Fri, 30 Mar 2007
The Best of 2006
OK, so the AnimeReactor Community Awards for 2006 have been announced. As I had expected, Haruhi won the most categories, and I hereby declare it the winner of my personal category The most overhyped anime of the year 2006. How does my own The best of 2006 look like?
- The Best Overall
- Definitely Eureka Seven (which has not even been nominated in this category by ARC awards jury). Altough I have not seen Mushishi yet.
- Best Story
- Maybe Higurashi no Naku koro ni, but I have seen only few episodes so far. Or Eureka Seven.
- Best Character Development
- Eureka Seven, altough Black Lagoon and Shuffle! are close enough.
- Best Animation/Visual Effects
- Maybe Eureka again, I usually do not pay attention to this aspect when watching anime. Eureka has wonderful and imaginative landscapes. Mai-Otome was also interesting from this point of view.
- Best Soundtrack
- Mai-Otome. Nothing can beat an OST from Yuuki Kajiura. The ARC winner - Eureka Seven - had some interesting songs too, but as a whole - Mai-Otome OST is at least one level above it.
- Best Opening/Ending
- As for the songs, probably Eureka Seven. Black Lagoon had an interesting opening, but the ending was boring. The same for Higurashi no Naku koro ni. Also Fate/stay night was close. As for the opening/ending animation, Fate/stay night and Eureka Seven win there.
- Best Action/Martial Arts
- I agree with both ARC Awards jury and AnimeReactor community that Black Lagoon is a clear winner there.
- Best Adventure/Fantasy
- Fate/stay night. I have to admit that Zero no tsukaima was also an interesting, yet different, fantasy.
- Best Drama
- I am not much to this genre, but maybe Shuffle! (esp. the last third of this series) can count as a drama?
- Best Romance/Love story
- I don't know what exactly is meant by this genre, but does Fate/stay night count as romance? If not, then I vote for Shuffle!.
- Best Comedy
- Zero no tsukaima.
- Best Fanservice/Ecchi
- Maybe Zero no tsukaima again.
- Best Sci-Fi/Mecha
- As for the later part, Eureka Seven. As for the former, maybe Noein (altough I have not seen all eps yet). I have also seen Starship Operators, which is excellent (and underappreciated), but it is older than 2006.
- Best Thriller/Mystery/Horror
- Higurashi looks promising so far, and I have not seen anything else from this genre.
- Best Male Character
- I would say Holland from Eureka Seven. Maybe Archer from Fate/stay night as well. Why often supporting characters are more interesting for me than the leading ones?
- Best Female Character
- Shinon fron Starship Operators, maybe Asa Shigure from Shuffle!. Whoa! Finally some leading characters there.
- Best Villain
- Nobody is more evil than lady Balalaika from Black Lagoon.

What interesting anime have you seen last year?