Petr Sojka -- List of selected publications
My interests are within electronic publishing, textual
information systems, natural language processing and
digital mathematics libraries. In particular, language issues
in quality typesetting, engineering
of digitalization and electronic publishing projects and machine learning of
morphosyntactic disambiguation.
You may find almost full list of publications
here or here.
For BibTeX file of some of my publications see
The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies. My profile at Google
Scholar with citations is here. Another
compiled list of my publications with links to electronic
versions is below (but is outdated):
- Single-source publishing in multiple formats for different output devices.
by Petr Sojka and Růžička Michal.
The Communications of the TeX Users Group, San Francisco: TeX
Users Group, 29(1):118-124. ISSN 0896-3207. January 2008.
article text (preprint) in
PDF (letter) (364 KB),
PostScript (letter)
(5621 KB)
PDF on (TUG member access may be needed).
- Publikování z jednoho zdroje v odlišných
formátech pro různá výstupní zařízení.
by Petr Sojka and Růžička Michal.
Bulletin CSTUG:
CSTUG, 18(3):116-129. ISSN 1211-6661. October 2008.
article text (preprint) in
PDF (578 KB)
PDF on (CSTUG member access may be needed).
- Animations in pdfTeX-Generated
by Jan Holeček and Petr Sojka.
The Communications of the TeX Users Group, San Francisco: TeX
Users Group, 25(1):35-41. ISSN 0896-3207. April 2004.
article text (preprint) in PostScript, (letter
paper) (556 KB), PDF (letter paper)
(161 KB).
- Hyphenation on Demand
by Petr Sojka.
The Communications of the TeX Users Group, San Francisco: TeX
Users Group, 20(3):241-247. ISSN 0896-3207. 1999.
article text (preprint) in PostScript (425 KB, with
Type1 fonts), PDF
(233 KB), or preprint
PDF on,
PDF on (155 KB).
- An Experience from a Digitization Project
by Petr Sojka.
Gutenberg, No. 28-29:276-281. Gutenberg, Paris,
article text (preprint) in PostScript (130 KB) or
gzipped PostScript, PDF (171 KB),
PDF from journal site (95 KB),
- Pár poznámek pro
TeXové novice aneb o účelovosti, Occamově břitvě a
černobílosti (in Czech)
by Petr Sojka.
Zpravodaj CSTUG,
Brno: CSTUG, 7(1-2):26-30.
ISSN 1211-6661. 1997.
(1191 KB)
- Word Hy-phen-a tion by
Neural Networks
by Pavel Smrž and Petr Sojka.
Neural Network
World, Praha: IDG Czechoslovakia, 7(6):687-695. ISSN
1210-0552. 1997.
article text (preprint) in PostScript (75 KB), PDF (103 KB).
- Notes on Compound Word
Hyphenation in TeX
by Petr Sojka.
The Communications of the TeX Users Group, San Francisco: TeX
Users Group, 16(3):290-297. ISSN 0896-3207. 1995.
article text (preprint) in PostScript (201 KB, 600
dpi)., PDF (230 KB),
PDF on (151 KB).
- The Joy of
TeX2PDF---Acrobatics with an Alternative to DVI
by Petr Sojka, Han The Thanh and Jiří
The Communications of the TeX Users Group, San Francisco: TeX
Users Group, 17(3):244-251. ISSN 0896-3207. 1996.
article text (preprint) in PostScript (614 KB, 600
dpi)., PDF (353 KB),
PDF on (232 KB).
- Hyphenation in
TeX---Quo Vadis?
by Petr Sojka and Pavel Ševeček.
The Communications of the TeX Users Group, San Francisco: TeX
Users Group, 16(3):280-289. ISSN 0896-3207. 1995.
article text (preprint) in PostScript (226 KB, 600
dpi)., PDF (292 KB).
PDF on (200 KB).
- ... to be completed ...
Proceedings Papers
- Automated Classification and Categorization of Mathematical Knowledge.
by Radim Řehůřek and Petr Sojka.
