//======================================================================== // // Stream.cc // // Copyright 1996 Derek B. Noonburg // //======================================================================== #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma implementation #endif #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include "gmem.h" #include "config.h" #include "Error.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "Stream-CCITT.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #define popen _popen #define pclose _pclose #endif #ifdef __DJGPP__ static GBool setDJSYSFLAGS = gFalse; #endif #ifdef VMS #if (__VMS_VER < 70000000) extern "C" int unlink(char *filename); #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define SEEK_SET 0 #define SEEK_CUR 1 #define SEEK_END 2 #endif #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define headerSearchSize 1024 // read this many bytes at beginning of // file to look for '%PDF' //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stream (base class) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stream::Stream() { ref = 1; } Stream::~Stream() { } int Stream::getRawChar() { error(-1, "Internal: called getRawChar() on non-predictor stream"); return EOF; } char *Stream::getLine(char *buf, int size) { int i; int c; if (lookChar() == EOF) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) { c = getChar(); if (c == EOF || c == '\n') break; if (c == '\r') { if ((c = lookChar()) == '\n') getChar(); break; } buf[i] = c; } buf[i] = '\0'; return buf; } void Stream::setPos(int pos) { error(-1, "Internal: called setPos() on non-FileStream"); } GString *Stream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { return new GString(); } Stream *Stream::addFilters(Object *dict) { Object obj, obj2; Object params, params2; Stream *str; int i; str = this; dict->dictLookup("Filter", &obj); if (obj.isNull()) { obj.free(); dict->dictLookup("F", &obj); } dict->dictLookup("DecodeParms", ¶ms); if (params.isNull()) { params.free(); dict->dictLookup("DP", ¶ms); } if (obj.isName()) { str = makeFilter(obj.getName(), str, ¶ms); } else if (obj.isArray()) { for (i = 0; i < obj.arrayGetLength(); ++i) { obj.arrayGet(i, &obj2); if (params.isArray()) params.arrayGet(i, ¶ms2); else params2.initNull(); if (obj2.isName()) { str = makeFilter(obj2.getName(), str, ¶ms2); } else { error(getPos(), "Bad filter name"); str = new EOFStream(str); } obj2.free(); params2.free(); } } else if (!obj.isNull()) { error(getPos(), "Bad 'Filter' attribute in stream"); } obj.free(); params.free(); return str; } Stream *Stream::makeFilter(char *name, Stream *str, Object *params) { int pred; // parameters int colors; int bits; int early; int encoding; GBool endOfLine, byteAlign, endOfBlock, black; int columns, rows; Object obj; if (!strcmp(name, "ASCIIHexDecode") || !strcmp(name, "AHx")) { str = new ASCIIHexStream(str); } else if (!strcmp(name, "ASCII85Decode") || !strcmp(name, "A85")) { str = new ASCII85Stream(str); } else if (!strcmp(name, "LZWDecode") || !strcmp(name, "LZW")) { pred = 1; columns = 1; colors = 1; bits = 8; early = 1; if (params->isDict()) { params->dictLookup("Predictor", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) pred = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("Columns", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) columns = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("Colors", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) colors = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("BitsPerComponent", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) bits = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("EarlyChange", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) early = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); } str = new LZWStream(str, pred, columns, colors, bits, early); } else if (!strcmp(name, "RunLengthDecode") || !strcmp(name, "RL")) { str = new RunLengthStream(str); } else if (!strcmp(name, "CCITTFaxDecode") || !strcmp(name, "CCF")) { encoding = 0; endOfLine = gFalse; byteAlign = gFalse; columns = 1728; rows = 0; endOfBlock = gTrue; black = gFalse; if (params->isDict()) { params->dictLookup("K", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) { encoding = obj.getInt(); } obj.free(); params->dictLookup("EndOfLine", &obj); if (obj.isBool()) { endOfLine = obj.getBool(); } obj.free(); params->dictLookup("EncodedByteAlign", &obj); if (obj.isBool()) { byteAlign = obj.getBool(); } obj.free(); params->dictLookup("Columns", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) { columns = obj.getInt(); } obj.free(); params->dictLookup("Rows", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) { rows = obj.getInt(); } obj.free(); params->dictLookup("EndOfBlock", &obj); if (obj.isBool()) { endOfBlock = obj.getBool(); } obj.free(); params->dictLookup("BlackIs1", &obj); if (obj.isBool()) { black = obj.getBool(); } obj.free(); } str = new CCITTFaxStream(str, encoding, endOfLine, byteAlign, columns, rows, endOfBlock, black); } else if (!strcmp(name, "DCTDecode") || !strcmp(name, "DCT")) { str = new DCTStream(str); } else if (!strcmp(name, "FlateDecode") || !strcmp(name, "Fl")) { pred = 1; columns = 1; colors = 1; bits = 8; if (params->isDict()) { params->dictLookup("Predictor", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) pred = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("Columns", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) columns = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("Colors", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) colors = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); params->dictLookup("BitsPerComponent", &obj); if (obj.isInt()) bits = obj.getInt(); obj.free(); } str = new FlateStream(str, pred, columns, colors, bits); } else { error(getPos(), "Unknown filter '%s'", name); str = new EOFStream(str); } return str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ImageStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ImageStream::ImageStream(Stream *str, int width, int nComps, int nBits) { int imgLineSize; this->str = str; this->width = width; this->nComps = nComps; this->nBits = nBits; nVals = width * nComps; if (nBits == 1) { imgLineSize = (nVals + 7) & ~7; } else { imgLineSize = nVals; } imgLine = (Guchar *)gmalloc(imgLineSize * sizeof(Guchar)); imgIdx = nVals; } ImageStream::~ImageStream() { gfree(imgLine); } void ImageStream::reset() { str->reset(); } GBool ImageStream::getPixel(Guchar *pix) { Gulong buf, bitMask; int bits; int c; int i; if (imgIdx >= nVals) { // read one line of image pixels if (nBits == 1) { for (i = 0; i < nVals; i += 8) { c = str->getChar(); imgLine[i+0] = (Guchar)((c >> 7) & 1); imgLine[i+1] = (Guchar)((c >> 6) & 1); imgLine[i+2] = (Guchar)((c >> 5) & 1); imgLine[i+3] = (Guchar)((c >> 4) & 1); imgLine[i+4] = (Guchar)((c >> 3) & 1); imgLine[i+5] = (Guchar)((c >> 2) & 1); imgLine[i+6] = (Guchar)((c >> 1) & 1); imgLine[i+7] = (Guchar)(c & 1); } } else if (nBits == 8) { for (i = 0; i < nVals; ++i) { imgLine[i] = str->getChar(); } } else { bitMask = (1 << nBits) - 1; buf = 0; bits = 0; for (i = 0; i < nVals; ++i) { if (bits < nBits) { buf = (buf << 8) | (str->getChar() & 0xff); bits += 8; } imgLine[i] = (Guchar)((buf >> (bits - nBits)) & bitMask); bits -= nBits; } } // reset to start of line imgIdx = 0; } for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) pix[i] = imgLine[imgIdx++]; return gTrue; } void ImageStream::skipLine() { int n, i; n = (nVals * nBits + 7) >> 3; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { str->getChar(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // StreamPredictor //------------------------------------------------------------------------ StreamPredictor::StreamPredictor(Stream *str, int predictor, int width, int nComps, int nBits) { this->str = str; this->predictor = predictor; this->width = width; this->nComps = nComps; this->nBits = nBits; nVals = width * nComps; pixBytes = (nComps * nBits + 7) >> 3; rowBytes = ((nVals * nBits + 7) >> 3) + pixBytes; predLine = (Guchar *)gmalloc(rowBytes); memset(predLine, 0, rowBytes); predIdx = rowBytes; } StreamPredictor::~StreamPredictor() { gfree(predLine); } int StreamPredictor::lookChar() { if (predIdx >= rowBytes) { if (!getNextLine()) { return EOF; } } return predLine[predIdx]; } int StreamPredictor::getChar() { if (predIdx >= rowBytes) { if (!getNextLine()) { return EOF; } } return predLine[predIdx++]; } GBool StreamPredictor::getNextLine() { int curPred; Guchar upLeftBuf[4]; int left, up, upLeft, p, pa, pb, pc; int c; Gulong inBuf, outBuf, bitMask; int inBits, outBits; int i, j, k; // get PNG optimum predictor number if (predictor == 15) { if ((curPred = str->getRawChar()) == EOF) { return gFalse; } curPred += 10; } else { curPred = predictor; } // read the raw line, apply PNG (byte) predictor upLeftBuf[0] = upLeftBuf[1] = upLeftBuf[2] = upLeftBuf[3] = 0; for (i = pixBytes; i < rowBytes; ++i) { upLeftBuf[3] = upLeftBuf[2]; upLeftBuf[2] = upLeftBuf[1]; upLeftBuf[1] = upLeftBuf[0]; upLeftBuf[0] = predLine[i]; if ((c = str->getRawChar()) == EOF) { break; } switch (curPred) { case 11: // PNG sub predLine[i] = predLine[i - pixBytes] + (Guchar)c; break; case 12: // PNG up predLine[i] = predLine[i] + (Guchar)c; break; case 13: // PNG average predLine[i] = ((predLine[i - pixBytes] + predLine[i]) >> 1) + (Guchar)c; break; case 14: // PNG Paeth left = predLine[i - pixBytes]; up = predLine[i]; upLeft = upLeftBuf[pixBytes]; p = left + up - upLeft; if ((pa = p - left) < 0) pa = -pa; if ((pb = p - up) < 0) pb = -pb; if ((pc = p - upLeft) < 0) pc = -pc; if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) predLine[i] = pa + (Guchar)c; else if (pb <= pc) predLine[i] = pb + (Guchar)c; else predLine[i] = pc + (Guchar)c; break; case 10: // PNG none default: // no predictor or TIFF predictor predLine[i] = (Guchar)c; break; } } // apply TIFF (component) predictor //~ this is completely untested if (predictor == 2) { if (nBits == 1) { inBuf = predLine[pixBytes - 1]; for (i = pixBytes; i < rowBytes; i += 8) { // 1-bit add is just xor inBuf = (inBuf << 8) | predLine[i]; predLine[i] ^= inBuf >> nComps; } } else if (nBits == 8) { for (i = pixBytes; i < rowBytes; ++i) { predLine[i] += predLine[i - nComps]; } } else { upLeftBuf[0] = upLeftBuf[1] = upLeftBuf[2] = upLeftBuf[3] = 0; bitMask = (1 << nBits) - 1; inBuf = outBuf = 0; inBits = outBits = 0; j = k = pixBytes; for (i = 0; i < nVals; ++i) { if (inBits < nBits) { inBuf = (inBuf << 8) | (predLine[j++] & 0xff); inBits += 8; } upLeftBuf[3] = upLeftBuf[2]; upLeftBuf[2] = upLeftBuf[1]; upLeftBuf[1] = upLeftBuf[0]; upLeftBuf[0] = (upLeftBuf[nComps] + (inBuf >> (inBits - nBits))) & bitMask; outBuf = (outBuf << nBits) | upLeftBuf[0]; inBits -= nBits; outBits += nBits; if (outBits > 8) { predLine[k++] = (Guchar)(outBuf >> (outBits - 8)); } } if (outBits > 0) { predLine[k++] = (Guchar)(outBuf << (8 - outBits)); } } } // reset to start of line predIdx = pixBytes; return