The Association for Computational Linguistics
ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning
Czech National Corpus
TMR NETWORK - Learning Computational Grammars
Empirical Learning of Natural Language Processing Tasks ECML'97 Ws
workshop notes
(in ESSLLI'96 European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information Prague
Centre for Computational Linguistics (CCL)
at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
NLL Page in UTexas
ICML/COLT97 Ws on Automata Induction, Grammatical Inference, and Language Acquisition
The Fourteenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-97) July 8-12, 1997, Nashville, Tennessee
i3 Net
Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese
(Brazilian project)
Comp.Linguistics and Lang.Engineering
Steven Paul Abney
Eric Brill
and his
Walter Daelemans
James Cussens
Luc Dehaspe
Nancy Ide
Dimitar Kazakov
Raymond J. Mooney
Jakub Zavrel
Fourth International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI-98)
Iowa State University|Mar 1|Apr 21|May 15|Jul 12-14
Linguitic Enterprises
This is a non-profit site that aims to help academically trained linguists find private sector employment. It offers down-to-earth advice, how-to information, and an opportunity to discuss prospects and problems with others who have found work or are seeking it.
ELSNET Book: Corpus-based Methods in Language and Speech Processing
An in-depth introduction to corpus-based methods by excellent authors through chapters describing statistical modeling techniques for language and speech, the use of Hidden Markov Models in continuous speech recognition, the development of dialogue systems, part-of-speech tagging and partial parsing, data-oriented parsing and n-gram language modeling. The book attempts to give both a clear overview of the main technologies used in language and speech processing, along with sufficient mathematics to understand the underlying principles. The book will give newcomers a solid introduction to the field and it will give existing practitioners a concise review of the principle technologies used in state-of-the-art language and speech processing systems. Contents: Hermann Ney (1 - 26) "Corpus-Based Statistical Methods in Speech and Language Processing" Kate Knill & Steve Young (27 - 68) "Hidden Markov Models in Speech and Language Processing" Egidio Giachin and Scott McGlashan (69 - 117) "Spoken Language Dialogue Systems" Steve Abney (118 - 136) "Part-of-Speech Tagging and Partial Parsing" Rens Bod & Remko Scha (137 - 173) "Data-Oriented Language Processing" Hermann Ney, Sven Martin & Frank Wessel (174 - 207) "Statistical Language Modeling Using Leaving-One-Out" Bibliography (210 - 234)
Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing