eps = 0.01; infty = 100; wall = 1.5; cyl_r = 8 + 0.5; cyl_x = 27 / 2; cyl_h = 10; // above pcb, max 13.8; pcb_x = 45 + 0.5; pcb_y = 20 + 0.5; xtal_h = 4; pcb_supp = 3; pcb_h = 5; // 1.2 + space for connector etc cyl_base = pcb_x/2 + wall - cyl_x; conn_x = 12.5; conn_y = 10; cable_w = 5; cable_h = 2; mount_h = 3; screw_sp = 5; module sensor() { hull() { // pcb and the space above it translate([-pcb_x/2, -pcb_y/2, -eps]) cube([pcb_x, pcb_y, pcb_h+eps]); // connector translate([-conn_x/2, pcb_y/2-eps, -eps]) cube([conn_x, conn_y+eps, pcb_h+eps]); } // cable protrusion translate([-cable_w/2, pcb_y/2+conn_y-eps, -eps]) cube([cable_w, 2*wall + eps, cable_h]); // cylinders for (x = [-1, 1]) translate([cyl_x*x, 0, pcb_h - eps]) cylinder(r = cyl_r, h = cyl_h + 2+wall + eps); // space below the pcb (xtal, etc) translate([-pcb_x/2+pcb_supp, -pcb_y/2, pcb_h - eps]) cube([pcb_x - 2*pcb_supp, pcb_y, xtal_h+eps]); }; module case_body() { hull() { // pcb translate([-pcb_x/2-wall, -pcb_y/2-wall, 0]) cube([pcb_x+2*wall, pcb_y+2*wall, pcb_h+wall]); // cylinders for (x = [-1, 1]) translate([cyl_x*x, 0, pcb_h + cyl_h]) cylinder(r = cyl_base, h = wall); translate([0, 7, pcb_h + cyl_h]) cylinder(r = cyl_base, h = wall); // connector translate([-conn_x/2-wall, pcb_y/2-wall, 0]) cube([conn_x+2*wall, conn_y+2*wall, pcb_h+wall]); } for (x = [0, 180]) rotate([0, 0, x]) hull() { // eps-wide cube translate([pcb_x/2-eps, -4/2-wall, pcb_h + cyl_h + wall -eps]) cube([eps, 4+2*wall, eps]); // bottom plate translate([pcb_x/2+wall, -screw_sp/2-wall, 0]) cube([screw_sp+wall, screw_sp+2*wall, wall]); } } difference() { case_body(); # sensor(); // mount holes for (x = [0, 180]) rotate([0, 0, x]) { translate([pcb_x/2+wall, -screw_sp/2, wall]) cube([screw_sp +wall+eps, screw_sp, pcb_h + cyl_h + eps]); translate([pcb_x/2+1+wall, -3/2, -eps]) cube([3, 3, wall + 2*eps]); } // text translate([0, 3, pcb_h + cyl_h + eps]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(height=wall) text("CVT FI", font="DejaVu Sans:style=Bold", size=5, halign="center", valign="center"); }