Informace o projektu

Big Data Analytics for Unstructured Data

Kód projektu GA16-18889S CEP CORDIS MU WEB INET MU
Doba řešení 01.01.2016–31.12.2018
Stav ukončený
Investor Grantová agentura ČR
Program Standardní projekty
Řešitel za FI
Členové realizačního týmu za FI


Anotace je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.

Development of new foundations for Big Data Analytics requires an effective and efficient content-based access to data that is prevalently unstructured. For this data, to achieve the needed integration of large-scale knowledge discovery techniques with statistical modelling, it is necessary to first uncover descriptive knowledge of complex and heterogeneous objects to make them findable. Then, scalable search structures are needed to efficiently execute similarity access operations, considering also simultaneous execution of multiple queries. Such supporting technologies should serve for semantic data integration and enrichment technologies able to make sense of Big Data for high-level services. We plan to elaborate on these topics and report results, supported by advanced prototype implementations, in respective scientific publication platforms.

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