//======================================================================== // // GfxState.h // // Copyright 1996 Derek B. Noonburg // //======================================================================== #ifndef GFXSTATE_H #define GFXSTATE_H #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma interface #endif #include "gtypes.h" class Object; class Function; class GfxFont; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GfxColor //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GfxColor { public: GfxColor(): r(0), g(0), b(0) {} // Set color. void setGray(double gray) { r = g = b = gray; } void setCMYK(double c, double m, double y, double k); void setRGB(double r1, double g1, double b1) { r = r1; g = g1; b = b1; } // Accessors. double getR() { return r; } double getG() { return g; } double getB() { return b; } double getGray() { return 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b; } private: double r, g, b; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GfxColorSpace //------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum GfxColorMode { colorGray, colorCMYK, colorRGB }; class GfxColorSpace { public: // Construct a colorspace. GfxColorSpace(Object *colorSpace); // Construct a simple colorspace: DeviceGray, DeviceCMYK, or // DeviceRGB. GfxColorSpace(GfxColorMode mode1); // Destructor. ~GfxColorSpace(); // Copy. GfxColorSpace *copy() { return new GfxColorSpace(this); } // Is color space valid? GBool isOk() { return ok; } // Get the color mode. GfxColorMode getMode() { return mode; } // Get number of components in pixels of this colorspace. int getNumPixelComps() { return indexed ? 1 : numComps; } // Get number of components in colors of this colorspace. int getNumColorComps() { return numComps; } // Return true if colorspace is indexed. GBool isIndexed() { return indexed; } // Get lookup table (only for indexed colorspaces). int getIndexHigh() { return indexHigh; } Guchar *getLookupVal(int i) { return lookup[i]; } // Convert a pixel to a color. void getColor(double x[4], GfxColor *color); private: Function *sepFunc; // separation tint transform function GfxColorMode mode; // color mode GBool indexed; // set for indexed colorspaces int numComps; // number of components in colors int indexHigh; // max pixel for indexed colorspace Guchar (*lookup)[4]; // lookup table (only for indexed // colorspaces) GBool ok; // is color space valid? GfxColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace); void setMode(Object *colorSpace); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Function { public: // Create a PDF function object. Function(Object *funcObj); ~Function(); Function *copy() { return new Function(this); } GBool isOk() { return ok; } // Return size of input and output tuples. int getInputSize() { return m; } int getOutputSize() { return n; } // Transform an input tuple into an output tuple. void transform(double *in, double *out); private: Function(Function *func); int m, n; double domain[1][2]; double range[4][2]; int sampleSize[1]; double encode[1][2]; double decode[4][2]; double *samples; GBool ok; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GfxImageColorMap //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GfxImageColorMap { public: // Constructor. GfxImageColorMap(int bits1, Object *decode, GfxColorSpace *colorSpace1); // Destructor. ~GfxImageColorMap(); // Is color map valid? GBool isOk() { return ok; } // Get the color space. GfxColorSpace *getColorSpace() { return colorSpace; } // Get stream decoding info. int getNumPixelComps() { return numComps; } int getBits() { return bits; } // Get decode table. double getDecodeLow(int i) { return decodeLow[i]; } double getDecodeHigh(int i) { return decodeLow[i] + decodeRange[i]; } // Convert a pixel to a color. void getColor(Guchar x[4], GfxColor *color); private: GfxColorSpace *colorSpace; // the image colorspace int bits; // bits per component int numComps; // number of components in a pixel GBool indexed; // set for indexed color space GfxColorMode mode; // color mode double (*lookup)[4]; // lookup table double decodeLow[4]; // minimum values for each component double decodeRange[4]; // max - min value for each component GBool