Informace o projektu

Advanced Game Design

Kód projektu MUNI/FR/1618/2015 CEP CORDIS MU WEB INET MU
Doba řešení 01.01.2016–31.12.2016
Stav ukončený
Investor Masarykova univerzita
Program Fond rozvoje MU
Řešitel za FI


Anotace je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.

The aim of the project is to provide hardware infrastructure that will be used to support teaching and laboratory sessions for the Master’s course I am leading called ‘Advanced Game Design’ (PA199). The course runs for the second year and based on the experience from last year, it is of crucial importance to make significant improvements by providing modern visualization experience to the students. Last year, students were exposed to older visualization hardware and were very enthusiastic and motivated.

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