Informace o projektu

Visual Analysis of Protein-Ligand Interactions

Kód projektu GC18-18647J CEP CORDIS MU WEB INET MU
Doba řešení 01.03.2018–31.12.2020
Stav ukončený
Investor Grantová agentura ČR
Program Mezinárodní projekty
Řešitel za FI


Anotace je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.

The visual analysis of protein structures has been researched in several projects within the past few years. While molecular structures are relevant, it is necessary to focus on both interaction partners and to also take into account their physico-chemical properties in order to understand protein interactions. Thus, within this research project, we plan to enable the visual analysis of protein-ligand interactions as captured in state-of-the-art simulations by focusing on these properties. The main goal is to make these time-dependent data sets better accessible for protein designers, and help them to develop adaptions that enable a more efficient interaction. In particular, we will develop novel visualization techniques which convey the relevant properties by means of abstract representations as well as structural embeddings. We will enhance these techniques for a visual comparison of different interactions, which eventually enable us to develop domain-centered immersive visual analytics approaches. We will evaluate our methods together with domain experts in order to ensure their effectiveness for the visual analysis of protein-ligand interactions.

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