ok; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GfxSubpath and GfxPath //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GfxSubpath { public: // Constructor. GfxSubpath(double x1, double y1); // Destructor. ~GfxSubpath(); // Copy. GfxSubpath *copy() { return new GfxSubpath(this); } // Get points. int getNumPoints() { return n; } double getX(int i) { return x[i]; } double getY(int i) { return y[i]; } GBool getCurve(int i) { return curve[i]; } // Get last point. double getLastX() { return x[n-1]; } double getLastY() { return y[n-1]; } // Add a line segment. void lineTo(double x1, double y1); // Add a Bezier curve. void curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3); // Close the subpath. void close() { if (x[n-1] != x[0] || y[n-1] != y[0]) lineTo(x[0], y[0]); } private: double *x, *y; // points GBool *curve; // curve[i] => point i is a control point // for a Bezier curve int n; // number of points int size; // size of x/y arrays GfxSubpath(GfxSubpath *subpath); }; class GfxPath { public: // Constructor. GfxPath(); // Destructor. ~GfxPath(); // Copy. GfxPath *copy() { return new GfxPath(justMoved, firstX, firstY, subpaths, n, size); } // Is there a current point? GBool isCurPt() { return n > 0 || justMoved; } // Is the path non-empty, i.e., is there at least one segment? GBool isPath() { return n > 0; } // Get subpaths. int getNumSubpaths() { return n; } GfxSubpath *getSubpath(int i) { return subpaths[i]; } // Get last point on last subpath. double getLastX() { return subpaths[n-1]->getLastX(); } double getLastY() { return subpaths[n-1]->getLastY(); } // Move the current point. void moveTo(double x, double y); // Add a segment to the last subpath. void lineTo(double x, double y); // Add a Bezier curve to the last subpath void curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3); // Close the last subpath. void close() { subpaths[n-1]->close(); } private: GBool justMoved; // set if a new subpath was just started double firstX, firstY; // first point in new subpath GfxSubpath **subpaths; // subpaths int n; // number of subpaths int size; // size of subpaths array GfxPath(GBool justMoved1, double firstX1, double firstY1, GfxSubpath **subpaths1, int n1, int size1); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GfxState //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GfxState { public: // Construct a default GfxState, for a device with resolution , // page box (,)-(,), page rotation , and // coordinate system specified by . GfxState(int dpi, double px1a, double py1a, double px2a, double py2a, int rotate, GBool upsideDown); // Destructor. ~GfxState(); // Copy. GfxState *copy() { return new GfxState(this); } // Accessors. double *getCTM() { return ctm; } double getX1() { return px1; } double getY1() { return py1; } double getX2() { return px2; } double getY2() { return py2; } double getPageWidth() { return pageWidth; } double getPageHeight() { return pageHeight; } GfxColor *getFillColor() { return &fillColor; } GfxColor *getStrokeColor() { return &strokeColor; } double getLineWidth() { return lineWidth; } void getLineDash(double **dash, int *length, double *start) { *dash = lineDash; *length = lineDashLength; *start = lineDashStart; } int getFlatness() { return flatness; } int getLineJoin() { return lineJoin; } int getLineCap() { return lineCap; } double getMiterLimit() { return miterLimit; } GfxFont *getFont() { return font; } double getFontSize() { return fontSize; } double *getTextMat() { return textMat; } double getCharSpace() { return charSpace; } double getWordSpace() { return wordSpace; } double getHorizScaling() { return horizScaling; } double getLeading() { return leading; } double getRise() { return rise; } int getRender() { return render; } GfxPath *getPath() { return path; } double getCurX() { return curX; } double getCurY() { return curY; } double getLineX() { return lineX; } double getLineY() { return lineY; } // Is there a current point/path? GBool isCurPt() { return path->isCurPt(); } GBool isPath() { return path->isPath(); } // Transforms. void transform(double x1, double y1, double *x2, double *y2) { *x2 = ctm[0] * x1 + ctm[2] * y1 + ctm[4]; *y2 = ctm[1] * x1 + ctm[3] * y1 + ctm[5]; } void transformDelta(double x1, double y1, double *x2, double *y2) { *x2 = ctm[0] * x1 + ctm[2] * y1; *y2 = ctm[1] * x1 + ctm[3] * y1; } void textTransform(double x1, double y1, double *x2, double *y2) { *x2 = textMat[0] * x1 + textMat[2] * y1 + textMat[4]; *y2 = textMat[1] * x1 + textMat[3] * y1 + textMat[5]; } void textTransformDelta(double x1, double y1, double *x2, double *y2) { *x2 = textMat[0] * x1 + textMat[2] * y1; *y2 = textMat[1] * x1 + textMat[3] * y1; } double transformWidth(double w); double getTransformedLineWidth() { return transformWidth(lineWidth); } double getTransformedFontSize(); void getFontTransMat(double *m11, double *m12, double *m21, double *m22); // Change state parameters. void concatCTM(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f); void setFillGray(double gray) { fillColor.setGray(gray); } void setFillCMYK(double c, double m, double y, double k) { fillColor.setCMYK(c, m, y, k); } void setFillRGB(double r, double g, double b) { fillColor.setRGB(r, g, b); } void setStrokeGray(double gray) { strokeColor.setGray(gray); } void setStrokeCMYK(double c, double m, double y, double k) { strokeColor.setCMYK(c, m, y, k); } void setStrokeRGB(double r, double g, double b) { strokeColor.setRGB(r, g, b); } void setFillColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace); void setStrokeColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace); void setFillColor(double x[4]) { fillColorSpace->getColor(x, &fillColor); } void setStrokeColor(double x[4]) { strokeColorSpace->getColor(x, &strokeColor); } void setLineWidth(double width) { lineWidth = width; } void setLineDash(double *dash, int length, double start); void setFlatness(int flatness1) { flatness = flatness1; } void setLineJoin(int lineJoin1) { lineJoin = lineJoin1; } void setLineCap(int lineCap1) { lineCap = lineCap1; } void setMiterLimit(double miterLimit1) { miterLimit = miterLimit1; } void setFont(GfxFont *font1, double fontSize1) { font = font1; fontSize = fontSize1; } void setTextMat(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) { textMat[0] = a; textMat[1] = b; textMat[2] = c; textMat[3] = d; textMat[4] = e; textMat[5] = f; } void setCharSpace(double space) { charSpace = space; } void setWordSpace(double space) { wordSpace = space; } void setHorizScaling(double scale) { horizScaling = 0.01 * scale; } void setLeading(double leading1) { leading = leading1; } void setRise(double rise1) { rise = rise1; } void setRender(int render1) { render = render1; } // Add to path. void moveTo(double x, double y) { path->moveTo(curX = x, curY = y); } void lineTo(double x, double y) { path->lineTo(curX = x, curY = y); } void curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) { path->curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, curX = x3, curY = y3); } void closePath() { path->close(); curX = path->getLastX(); curY = path->getLastY(); } void clearPath(); // Text position. void textMoveTo(double tx, double ty) { lineX = tx; lineY = ty; textTransform(tx, ty, &curX, &curY); } void textShift(double tx); // Push/pop GfxState on/off stack. GfxState *save(); GfxState *restore(); GBool hasSaves() { return saved != NULL; } private: double ctm[6]; // coord transform matrix double px1, py1, px2, py2; // page corners (user coords) double pageWidth, pageHeight; // page size (pixels) GfxColorSpace *fillColorSpace; // fill color space GfxColorSpace *strokeColorSpace; // stroke color space GfxColor fillColor; // fill color GfxColor strokeColor; // stroke color double lineWidth; // line width double *lineDash; // line dash int lineDashLength; double lineDashStart; int flatness; // curve flatness int lineJoin; // line join style int lineCap; // line cap style double miterLimit; // line miter limit GfxFont *font; // font double fontSize; // font size double textMat[6]; // text matrix double charSpace; // character spacing double wordSpace; // word spacing double horizScaling; // horizontal scaling double leading; // text leading double rise; // text rise int render; // text rendering mode GfxPath *path; // array of path elements double curX, curY; // current point (user coords) double lineX, lineY; // start of current text line (text coords) GfxState *saved; // next GfxState on stack GfxState(GfxState *state); }; #endif