In: Serge Autexier, John Campbell, Julio Rubio,
Volker Sorge, Masakazu Suzuki and Freek Wiedijk (Eds.): Intelligent
Computer Mathematics [Proceedings of
7th International Conference on
Mathematical Knowledge Management MKM 2008],
July 28--30, 2008, Birmingham, UK,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 5144, Springer Verlag, pages 543--557
preprint fulltext in
preprint PDF (45602 KB),
paper in Springer Link
- From Pixels and Minds to the Mathematical Knowledge in Digital Library.
by Petr Sojka and Jiří Rákosník.
In: Petr Sojka (Ed.): DML 2008: Towards Digital Mathematics Library
[Proceedings of
DML 2008],
July 27th, 2008, Birmingham, UK,
Masaryk University, Brno, ISBN 978-80-210-4658-0, pages 543--557
preprint fulltext in
PDF (489 KB).
- Technological Challenges of Teaching
Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment.
by Petr Sojka and Roman Plch.
In: International Journal of Continuous Engineering Education
and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL),
ISSN (Online): 1741-5055 - ISSN (Print): 1560-4624,
Vol. 18, Nos. 5/6, 2008, pages 657--665.
paper fulltext in
(2170 KB).
- Technological Challenges of Teaching
Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment.
by Petr Sojka and Roman Plch.
In: Pavel Pražák (Ed): Proceedings of
8th International Conference on
Technology in Mathematics Teaching ICTMT 2007,
Jul 1--4, 2007, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 5 pages,
ISBN 83-910954-3-6
preprint fulltext in
PDF (97 KB),
PostScript (A4) (123 KB).
(775 KB).
- Single-source publishing in multiple
formats for different output devices.
by Petr Sojka and Michal Růžička.
In: Jerzy Ludwichowski, Tomasz Przechlewski, Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz (Eds): Proceedings of
EuroBachoTeX 2007,
pp. 125--131, April 28--May 2, 2007, Bachotek, Poland,
ISBN 83-910954-3-6
preprint fulltext in
PDF (364 KB),
PostScript (5621 KB).
paper presentation
(775 KB).
- Workflow in the Digital
Mathematics Library Project
by Petr Sojka. In:
Jan Paralič, Jiří Dvorský, Michal Kratký (Eds.):
Znalosti 2006, sborník příspěvků 5. ročníku konference,
Hradec Králové, pp. 243--247,
1.--2. 2. 2006, ISBN 80-248-1001-8.
article text in
(31 KB),
PS (244 KB).
- Efektivnost zpracování výukových
materiálů (in Czech)
by Pavel Šiler, Petr Sojka. In:
Petr Sojka, Jiří Němec (Eds.): Sborník 3. ročníku konference
SCO (Sharable Content Objects) 2006, Brno,
pp. 53--58,
1.-2. 2. 2006,
ISBN 80-210-3923-X.
article text in PostScript (A4) (118 KB),
PDF (63 KB).
- DML-CZ: From Scanned Image to
Knowledge Sharing.
by Petr Sojka.
In: Klaus Tochtermann, Hermann Maurer (Eds): Proceedings of
KSR @ I-Know 2005
5th International Conference on Knowledge Management,
pp. 664--672, June 29 - July 1, 2005, Graz, Austria,
ISSN 0948-6968
preprint text in PostScript (A4) (264 KB),
(113 KB).
paper presentation (4 pages per A4 sheet)
(238 KB),
(1106 KB).
- Elektronické publikování pro e-learning (in Czech)
by Petr Sojka. In:
Petr Sojka, Tomáš Pitner (Eds.): Sborník 2. ročníku konference
SCO (Sharable Content Objects) 2005, Brno,
pp. 29--32,
25.-26. 5. 2005,
ISBN 80-210-3699-0.
article text in PostScript (A4) (87 KB),
PDF (46 KB).
paper presentation (in Czech)
(132 KB),
(424 KB).