gTrue; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // FileStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ GBool FileStream::checkHeader() { char hdrBuf[headerSearchSize+1]; char *p; double version; int i; for (i = 0; i < headerSearchSize; ++i) hdrBuf[i] = getChar(); hdrBuf[headerSearchSize] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < headerSearchSize - 5; ++i) { if (!strncmp(&hdrBuf[i], "%PDF-", 5)) break; } if (i >= headerSearchSize - 5) { error(-1, "May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway)"); return gFalse; } start += i; p = strtok(&hdrBuf[i+5], " \t\n\r"); version = atof(p); if (!(hdrBuf[i+5] >= '0' && hdrBuf[i+5] <= '9') || version > pdfVersionNum + 0.0001) { error(getPos(), "PDF version %s -- xpdf supports version %s" " (continuing anyway)", p, pdfVersion); return gFalse; } return gTrue; } FILE *fileOpen (GString *fileName1) { GString *fileName2; // try to open file fileName2 = NULL; FILE *file; #ifdef VMS if (!(file = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb", "ctx=stm"))) { error(-1, "Couldn't open file '%s'", fileName->getCString()); return NULL; } #else if (!(file = fopen(fileName1->getCString(), "rb"))) { fileName2 = fileName1->copy(); fileName2->lowerCase(); if (!(file = fopen(fileName2->getCString(), "rb"))) { fileName2->upperCase(); if (!(file = fopen(fileName2->getCString(), "rb"))) { error(-1, "Couldn't open file '%s'", fileName1->getCString()); delete fileName2; return NULL; } } delete fileName2; } #endif return file; } FileStream::FileStream(FILE *f1) { f = f1; start = 0; length = -1; bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; bufPos = start; savePos = -1; dict.initNull(); checkHeader(); } Stream *FileStream::subStream (int start1, int length1, Object *dict1) { start = start1; length = length1; bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; bufPos = start; savePos = -1; dict = *dict1; } FileStream::~FileStream() { if (savePos >= 0) fseek(f, savePos, SEEK_SET); dict.free(); } void FileStream::reset() { savePos = (int)ftell(f); fseek(f, start, SEEK_SET); bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; bufPos = start; } GBool FileStream::fillBuf() { int n; bufPos += bufEnd - buf; bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; if (length >= 0 && bufPos >= start + length) return gFalse; if (length >= 0 && bufPos + 256 > start + length) n = start + length - bufPos; else n = 256; n = fread(buf, 1, n, f); bufEnd = buf + n; if (bufPtr >= bufEnd) return gFalse; return gTrue; } void FileStream::setPos(int pos1) { long size; if (pos1 >= 0) { fseek(f, pos1, SEEK_SET); bufPos = pos1; } else { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(f); if (pos1 < -size) pos1 = (int)(-size); fseek(f, pos1, SEEK_END); bufPos = (int)ftell(f); } bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SubStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ SubStream::SubStream(Stream *str1, Object *dict1) { str = str1; dict = *dict1; } SubStream::~SubStream() { dict.free(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ASCIIHexStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASCIIHexStream::ASCIIHexStream(Stream *str1) { str = str1; buf = EOF; eof = gFalse; } ASCIIHexStream::~ASCIIHexStream() { delete str; } void ASCIIHexStream::reset() { str->reset(); buf = EOF; eof = gFalse; } int ASCIIHexStream::lookChar() { int c1, c2, x; if (buf != EOF) return buf; if (eof) { buf = EOF; return EOF; } do { c1 = str->getChar(); } while (isspace(c1)); if (c1 == '>') { eof = gTrue; buf = EOF; return buf; } do { c2 = str->getChar(); } while (isspace(c2)); if (c2 == '>') { eof = gTrue; c2 = '0'; } if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9') { x = (c1 - '0') << 4; } else if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F') { x = (c1 - 'A' + 10) << 4; } else if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'f') { x = (c1 - 'a' + 10) << 4; } else if (c1 == EOF) { eof = gTrue; x = 0; } else { error(getPos(), "Illegal character <%02x> in ASCIIHex stream", c1); x = 0; } if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') { x += c2 - '0'; } else if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F') { x += c2 - 'A' + 10; } else if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f') { x += c2 - 'a' + 10; } else if (c2 == EOF) { eof = gTrue; x = 0; } else { error(getPos(), "Illegal character <%02x> in ASCIIHex stream", c2); } buf = x & 0xff; return buf; } GString *ASCIIHexStream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { GString *s; s = str->getPSFilter(indent); s->append(indent)->append("/ASCIIHexDecode filter\n"); return s; } GBool ASCIIHexStream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gFalse); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ASCII85Stream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASCII85Stream::ASCII85Stream(Stream *str1) { str = str1; index = n = 0; eof = gFalse; } ASCII85Stream::~ASCII85Stream() { delete str; } void ASCII85Stream::reset() { str->reset(); index = n = 0; eof = gFalse; } int ASCII85Stream::lookChar() { int k; Gulong t; if (index >= n) { if (eof) return EOF; index = 0; do { c[0] = str->getChar(); } while (c[0] == '\n' || c[0] == '\r'); if (c[0] == '~' || c[0] == EOF) { eof = gTrue; n = 0; return EOF; } else if (c[0] == 'z') { b[0] = b[1] = b[2] = b[3] = 0; n = 4; } else { for (k = 1; k < 5; ++k) { do { c[k] = str->getChar(); } while (c[k] == '\n' || c[k] == '\r'); if (c[k] == '~' || c[k] == EOF) break; } n = k - 1; if (k < 5 && (c[k] == '~' || c[k] == EOF)) { for (++k; k < 5; ++k) c[k] = 0x21 + 84; eof = gTrue; } t = 0; for (k = 0; k < 5; ++k) t = t * 85 + (c[k] - 0x21); for (k = 3; k >= 0; --k) { b[k] = (int)(t & 0xff); t >>= 8; } } } return b[index]; } GString *ASCII85Stream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { GString *s; s = str->getPSFilter(indent); s->append(indent)->append("/ASCII85Decode filter\n"); return s; } GBool ASCII85Stream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gFalse); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LZWStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ LZWStream::LZWStream(Stream *str1, int predictor1, int columns1, int colors1, int bits1, int early1) { str = str1; if (predictor1 != 1) { pred = new StreamPredictor(this, predictor1, columns1, colors1, bits1); } else { pred = NULL; } early = early1; zPipe = NULL; bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; } LZWStream::~LZWStream() { if (zPipe) { #ifdef HAVE_POPEN pclose(zPipe); #else fclose(zPipe); #endif zPipe = NULL; unlink(zName); } if (pred) { delete pred; } delete str; } int LZWStream::getChar() { if (pred) { return pred->getChar(); } return (bufPtr >= bufEnd && !fillBuf()) ? EOF : (*bufPtr++ & 0xff); } int LZWStream::lookChar() { if (pred) { return pred->lookChar(); } return (bufPtr >= bufEnd && !fillBuf()) ? EOF : (*bufPtr & 0xff); } int LZWStream::getRawChar() { return (bufPtr >= bufEnd && !fillBuf()) ? EOF : (*bufPtr++ & 0xff); } void LZWStream::reset() { FILE *f; str->reset(); bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; if (zPipe) { #ifdef HAVE_POPEN pclose(zPipe); #else fclose(zPipe); #endif zPipe = NULL; unlink(zName); } #if __DJGPP__ if (!setDJSYSFLAGS) { setenv("DJSYSFLAGS", "0x0002", 0); setDJSYSFLAGS = gTrue; } #endif strcpy(zCmd, uncompressCmd); strcat(zCmd, " "); zName = zCmd + strlen(zCmd); tmpnam(zName); #ifdef _MSC_VER zName[strlen(zName) - 2] = '\0'; #endif strcat(zName, ".Z"); if (!