Bibliography 1988-1993
Gotfrýd O., Dvorák M., Popelínský L., Muenz J.:
Transformation of Data to Findings
In: Carson E.R., Kueppo P., Krekule I.(eds.) Advances in Biomedical
Plenum Press New York - London 1988
Popelínský L.: Towards One Way of Building Knowledge Base,
Proc. of AI'89 Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Praha 1989 (in Czech)
Popelínský L.:
Learning and Prolog, Proc. of Czechoslovak Conf. on Logic Programming
LOP'89, Ruprechtov 1989 (in Czech)
Popelínský L.: Towards Synthesis of Nearly Pure Logic Programs. In:
Proceedings of LOPSTR'91, Workshops Series Springer Verlag 1992,
ISBN 3-540-19742-7
Popelínský L.: Constraints and Queries in Logic Program
Prolog Forum.
Institut fuer Informatik, Universitaet Zuerich-Irchel
Franová M., Popelínský L.: A Step To Synthesis of Formal Specification From
Predicate Definition. TR L.R.I. Universite Paris-Sud, 1993
Public-domain object-oriented databases
Kuklová J., Popelínský L.: .
Proceedings of 20th Czech-Slovak conference on Computer Science
SOFSEM'93, pp.59-62
Czech Society for Comp. Sci. Brno 1993.
Popelínský L.: Real-world applications of machine learning.
20th Czech-Slovak conference on Computer Science SOFSEM'93,
Lubos Popelinsky
Fri Oct 6 1995