- Technologie multimediálního
publikování na DVD: Zkušenosti z projektu
10@FI. (in Czech)
by Petr Sojka. In:
Jan Sedláček (Ed.): Sborník 5. semináře eLearning a
4. ročníku soutěže eLearning,
Gaudeamus, Hradec Králové,
pp. 198--206,
9.-11. 11. 2004,
ISBN 80-7041-798-6.
article preprint text in PostScript (A4) (2074 KB),
PDF (329 KB).
article text in
(246 KB).
presentation of DVD (in Czech)
(103 KB), PS
(283 KB).
presentation of technologies for DVD (in Czech)
(122 KB),
(364 KB).
presentation of CD-ROMs Maple (in Czech)
(71 KB),
(208 KB).
- Animations in pdfTeX-Generated
PDF: A New Method for Directly Embedding Animations into
by Jan Holeček and Petr Sojka. In:
Apostolos Syropoulos et al. (Eds): TeX, XML, and Digital
Typography. Proceedings of
2004 conference, Springer, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 3130,
pp. 179--191, August/September 2004, Xanthi, Greece,
ISBN 3-540-22801-2.
article text in PostScript (A4) (310 KB),
PDF (letter paper)
(184 KB).
publication of paper by Springer
- Slovenské vzory dělení:
čas pro změnu? (in Czech)
by Petr Sojka. In:
Petr Olšák (Ed.): SLT 2004 Proceedings of
the 4th Seminar on Linux and TeX: SLT 2004, KONVOJ,
pp. 67--72, June 2004, Brno, ISBN 80-7302-068-8.
article text in PostScript (236 KB),
PDF (114 KB).
- Multimediální publikování na DVD:
projekt 10@FI. (in Czech)
by Petr Vopálenský and Petr Sojka. In:
Petr Olšák (Ed.): SLT 2004 Proceedings of
the 4th Seminar on Linux and TeX: SLT 2004, KONVOJ,
pp. 21--29, June 2004, Brno, ISBN 80-7302-068-8.
article text in PostScript (2135 KB),
(348 KB).
- Produkce filmů a DVD na PC --
daleká budoucnost či dnešní realita? (in Czech)
by Petr Sojka. In:
SCO 2004 Proceedings of
SCO 2004, Masarykova unoverzita,
pp. 83--86, June 2004, Brno, ISBN 80-210-3409-2.
article text in PDF
(134 KB).
- Interactive
Teaching Materials in PDF using JavaScript
by Petr Sojka.
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Innovation and
technology in computer science education, p. 275,
July 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
text in PostScript (Type1 fonts)
(19 KB),
PDF (21 KB).
presentation in color PDF (73 KB),
BW printable PDF
(63 KB),
BW printable
PDF 6 slides per A4
(55 KB),
- Rapid Evaluation
using Multiple Choice Tests and TeX
by Petr Sojka.
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Innovation and
technology in Computer Science education, p. 265,
July 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
text in PostScript (Type1 fonts)
(19 KB),
PDF (22 KB).
- Animations in
by Petr Sojka.
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Innovation and
technology in computer science education, p. 263,
July 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
text in PostScript (Type1 fonts)
(20 KB),
PDF (23 KB).
- The Font Management
with OFS
by Petr Olšák and Petr Sojka. In:
Yannis Haralambous, John Plaice (Eds):
EuroTeX 2003
Proceedings of the Fourteenth European TeX conference, p. 50,
June 24-27, 2003, Brest, France.
presentation in color PDF (125 KB),
BW printable PDF
(105 KB),
BW printable PDF 6 slides
per A4
(88 KB),
- Context Sensitive Pattern Based Segmentation: A Thai Challenge
by Petr Sojka and David Antoš. In:
Patt Hall and Durgesh Rao (Eds): Proceedings of EACL 2003
workshop Computational Linguistics for South Asian Languages -- Expanding Synergies with Europe, April 2003, Budapest, ISBN 80-7302-043-2.
article text in gzipped PostScript (129 KB),
(120 KB).
