Náměty na referáty z I057 Seminář k informační společnosti

Soupeřící vize o charakteru budoucnosti na I-dálnici (během týdne)

Jeff Johnson: Scenarios of People Using the NII, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Jeff Johnson: The Information Highway from Hell: A Worst-Case Scenario, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Průzkum uživatelů WWW (Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, USA), pravidelně opakováno.

European Survey of Information Society

Dusevni vlastnictvi, Autorska prava, napster, atd.

The Heavenly Jukebox (Napster), The Atlantic Monthly, September 2000

The digital dilemma : intellectual property in the information age -- Washington, D. C. : National Academy Press, 2000

CyberLaw Journal, NYTimes

Nova ekonomika, hospodarsky rust

OECD Observer: The new economy : fact or fiction ?

Special Issue on Service Sector Productivity and the Productivity Paradox, Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 32, No. 2 April/Avril 1999

Robert J. Gordon: Does the "New Economy" Measure up to the Great Inventions of the Past? NBER Working Paper No. W7833, Issued in August 2000

The New Economy, cover story, Business Week, January 2000

The New Economy Index

W. Nordhaus: Productivity Growth and the New Economy, NBER Working Paper No. W8096, Issued in January 2001

Robert E. Litan and Alice M. Rivlin, The Economy and the Internet: What Lies Ahead?, Brookings Institution, 2000

Alan S. Blinder: The Internet and the New Economy, Brookings Institution, Policy Brief #60—June 2000

Ochrana soukromi

Toby Lester: The Reinvention of Privacy, The Atlantic Monthly, January 2001

Internet, sítě a možné trendy

Wired interview with Bill Joy: Creating One Huge Computer (Wired, August 1998)

CSTB: Realizing the Information Future: The Internet and Beyond (1994), [může být i v knihovně]

George Gilder: Telecosm -- trochu fantazie

Internet 2

European Information Observatory 1997, zejména část 2 -- The Future of Internet a Electronic Commerce over Internet

The Internet: Bringing Order from Chaos, speciální číslo Scientific American, březen 1997.

Microsoft's holy war on Java (c|net), Microsoft Goes After the Press (Wired)

Elektronická pošta, charakter užití, dopad na práci a společnost

Robert H. Anderson, Tora K. Bikson, Sally Ann Law, and Bridger M. Mitchell: Universal Access to E-Mail: Feasibility and Societal Implications, RAND corporation, 1995. (PDF)

Patricia L. Mokhtarian: Now That Travel Can Be Virtual, Will Congestion Virtually Disappear? Scientific American, October 1997.

Norman Z. Shapiro and Robert H. Anderson: Toward an Ethics and Etiquette for Electronic Mail, RAND Corporation, 1985.

Lee Sproull, Sara Kiesler: Increasing Personal Connections, pp.455-475, in: Rob Kling, ed: Computerization and Controversy. Value Conflicts and Social Choices, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 1996.

Susan C. Herring: Gender and Democracy in Computer-Mediated Communication, pp. 476-489, in: Rob Kling, ed: Computerization and Controversy. Value Conflicts and Social Choices, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 1996.

M. Lynne Markus: Finding a Happy medium: Explaining the Newgative Effects of Electronic Communication on Social Life at Work, pp. 490-524, in: Rob Kling, ed: Computerization and Controversy. Value Conflicts and Social Choices, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 1996.

Lindsy Van Gelder: The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover, pp.533-551, in: Rob Kling, ed: Computerization and Controversy. Value Conflicts and Social Choices, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 1996.

MUD, MOOs, atd. jako model komunikace

Don Tapscott: The New Technology: Say You Want a Revolution, ch. 4 (pp. 95-121) of The Digital Economy, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Elizabeth Reid: Virtual Worlds: Culture and Imagination, pp. 164-183 in: Steven G. Jones, ed: CyberSociety. Computer-Mediated Communication and Community, SAGE Publications, 1995.

Julian Dibell: Taboo, Consensus, and the Challenge of Democracy in an Electronic Forum, pp. 552-568, in: Rob Kling, ed: Computerization and Controversy. Value Conflicts and Social Choices, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 1996.

