// source: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:18148 eps=0.01; infty = 100; b=2; // Scale factor. A creeper is 24 of these high w=3; // Wall thickness in mm t=0.5; // Tolerance between neck and head echo("Total body height is",5*b+12*b+3*b); echo("Total head height is",8*b); echo("Total width is",8*b); // Simple creeper body module body() { cube([4*b,8*b,12*b]); translate([-4*b,0,-5*b]) cube([4*b,8*b,6*b]); translate([4*b,0,-5*b]) cube([4*b,8*b,6*b]); } // The negative space to hollow out the creeper body module tummy() { translate([w,w,w]) cube([4*b-2*w,8*b-2*w,12*b-2*w]); translate([2*b,4*b,12*b-w]) cylinder(r=2*b-w,h=w+4*b); } // The body with a neck added and the tummy removed module body2() { layer=0.6; // Layer thickness used to make thin disks for support difference() { union() { body(); translate([2*b,4*b,12*b-w]) cylinder(r=2*b,h=w+3*b); } tummy(); } // Some discs for support //translate([2*b,4*b,12*b-w]) cylinder(r=2*b,h=layer); //translate([2*b,4*b,13.5*b+layer]) cylinder(r=2*b,h=layer); //translate([2*b,4*b,15*b-layer]) cylinder(r=2*b,h=layer); } // The negative space to make the creeper face module face(){ translate([7*b,0,0]) union() { translate([0,2*b-eps,1*b-eps]) cube([3*b,1*b+2*eps,2*b+2*eps]); translate([0,5*b-eps,1*b-eps]) cube([3*b,1*b+2*eps,2*b+2*eps]); translate([0.5*b,3*b-eps,2*b-eps]) cube([2.5*b,2*b+2*eps,2*b+2*eps]); translate([0,5*b-eps,4.5*b-eps]) cube([3*b,1.5*b+2*eps,1.5*b+2*eps]); translate([0,1.5*b-eps,4.5*b-eps]) cube([3*b,1.5*b+2*eps,1.5*b+2*eps]); } } // Simple creeper head module head(){ difference() { cube([8*b,8*b,8*b]); face(); } } module spring_hole() { assign(d_in = 7, d_out = 12, d_w = 1) { difference() { cylinder(r = d_out/2, h = 7*b + eps); difference() { cylinder(r = d_in/2 + d_w, h = 6*b - d_w); translate([0, 0, -eps]) cylinder(r = d_in/2, h = 6*b - d_w + 2*eps); rotate([0, 0, 135]) translate([0, 0, -eps]) cube(infty); }; for (a = [-25, 25]) rotate([0, 0, -90+a]) translate([-d_w/2, d_in/2, 0]) cube([d_w, d_out, 6*b - d_w + eps]); /* for (a = [0:120:360]) rotate([0, 0, a]) translate([d_in/2, -infty/2, -eps]) rotate([0, -1, 0]) cube([d_w, infty, 7*b-d_w]); */ /* translate([d_s/2-d_in/2 , 0, 0]) difference() { cylinder(r = d_w + d_s/2, h = 7*b + eps); translate([0, 0, -eps]) cylinder(r = d_s/2, h = 7*b + 3*eps); }; */ } } } // Head with a hole for the neck module head2(){ difference(){ head(); // translate([4*b,4*b,-1]) cylinder(r=2*b+t,h=7*b+1); translate([4*b,4*b,-eps]) spring_hole(); } } // Show the assembled creeper module creeper() { body2(); translate([-2*b,0,12*b]) head2(); } //body(); //tummy(); head2(); //body2(); //creeper(); // These next lines show both pieces in print orientation // translate([0,-b,8*b]) rotate([0,-180,90]) head2(); // translate([2*b,2*b,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) body2(); // Make a small piece to print an overhang test /* translate([-2*b, 12*b,0]) difference() { rotate([90,0,0]) tummy2(); translate([-5*b,-10*b,-b]) cube([14*b, 24*b, 10*b]); // Just leave the neck //translate([-5*b,-16*b,4*b]) cube([14*b, 24*b, 10*b]); // Cross section } */