- Automatizace
sazby a skenování formulářů (in Czech)
by Miroslav Hrad and Petr Sojka. In:
Jan Kasprzak and Petr Sojka (Eds): SLT 2002 Proceedings of
the Third Seminar on Linux and TeX: SLT 2002, KONVOJ,
pages 11--26, November 2002, Brno, ISBN 80-7302-043-2.
article text in PostScript (1195 KB),
(208 KB).
- Pattern Generation
by David Antoš and Petr Sojka.
EuroTeX 2001 Proceedings, NTG, pages 7--17,
September 2001, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
full article text in PostScript (Type1 fonts)
(271 KB), PDF
(118 KB) or the PDF (130 KB)
from the publisher.
- Digitalization of Otto
by Petr Sojka.
In: Kritické edice hudebních památek IV., pages 49-54.
Olomouc 1999 : Masarykova univerzita Brno - Palackého
univerzita Olomouc, 2001, ISBN 80-210-2710-X
full article text in PostScript (Type1
fonts) (87 KB), PDF
(28 KB)
- Generování vzorů
dělení slov v UNICODE (in Czech)
by David Antoš and Petr Sojka. In: Jan
Kasprzak and Petr Sojka (Eds): SLT 2001 Proceedings of
the Second Seminar on Linux and TeX: SLT 2001, KONVOJ,
pages 23--32, February 2001, Brno, ISBN 80-7302-009-2.
article text in PostScript (269 KB), PDF (116 KB).
- Competing Patterns
for Language Engineering -- Methods to Handle and Store
Empirical Data
by Petr Sojka. In: Petr Sojka and Ivan Kopecek
and Karel Pala (Eds): Proceedings
of the Third International Workshop on Text, Speech and
Dialogue 2000, (c) Springer-Verlag, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science,
LNCS/LNAI 1902, pages 157-162, September 2000, Brno,
ISBN 3-540-41042-2.
full article text [(c) Springer-Verlag] in PostScript (200 KB), PDF (66 KB).
- Publishing
Encyclopaedia with Acrobat using TeX
by Petr Sojka. In: Fytton Rowland and John
W.T.Smith (Eds): Proceedings of ICCC/IFIP Conference on
Electronic Publishing '98, ICCC Press, P.O. Box 9745,
Washington, DC 20016, USA, pages 217-222, April 1998,
ISBN 1-891365-02-9.
article text (preprint) in PostScript (41 KB), PDF (49 KB).
- ... to be completed ...
Technical Reports and Posters
- ... to be completed ...
- Vision of Future Processing of
Journals Digitized in DML-CZ (in Czech) by Petr
DML-CZ working paper, 2007.
Full text in
- Navigation in Large
Hypertext Documents by Petr
Proceedings of the Eight ACM Conference on Hypertext --
Posters and Demonstrations, Demonstrations, 1997.
- Word
Hy-phen-a-tion by Neural Networks by Pavel
Smrž and Petr Sojka.
Technical report FIMU-RS-96-04, FI MU Brno, 10 pages,
August 1996.
Abstract, article text in
- Notes on
Compound Word Hyphenation in TeX by Petr
Technical report FIMU-RS-95-04, FI MU Brno, 12 pages,
August 1995.
Abstract, article text in
PhD Thesis
Invited talks and presentations
- Sharable Content Objects
-- SCO 2007 (in Czech) by Petr Sojka and
Martin Kvizda (Eds).
of the 4th International Conference SCO 2007,
Brno: Masaryk University, 2007. x+250 pages,
May 30-31, 2007, ISBN 978-80-210-4296-4.
- Text, Speech,
Dialogue -- TSD 2006 by Petr Sojka and
Ivan Kopeček and Karel Pala (Eds).
of the 9th International Conference on Text, Speech and
Dialogue: TSD 2006, Brno: Springer Verlag, 2006. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Volume 4188. xv+721 pages,
September 11-15, 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-39090-9.
