Yenya's World

Fri, 26 Jun 2009


A month ago (wow, I am really slow to update this blog ...) I went to the 34th EurOpen.CZ conference. I did a presentation about Git (paper, slides).

Sunset at Praděd

The first day the weather was pretty good and we even went to Praděd summit to take a few snapshots of the setting sun. The next day was rainy so I set up my dance pads and we had a lot of fun playing DDR in the evening. One of the most interesting things there was Microsoft Surface, which is in fact an overweight PDA (weighs about 90 kg). It is pretty addictive, especially for children. Microsoft can really make a pretty cool hardware. However, it is in some way a bit, well, Microsoftish :-). For example, they apparently invented their own 2D barcodes, ignoring well established standards like QR code or Semacode. Also, apparently the external keyboard and mouse is required to boot the Surface.

There were many interesting presentations: Tomáš Košnar talked about logging the network traffic, Ondřej Surý had a brief intro to DNSSEC, Václav Pergl from Kerio Technologies talked about agile development, etc. Anyway, did a report from the conference, and also (oh, horror!) an interview with me, mostly focused on Git.

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3 replies for this story:

Vasek Stodulka wrote:

You have won my personal prize for this month in cathegory "coolest t-shirt" (in the picture at, i really LOLed. :-)

Yenya wrote:

It is an xkcd t-shirt: and

Matěj Cepl wrote: wov!

> an overweight PDA (weighs about 90 kg) Wov! That's really overweight ;-)

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Wed, 17 Jun 2009

How Do I Install ... ?

The funniest page of the day is the page with installation instructions for OpenAIS. But seriously, do you have experience with those clustering suites?

My task is pretty simple: use a clustered LVM from two hosts. I have been using Heartbeat for my HA clusters (and IPVS for load balancing) for ages, but apparently Heartbeat-based cluster cannot be easily used for CLVM.

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Wed, 10 Jun 2009

Fedora 11

OK, after another half a year we now have a new Fedora. I have installed it on my laptop, and found no obvious bugs. It "just works". I haven't got time to read the Release Notes yet, but so far F11 looks good. The minor issues are:

Of course, I now have tens of mails from the bugzilla bot forewarning about closing bugs filled against F9, which I need to test on F11. I guess many of the gdm >2.20 regressions are still not fixed, and returning 2.20 to the Fedora (at least as an optional package) is long overdue.

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