Informatické kolokvium 14.5. Karel Pepper, the robot
Informatické kolokvium 14. 5. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
doc. RNDr. Aleš Horák, Ph.D., prof. PhDr. Karel Pala, CSc., FI MU
Karel Pepper, the robot
Abstrakt: In the talk, we will introduce the new social robot by Softbank
Robotics denoted as Pepper. We will present the robot hardware capabilities as
well as first examples of natural human-machine dialogs in Czech, which are
being developed by the team at FI MU. The robot is designed for social
interactions with people and it is equipped with an extensive API set to detect
faces, mood, or age and to react to their values. We will also sketch our plans
to use the robot in both students works and in research with applications
oriented to human-machine cooperation.