FI MU Study Catalogue 2024/2025

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bachelor's program without specializations supporting Major/Minor study

This study programme is recommended to students who intend to get fundamental knowledge in informatics and get acquainted with the general principals of making and using information technology. Besides, the basic orientation in the field students will get enough knowledge and practical training to be able to find employment in the field immediately after graduation. The programme offers some options to aim the profile of the education towards selected basic areas of computer science, such as computer graphics, data processing, information security, networking, artificial intelligence, and computer science.

Graduates may immediately start working on junior IT positions and will be ready to deepen their knowledge according to the needs of their employer. Graduates are also ready to continue their studies in any master degree programme related to informatics or to opt for some other discipline to get interesting interdisciplinary knowledge.

Requirements for successful graduation

Compulsory courses of the program

IB000 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
IB002 Algorithms and data structures I
IB005 Formal Languages and Automata
IB015 Non-Imperative Programming
IB111 Foundations of Programming
MB151 Linear models
MB152 Differential and Integral Calculus
MB153 Statistics I
MB154 Discrete mathematics
PB006 Principles of Programming Languages and OOP
PB016 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
PB111 Principles of low-level programming
PB151 Computer Systems
PB152 Operating Systems
PB152zk Operating Systems - Exam
PB154 Database Systems
PB156 Computer Networks
PV080 Information security and cryptography
VB001 English Exam
SBPrip Revisions for Bachelor State Exam
SOBHA Defence of Thesis
SZB State Exam (Bc degree)
Typesetting and academic writing Pass at least 1 course of the following list
VB000 Elements of Style
VB000Eng Introduction to Academic Writing
PB029 Electronic Document Preparation
English Obtain at least 3 credits by passing courses of the following list
VB035 English Skills for IT I
VB036 English Skills for IT II
VV064 Academic and Professional Skills in English for IT
Common university background Obtain at least 9 credits by passing courses of the following list
CORE* Courses with prefix CORE

Study option: Single-field study of Informatics

Compulsory courses and other obligations of the study option

Pass all obligatory courses of the program.
IB107 Computability and Complexity
IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning
PB007 Software Engineering I
Programming Pass at least 1 course of the following list
PB160 C Programming
PB161 C++ Programming
PB162 Java
PB174 Python Programming
PV178 Introduction to Development in C#/.NET
Fulfil the conditions of at least one focus group.

Focus groups

Open Informatics

This focus is recommended for students who want to choose their own profile.

Choice in open informatics Obtain at least 25 credits by passing courses of the following list
MA010 Graph Theory
MA018 Numerical Methods
MV008 Algebra I
IA006 Selected topics on automata theory
IV029 Introduction to Transparent Intensional Logic
IV100 Parallel and distributed computations
IV107 Bioinformatics I
IV119 Seminar on Discrete Mathematical Methods
IV126 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
PB029 Electronic Document Preparation
PB050 Modelling and Prediction in Systems Biology
PB095 Introduction to Speech Processing
PB173 Domain specific development
PV005 Computer Network Services
PV017 Information Technology Security
PV061 Machine Translation
PV065 UNIX -- Programming and System Management I
PV090 UNIX -- Seminar of System Management
PV110 Basics of Film Narratives
PV112 Computer Graphics API
PV119 Elements of Law
PV123 Introduction to Visual Communication
PV168 Seminar in Java programming
PV169 Communication Systems Basics
PV170 Design of Digital Systems
PV171 Digital Systems Diagnostics
PV175 MS Windows Systems Management I
PV197 GPU Programming
PV210 Cybersecurity in an Organization
PV248 Python Seminar
PV251 Visualization
PV281 Programming in Rust
PV288 Python
IB016 Seminar on Functional Programming
IB030 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
IB047 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics and Computer Lexicography
IB109 Design and Implementation of Parallel Systems
IV109 Modeling and Simulation
IV124 Complex Networks
IV128 Online Communication from Social Science Perspective
IV130 Pros and Cons of Intelligent Systems
PB009 Principles of Computer Graphics
PB051 Computational methods in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
PB138 Basics of web development and markup languages
PB176 Basics of Quality and Managment of Source Code
PV003 Relational Database System Architecture
PV056 Machine Learning and Data Mining
PV077 UNIX -- Programming and System Management II
PV113 Production of Audiovisual Artefacts
PV291 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
PV165 Process Management
PV176 MS Windows Systems Management II
PV182 Human-Computer Interaction
PV211 Introduction to Information Retrieval
PV249 Development in Ruby
PV254 Recommender Systems
PV285 IoT Security
PV287 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare
Computer Systems, Communication and Security