Springer Link - full texts for subscribers.
- Global WordNet Conference -- GWC 2006
by Petr Sojka, Key-Sun Choi,
Christiane Fellbaum, Piek Vossen.
GWC 2006,
Proceedings of the Third International WordNet Conference,
December 2005, Brno, The Czech Republic, Masaryk University Press,
22-26 January 2006, x+352 pages, ISBN 80-210-3915-9.
- Sharable Content Objects
-- SCO 2006 (in Czech) by Petr Sojka and
Jiří Němec (Eds).
of the 3rd International Conference SCO 2006,
Brno: Masaryk University, 2006. x+230 pages,
February 1-2, 2006, ISBN 80-210-3923-X.
- Sharable Content Objects
-- SCO 2005 (in Czech) by Petr Sojka and
Tomáš Pitner (Eds).
of the 2nd International Conference SCO 2005,
Brno: Masaryk University, 2005. x+250 pages,
June 25-26, 2005, ISBN 80-210-3699-0.
- Text, Speech,
Dialogue -- TSD 2004 by Petr Sojka and
Ivan Kopeček and Karel Pala (Eds).
of the 7th International Conference on Text, Speech and
Dialogue: TSD 2004, Brno: Springer Verlag, 2004. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Volume 3206. xiii+667 pages,
September 8-11, 2004, ISBN 978-3-540-23049-6.
Springer Link - full texts for subscribers.
- Global WordNet Conference -- GWC 2004
by Petr Sojka, Karel Pala,
Pavel Smrž, Christiane Fellbaum,
Piek Vossen.
GWC 2004,
Proceedings of the Second International WordNet Conference,
December 2003, Brno, The Czech Republic, Masaryk University Press,
20-23 January 2004, xi+359 pages, ISBN 80-210-3302-9.
- SLT 2002 by Jan
Kasprzak and Petr Sojka (Eds).
Proceedings of
the Third Seminar on Linux and TeX: SLT 2002, KONVOJ, 279 pages,
November 2002, Brno, ISBN 80-7302-043-2.
- Text, Speech,
Dialogue -- TSD 2002 by Petr Sojka and
Ivan Kopeček and Karel Pala (Eds).
of the Fifth International Conference on Text, Speech and
Dialogue: TSD 2002, Brno: Springer Verlag, 2002. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Volume 2448. xii+481 pages,
September 9-12, 2002, ISBN 3-540-44129-8.
Springer Link - full texts for subscribers.
- SLT 2001 by Jan
Kasprzak and Petr Sojka (Eds).
Proceedings of
the Second Seminar on Linux and TeX: SLT 2001, KONVOJ, 196 pages,
February 2001, Brno, ISBN 80-7302-009-2.
- Text, Speech,
Dialogue -- TSD 2000 by Petr Sojka and
Ivan Kopeček and Karel Pala (Eds).
of the Third International Workshop on Text, Speech and
Dialogue: TSD 2000, Brno : Springer Verlag, 2000. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Volume 1902. xiii+463 pages,
September 13-16, 2000, ISBN 3-540-41042-2.
Springer Link - full texts for subscribers.
- Text, Speech,
Dialogue -- TSD 1999 by Václav Matoušek
and Pavel Mautner and Jana Ocelíková and
Petr Sojka (Eds).
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Text,
Speech and Dialogue: TSD 1999,
Plzen : Springer Verlag, 1999. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Volume 1692. xi+396 pages, September
13-17, 1999, ISBN 3-540-66494-7.
Springer Link - full texts for subscribers.
- Text, Speech,
Dialogue -- TSD 1998 by Petr Sojka and
Václav Matoušek and Karel Pala and Ivan
Kopeček (Eds).
of the First International Workshop on Text, Speech and
Dialogue: TSD 1998, Brno : Masarykova Universita, 1998.
460 pages, September 23-26, 1998, ISBN 80-210-1900-X.
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