T. Henderson: Moving Towards a Virtual Reference Service, Reference Librarian, 41-42, 1994, 173-184. [tenhle casopis nemam]

Změny v charakteru společnosti a ekonomice

Lester Thurow: Tvorba bohatství, The Atlantic Monthly, June 1999.

Defining a Decade. Publikace k desatemu vyroci Computer Science and Telecommunications Board americke National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press, 1997.

Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology, National Academy Press, 1998.

Don Tapscott: Twelve Themes of The New Economy, pp. 43-72, ch. 2 of The Digital Economy, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

W. H. Davidson, S. M. Davis: Vize roku 2020, NIS CR, 1996, kapitola 2 (Život není nestárnoucí komik -- stále mladý nevydržíš), pp. 56-92 (je v knihovně)

Visionary Manufacturing Challenges for 2020, National Academy Press, 1998.

A. Toffler: The Third Wave, William Morrow, 1980, kapitoly 4 (Breaking the Code, pp. 46-60), a kap. 11-24 (cast The Third Wave, pp. 125-358). (je v knihovně, slovensky preklad ve fotokopii by tam mohl být rovněž)

A. Toffler: Nečekají nás krvavé revoluce, ale velké krize, interview pro gazetu Wyborczu, Lidové noviny, leden 1999.

High Level Group of Experts: Building the European Information Society for us all (Final Report, 1997)

Richard Froeschle, ed.: The Texas Economy: There Is Nothing So Certain As Change!

John Hagel III and Arthur Anderson: Net gain. Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA, 1997 [je v knihovně]

Kevin Kelly: New Rules for the New Economy, Wired, 5.09, 1997.

Peter Schwartz and Peter leyden: The Long Boom: A History of the Future, 1980-2020, Wired 5.07, 1997.

Euroepean Commission: Telework 1998. Status Report on European Telework, DG XIII, Office for fficial Publications of the European Communities, Luxwmbougr, 1998.

Pohledy na informační trh

Ecyclopedia of the New Economy

Charles C. Mann: Who Will Own Your Next Good Idea?, The Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 98.

Duševní vlastnictví, český překlad kapitoly z knihy Ester Dysonové: release 2.0.

John Perry Barlow: Selling Wine Without Bottles. The Economy of Mind on the Global Net. (from Wired 2.03, March 1994.)

James A. Dewar: The Information Age and the Printing Press. Looking Backward to See Ahead, RAND, P-8014, 1998.

CFA's Reports on Microsoft (The Consumer Cost of Microsoft Monopoly)

83 Reasons Why Bill Gates's Reign Is Over (from Wired 6.12, December 1998)

Alan S. Blinder and Richard E. Quandt: The Computer and the Economy", The Atlantic Monthly, December 1997.

Dopad na vzdělávání

David J. McArthur and Matthew W. Lewis: Untagnling the Web. Applications of the Internet and Other Information Technologies to Higher Education, RAND, MR-975-EDU, 1998.

KickStart Initiative: Connecting America's Communities to the Information Superhighway [mohu půjčit i na papíře]

Connecting Classrooms

Statistiky používání počítačů ve školách

John Hopkins, ed: Uses and Implications of Information Technology in Higher Education

Linda Harasim, Starr Roxanne Holtz, Lucio Teles, Murray Turoff: Learning Networks, A Field Guide to Learning and Teaching Online, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1995.

Education Applications of the National Information Infrastructure

Distance Education --- WWW sites and papers

Educational MUDs

The Web For Schools Project

William Bandrowski: Integrating the Internet Into the Science Classroom

World lecture Hall

Thomas K. Glennan and Arthur Melmed: Fostering the Use of Educational Technology: Elements of a National Strategy. RAND Corporation, 1996.

Explorer Collection of educational resources for K-12 mathematics and science education

Net-a-thon, National Education Technology Initiative

A. Toffler: Education in the Future Tense, ch. 18 (pp. 398-427) of Future Shock, Random House, 1970. [je v knihovně; rovněž i český překlad, ktery vyšel v nakl. Prace (Šok z budoucnosti)]

Larry Irving: Speech on the NetDay 2000 Conference, February 7, 1997,

Privacy, Security and Confidentiality in Telemedicine, Part VII of the Telemedicine Report to Congress by U.S. Department of Commerce, January 31, 1997,

Education in the Information Society (ISPO)

Todd Oppenheimer: The Computer Delusion, The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1997.

