Sun, 02 Oct 2005
Qualification for TMOU
Today the quaification for TMOU has been held (in case you don't speak Czech: TMOU - which means "through the darkness" - is an outdoor adventure game based on puzzle solving, organized yearly in Brno by people from the Instruktoři Brno group). And because the number of teams who want to participate in the game is higher than the maximum number of teams the organizers are willing to allow to the game, the on-line quiz - qualification - is being held a month or so before the game itself.
This time the qualification was the most difficult ever (right now, five hours after the start of the qualification, only 14 teams have passed the qualifiaction out of 190 which can pass the qualification and out of about 270 who are taking part in the qualification). I think the multi-leveled qualification - like they used this year - is more fair (with respect to the system of the game itself) than the "solve this single puzzle as fast as you can" approach they used to have in previous years.

Anyway, our team named coredump has finished the qualification on the fifth place, so it seems we have a good chance to finish (or win :-) the game itself. Unless we screw up some not-so-difficult stage, like we did in almost all previous years ...