Informace o projektu

The interactive visualizations of the sequencing bias in the next-generation sequencing data

Kód projektu MUNI/33/0765/2022 CEP CORDIS MU WEB INET MU
Doba řešení 01.07.2022–31.10.2022
Stav ukončený
Investor Masarykova univerzita
Program Interní projekty FI
Řešitel za FI
Členové realizačního týmu za FI


Anotace je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.

The goal of this project is to extend the existing software SBAT for the analysis of sequencing bias (specifically strand bias) in the next-generation sequencing data. Due to the application of sequencing data in genomics and medicine, it is important to understand the accuracy as well as potential biases. This project will extend the outputs of SBAT (in the forms of graphs and statistical summaries), and add interactive visualization of the bias in the most prominent sequencing technologies.

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