Informatické kolokvium 21.5. Seeing the invisible (black holes)
Informatické kolokvium 21. 5. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
prof. RNDr. Jiří Zlatuška, CSc., FI MU
Seeing the invisible (black holes)
Abstrakt: Black holes used to be just an astrophysicsl curiosity representing
extremal conditions following from General Ralativity. Until recently, no direct
observation would seem feasible. Advanced use of computing allowed spectacular
changes in this, resulting especially in the first image of black hole in the
center of M87 using a technique resulting in computer-synthesized telescope
stretching accross the diameter of the Earth as well as synthesizing a real
image of black hole, not just a result of its simulation. In the talk a quite
detailed and popular explanation will be provided how this remarkable scientific
outcome has been obtained.