IBM Guest Lecture - Malware Obfuscation and Anti-debugging Tricks
1. června 2020, v čase od 11:00 do 12:30 hodin.
Cindy Eisner, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research
About Cindy: She joined IBM in 1994, and spent more than 20 years workingon various aspects of formal technologies, including formal specification and verification and their application to hardware and software development. Today she is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Research - Haifa, where she works on a security analysis project that builds on her expertise in compilers, hardware architecture and formal verification technology.
Modern malware uses a variety of techniques to impede human or automated, static or dynamic analysis of its (machine) code. Ranging from the trivial to the ingenious, what these techniques share is a tendency to misuse interfaces and flout coding conventions, in a way that breaks the assumptions of many tools and renders them useless. In this talk I'll present a selection of such techniques, all gleaned from real malware samples, and show what they break and how they do it.
Webex Link to the session:
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