Ron Dearing, ed.: Higher Education into the Learning Society, zpráva o britském vysokém školství, zejména kap. 13


J. Browning, "Universal Service (An Idea Whose Time Is Past)",

Trendy a události z tele.com.

NII 2000 Steering Committee: The Unpredictable Certainty: Information Infrastructure Through 2000 (1996) [mělo by být i v knihovně v tištené verzi]

Not quite magic (The Ecomomist, 22.2.97), zprava o dohode WTO o deregulaci ve svete

Cross-Ownership and Convergence: Policy Issues, OECD, DSTI/ICCP/TISP(98)3/FINAL, 1998.

Ensuring Access for All

CSTB: Keeping the U.S. Computer and Communications Industry Competitive: Convergence of Computing, Communications, and Entertainment (1995), [může být rovněž v knihovně]

Milton Mueller: "Universal service" and the new Telecommunications Act: Mythology Made Law

Virtuální společnosti, virtuální prodej

Trendy v softwarovém průmyslu (přehledová studie The Economist)

Thomas M. Siebel, Michael S. Malone: Virtual selling : going beyond the automated sales force to achieve total sales quality. Free Press; New York; c1996. [knihovna]

Howard Rheingold: The virtual community : homesteading on the electronic frontier, Harper Perennnial; New York; 1994 [knihovna]

CSTB: Information Technology in the Service Society: A Twenty-First Century Lever (1994), Ch. 3: Impacts of Information Technology at the Enterprise Level (pp. 97--135), Ch. 5: Improving Decision Making aboutInformation Technology (pp. 165--192),

Don Tapscott: Twelve Themes of The New Economy, pp. 43-72, ch. 2 of The Digital Economy, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Don Tapscott: The Internetworked Bussiness at Work, pp. 125-158, ch. 5 of The Digital Economy, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

A. Toffler: The Third Wave, William Morrow, 1980, kapitoly 18-20 (The Corporate Identity Crisis, pp.226-243), Decoding the New Rules (pp. 244-264), The Rise of the Prosumer (pp. 265-288)) (je v knihovně, rovněž slovenský překlad)

John Hagel III and Arthur Anderson: Net gain. Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA, 1997 [je v knihovně]

Varovné předpovědi a realita

Srovnání klasických futurologickych fikcí typu Orwellova 1984, Huxleyho Konce civilizace nebo Zamjatinova My s podobnými či odlišnými aspekty vlivu na osobní svobody --- viz rovněž následující:

CSPR Privacy and Civil Liberties,

CDT privacy issues

ACLU Cyber-Liberties page

EFF page on free speech, and on privacy

Casewatch, zákony, případy před soudy a Internet

U.S. Department of Commerce: Privacy and the NII: Safeguarding Telecommunications-Related Personal Information (1995)

Internet Freedom Network, CDT

What Have They Been Smoking, Wired 5.09, Netizen, 1997.

Use Technology to raise Smarter, happoier Kids, The Atlantic Monthly, January 1999.

Rizika používání počítačů a softwarových systémů

Edward Tenner: Why Things Bite Back. Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1996, kapitoly 8 (The Computerized Office: The Revenge of the Body) a 9 (The Computerized Office: Productivity Puzzles).

Casper Jones: Sizing Up Software, Sciantific American, December 1998.

Y2K: So Many Bugs ... So Little Time", Scientific American, January 1999.

Risks Forum

Peter G. Neumann: Computer-related risks. Addison-Wesley 1995. [je v knihovně]

Kevin W. Bowyer: Ethics and Computing. Living responsibly in a Computerized World. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996. [je v knihovně]

CSTB: Computer at risk: safe computing in the information age (1991), [kniha je rovněž v knihovně]

Jeffrey O. Kephart, Gregory B. Sorkin, David M. Chess and Steve R. White: Fighting Computer Viruses, Scientific American, November 1997.

