The WebTV interface defines the <limittext> tag to set a maximum width for the text to be displayed in an area. Use <limittext> when your strings contain special characters, variable text, or expandable text. When the string value is calculated, as in the case of URL text, the WebTV interface will impose the width limits on the text when it is rendered. The limit for the text can be specified in pixels or by the number of characters allowed.

Note that the <limittext> tag will be ignored by browsers that do not support the WebTV HTML interface. Since the text for the <limittext> tag is contained within the tag definition, no text will displayed in those browsers in place of the <limittext> text.

Use the size attribute to set the maximum number of characters allowed for the text. By default, there is no size limit.

Note that if you specify both the size attribute and the width attribute, the WebTV interface will use the smaller of the two limits.

Use the value attribute to set the text string that will have the <limittext> limit imposed on it. Note that while the <limittext> tag is not very useful with hardcoded strings, WebTV Networks recommends using <limittext> when your strings contain special characters or expandable text.

Use the width attribute to set the maximum width of the text in pixels. By default, there is no width limit.

Note that if you specify both the size attribute and the width attribute, the WebTV interface will use the smaller of the two limits.

<limittext size=25 value="&url;">

Statistics Copyright © 1996, 1997 Rob Schlüter
Last updated 1997/05/01