Fri, 19 Oct 2007
Next Tuesday I will have a presentation in the XXXI. EurOpen.CZ conference. I took this event as an opportunity to
learn a new presentation software. In the past I have used several
presentation software tools. From plain TeX (presented using xdvi(1)
or later evince),
to MagicPoint.
The candidates were's Impress,
and Beamer. Since
I would like to be able to enter and edit text using
or at least with
-like keyboard shortcuts, I have decided to try Beamer.
So far it looks nice and configurable (and their manual even had some
interesting presentation tips!). There are only two drawbacks:
The first one is that it is TeX-based, so the ugliness and unorthogonality
of the TeX command set sometimes cannot be hidden (I am speaking about
, or the fact that
you cannot use \pause
in some environments - like matrices in math).
And the second one is, that it is LaTeX-based, and LaTeX, as we all know, is even more disgusting than - say - XML. For example, look at the following code which describes a single frame for MagicPoint:
My first slide The things I want to talk about: This one That one and also those over there %page
... and now the equivalent in Beamer:
\begin{frame} \frametitle{My first slide} The things I want to talk about: \begin{itemize} \item This one \item That one \item and also those over there \end{itemize} \end{frame}
Hope you see the difference. It is about 80 characters more on each slide. Since the Beamer output looks quite good, I am thinking about writing a conversion tool from the MagicPoint syntax to those verbose LaTeX environments.