Tom Forester, Perry Morrison: Computer ethics: cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing, MIT Press; Cambridge; 1994. [je v knihovně]

Thomas K. Landauer: The trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivity. Bradford Book; Cambridge; c1995. [je v knihovně]

P. Mellor: CAD: Computer-Aided Disaster! in: SOFSEM'94, 1994, pp. 147-180. [je v knihovně]

Todd Oppenheimer: The Computer Delusion, The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1997.

Cliff Stoll: Kukaččí vejce. Maldá fronta, 1997.

Důsledky pro politiku, demokracii a společnost obecně

Tora K. Bikson, Constantijn W. A. Panis: Citizens, Computers, and Connectivity A Review of Trends, RAND, 1999

C. Richard Neu, Robert H. Anderson, and Tora K. Bikson: E-Mail Communication Between Government and Citizens. Security, Policy Issues, and Next Steps, RAND Issue paper, RAND, 1998.

Christopher R. Kedzie: Communication and Democracy. Coincident Revolutions and the Emergent Dictator's Dilemma, RAND, RGSD-127, 1997.

Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler: Creating a new civilization : the politics of the third wav. Turner Publishing; Atlanta; c1995. [je v knihovně]

Dan Tapscott: The New Responsibilities of Business, 285-322, Ch. 12 of The Digital Economy, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Cyberspace and the American dream, Progress and Freedom Foundation

Johannes M. Bauer & Michelle F. Wilsey: National and Supra-National Regulation of Cybernetworks and Telecommunications Carriers, draft paper, September 1996,

Jeffrey S. Hops: Cybermedia and Free Speech: Some Potential Pitfalls,

Allen S. Hammond, IV: Private Networks, Public Speech: Constitutional Speech Dimensions of Access to Private Networks, draft paper

Luc Soete and Karin Kamp: The "BIT TAX": the case for further research (1996)

Congress and The Net, CDT Page

Peter Ludlow; High noon on the electronic frontier : conceptual issues in cyberspace. MIT Press; Cambridge; c1996. [je v knihovně]

What Have They Been Smoking, Wired 5.09, Netizen, 1997.

Petr Koubský: Internet, cenzura, svoboda slova a všechny vlády světa včetně té naší

Carl S. Kaplan: Governments Learn How to Censor the Internet, NYTimes, May 2000

Regardless of Frontiers, CDT, Global Internet Liberty Campaign, 1998.

Online Magna Charta, Charta of Freedom for Information and Communication. The Net Effect (The Internet can be a powerful tool for political dissidents and "hacktivists.") Scientific American, January, 1999.

David Ronfelt, John Arquilla, Graham E. Fuller, and Melissa Fuller: The Zapatista "Social Netwar" in Mexico, RAND Report MR-994-A, 1998.

Počítačový a softwarový průmysl, pozadí, personálie, historie

James Wallace and Jim Erickson: Hard drive: Bill Gates and the making of the Microsoft empire - - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

James Wallace: Overdrive: Bill Gates and the race to control cyberspace, New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Kara Swisher: AOL.COM : how Steve Case beat Bill Gates, nailed the netheads and made millions in the war for the Web, Random House : Times Business, 1998.

Jennifer Edstrom and Marlin Eller: Barbarians led by Bill Gates : Microsoft from the inside : how the world´s richest corporation wields its power, New York : Henry Holt and Company, 1998.

Joshua Quittner and Michelle Slatalla: Speeding the net: The inside story of Netscape and how it challenged Microsoft, New York : Atlantic Monthly Press, 1998.

Tim Jackson: Inside Intel: Andy grove and and the rise of the world's most powerfull Chip Company, New York : Dutton Book, 1997.

Michael A. Cusumano, Richard W. Selby : Microsoft secrets: how the world's most powerful software company creates technology, shapes markets, and manages people, London : Harper Collins Publishers, 1995.

Rama D. Jager and Rafael Ortiz: In the company of giants: candid conversations with the visionaries of the digital world , New York : McGraw-Hill, 1997,

Robert H. Reid: Architects of the Web: 1,000 days that built the future of business, New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997 (rozhovory s lidmi kolem Internetu, WWW a aplikací).

Emerson W. Pugh: Building IBM: shaping an industry and its technology, Cambridge : MIT Press, c1995.

Peter J. Denning, Robert M. Metcalfe, eds.: Beyond calculation: the next 50 years of computing, New York : Copernicus, c1997.