This focus is recommended to students who intend to continue their studies in follow-up Masters' degree program Computer Systems, Communication and Security.

PV170 Design of Digital Systems
PV065 UNIX -- Programming and System Management I
PB138 Basics of web development and markup languages
PV077 UNIX -- Programming and System Management II
PV005 Computer Network Services
IB109 Design and Implementation of Parallel Systems
Choice in computer systems Pass at least 1 course of the following list
PB176 Basics of Quality and Managment of Source Code
PB173 Domain specific development
Visual Informatics

This focus is recommended to students who intend to continue their studies in follow-up Masters' degree program Visual Informatics.

PB130 Introduction to Digital Image Processing
PB009 Principles of Computer Graphics
PV112 Computer Graphics API
PV291 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Choice in visual informatics Obtain at least 2 credits by passing courses of the following list
PV160 Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction
PV162 Image Processing Project
Graphic Design

This focus is recommended to students who intend to continue their studies in follow-up Masters' degree program Visual Informatics specialized in Graphic Design.

PB130 Introduction to Digital Image Processing
PV123 Introduction to Visual Communication
PB009 Principles of Computer Graphics
PV078 Graphic Design I
VV035 3D Modeling
PV066 Typography I
PV291 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
PV084 Type Design I
Bioinformatics and System Biology

This focus is recommended to students who intend to continue their studies in follow-up Masters' degree program Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing specialized in Bioinformatics and System Biology.

IV107 Bioinformatics I
VV071 Biochemistry for bioinformatics
PA052 Introduction to Systems Biology
VV072 Molecular biology for bioinformatics
IV114 Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Project
PB051 Computational methods in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Natural Language Processing

This focus is recommended to students who intend to continue their studies in follow-up Masters' degree program Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing specialized in Natural Language Processing.

MV008 Algebra I
IB030 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
IB047 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics and Computer Lexicography
PB095 Introduction to Speech Processing
PB106 Corpus Linguistic Project I
PV173 Natural Language Processing Seminar
Fundaments of mathematics

When selecting this option, the obligation of courses with prefixes MB151 and MB152 is cancelled. This focus is recommended to students who intend to continue their studies in follow-up Masters' degree program Theoretical Computer Science or follow-up Masters' degree program Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing.

PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II
PřF:M2150 Algebra I
Choice in advanced mathematics Pass at least 1 course of the following list
PřF:M3150 Algebra II
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III

Recommended course of study

Fall 2024 (1. term)
Spring 2025 (2. term)
Fall 2025 (3. term)
Spring 2026 (4. term)
Fall 2026 (5. term)
Spring 2027 (6. term)

Study option: Major

Compulsory courses and other obligations of the study option

Pass all obligatory courses of the program.
Fulfill conditions of Minor of another study program.

Recommended course of study

Fall 2024 (1. term)
Spring 2025 (2. term)
Fall 2025 (3. term)
Spring 2026 (4. term)
Fall 2026 (5. term)
Spring 2027 (6. term)

Study option: Minor

Compulsory courses and other obligations of the study option

IB000ext Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
IB110 Introduction to Informatics
IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms
IB114 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms II
PB001 Introduction to Information Technologies
PB016 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
PB153 Operating Systems and their Interfaces
PB156 Computer Networks
PB168 Introduction to DB and IS
PV157 Authentication and Access Control
IV130 Pros and Cons of Intelligent Systems
IV109 Modeling and Simulation
SZB State Exam (Bc degree)

Recommended course of study

Fall 2025 (3. term)
Spring 2026 (4. term)
Fall 2026 (5. term)
Spring 2027 (6. term)