Masaryk University Phone: +420-54949 6939
Faculty of Informatics Fax: +420-54949 1820
Botanicka 68a
602 00 BRNO
Czech Republic E-mail: sochor at fi dot muni dot cz
"The good Christian should beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell." - Saint Augustine.
“Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been” - Theodore von Karman
"Math illiteracy strikes 8 out of 5 people." - highly cited, author unknown
Them as can, does.
Them as can't, used to teach.
Them as can't teach, taught teachers.
Them as can't even teach the teachers, becomes the Head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Design (2005 - resignation 05/2013)
Curriculum Vitae
Jiri Sochor is professor emeritus of Computer science at
the Masaryk University, Brno. He received a MS and
PhD in computer science from the Czech Technical University in Prague. Since 1995 he is employed at the Masaryk
University, Brno. He is a member of ACM SIGGRAPH
ResearcherID: D-7067-2013,
Research interests
Computer Graphics: Human computer interaction, haptics. Visualization and rendering algorithms.
Geometry-based methods for protein analysis.