use of the dictionary of verbal valencies for syntactic analysis of Czech
- Geolocation spam detection
- Database massively multiplayer server based database
- Simulator of client part of massively multiplayer game
- Advanced authentication in Java applications based on Kerberos
- Geolocation spam detection
- Process Management in Educational Processes - MEDUSY project
- Seed of random number generator Linux OS at boot
- ANTLR3 runtime library in C ++
- FreeIPA Project Plugin
- CPP preprocessor support in Stanse
- Convert test records to Message Sequence Chart descriptions
- Implementation of time constraint control algorithms in MSC designs
- Graphical layout of sequence diagrams
- E-learning CMS and formats used in them
- E-learning patterns in courses at MUNI
- Building and Reporting the Web and Other Infrastructure for the Project Together with RedHat
- Process management in e-learning - MEDUSY project
- Semantic classification of prepositional phrases
- Similarity search using Bregman divergence
- The use of the dictionary of verbal valencies for syntactic analysis of Czech
- Integrating Stanse into NetBeans
- GPUs and their applications in cryptography (GPUs and their applications in cryptography)
- Automatic creation of knowledge from corpus data and dialogue
- Cryptography based on elliptic curves
- Time-memory trade-off (TMTO) attacks in cryptology
- IDS throughput testing
- Modernizing Rational Learning Platform
- Implementation In Rational Team Concert Model
- Analysis of entropy of data serving as seed of random number generator OS Linux at boot
- Use of MS Reporting Services
- Compare freeIPA and MS Windows Active Directory
- Face search in MUFIN
- Web application stress tests in the context of continuous integration
- Web application stress tests
- Distributing the streaming data stream to computing units
- Server massively multiplayer games
- Automation of C ++ code connection to .Net interface
- C ++ support in Stanse
- Knowledge Management System for ISO / IES 200000: 2005
- New Checkers for Sequence Chart Studio
- Modeling of learning processes
- Use of web services in e-learning
- Process management in e-learning
- Virtual labs, resource allocation
- FreeIPA Project Plugin
- Process management in e-learning - MEDUSY project
- Use of Google services in e-learning - MEDUSY project
- Multimedia as e-learning content
- Advanced authentication in Java applications based on Kerberos
- Automatic extraction of idioms from the corpus
- Utilization of modern ICT approaches in the field of management incident
- Attacking Path Explosion for Effective Bug-finding
- Techniques for Linux Kernel
- Techniques of industrial modeling and verification of network services
- Syntactic and logical analysis of natural language
Project staff
- Mgr. Vít Bukač
- Mgr. Jiří Filipovič
- Mgr. Marek Grác
- Ing. Renata Havelková
- Mgr. Miloš Jakubíček
- Ing. Dagmar Janoušková
- Mgr. Matej Klement
- Mgr. Jiří Kolář
- Mgr. Vojtěch Kovář
- Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Krhovják, Ph.D.
- Prof. RNDr. Marek Kumpošt, Ph.D.
- Prof. RNDr. Václav Lorenc
- prof. Prof. RNDr. Václav Matyáš, M.Sc., Ph.D. - solver
- Prof. RNDr. Marian Novotny, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jan Obdržálek, PhD.
- Mgr. Michal Oškera
- Prof. RNDr. Radek Ošlejšek, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Petr Ročkai
- Prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Řehák, Ph.D.
- Ing. Mgr. Zdeněk Říha, Ph.D.
- Prof. RNDr. Jan Sedmidubský
- Mgr. Andriy Stetsko
- Mgr. Jaroslav Šeděnka
- Mgr. Pavel Tuček
Project realization: 1. 10. 2010 - 30. 9. 2013
Contact person:
Ing. Renata Havelková
Phone: 549 49 4754