(f = fopen(zName, "wb"))) { error(getPos(), "Couldn't open temporary file '%s'", zName); return; } dumpFile(f); fclose(f); #ifdef HAVE_POPEN if (!(zPipe = popen(zCmd, "r"))) { error(getPos(), "Couldn't popen '%s'", zCmd); unlink(zName); return; } #else #ifdef VMS if (!system(zCmd)) { #else if (system(zCmd)) { #endif error(getPos(), "Couldn't execute '%s'", zCmd); unlink(zName); return; } zName[strlen(zName) - 2] = '\0'; if (!(zPipe = fopen(zName, "rb"))) { error(getPos(), "Couldn't open uncompress file '%s'", zName); unlink(zName); return; } #endif } void LZWStream::dumpFile(FILE *f) { int outCodeBits; // size of output code int outBits; // max output code int outBuf[8]; // output buffer int outData; // temporary output buffer int inCode, outCode; // input and output codes int nextCode; // next code index GBool eof; // set when EOF is reached GBool clear; // set if table needs to be cleared GBool first; // indicates first code word after clear int i, j; // magic number fputc(0x1f, f); fputc(0x9d, f); // max code length, block mode flag fputc(0x8c, f); // init input side inCodeBits = 9; inputBuf = 0; inputBits = 0; eof = gFalse; // init output side outCodeBits = 9; // clear table first = gTrue; nextCode = 258; clear = gFalse; do { for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // check for table overflow if (nextCode + early > 0x1001) { inCode = 256; // read input code } else { do { inCode = getCode(); if (inCode == EOF) { eof = gTrue; inCode = 0; } } while (first && inCode == 256); } // compute output code if (inCode < 256) { outCode = inCode; } else if (inCode == 256) { outCode = 256; clear = gTrue; } else if (inCode == 257) { outCode = 0; eof = gTrue; } else { outCode = inCode - 1; } outBuf[i] = outCode; // next code index if (first) first = gFalse; else ++nextCode; // check input code size if (nextCode + early == 0x200) inCodeBits = 10; else if (nextCode + early == 0x400) { inCodeBits = 11; } else if (nextCode + early == 0x800) { inCodeBits = 12; } // check for eof/clear if (eof) break; if (clear) { i = 8; break; } } // write output block outData = 0; outBits = 0; j = 0; while (j < i || outBits > 0) { if (outBits < 8 && j < i) { outData = outData | (outBuf[j++] << outBits); outBits += outCodeBits; } fputc(outData & 0xff, f); outData >>= 8; outBits -= 8; } // check output code size if (nextCode - 1 == 512 || nextCode - 1 == 1024 || nextCode - 1 == 2048 || nextCode - 1 == 4096) { outCodeBits = inCodeBits; } // clear table if necessary if (clear) { inCodeBits = 9; outCodeBits = 9; first = gTrue; nextCode = 258; clear = gFalse; } } while (!eof); } int LZWStream::getCode() { int c; int code; while (inputBits < inCodeBits) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) return EOF; inputBuf = (inputBuf << 8) | (c & 0xff); inputBits += 8; } code = (inputBuf >> (inputBits - inCodeBits)) & ((1 << inCodeBits) - 1); inputBits -= inCodeBits; return code; } GBool LZWStream::fillBuf() { int n; if (!zPipe) return gFalse; if ((n = fread(buf, 1, 256, zPipe)) < 256) { #ifdef HAVE_POPEN pclose(zPipe); #else fclose(zPipe); #endif zPipe = NULL; unlink(zName); } bufPtr = buf; bufEnd = buf + n; return n > 0; } GString *LZWStream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { GString *s; if (pred) { return NULL; } s = str->getPSFilter(indent); s->append(indent)->append("/LZWDecode filter\n"); return s; } GBool LZWStream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gTrue); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // RunLengthStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ RunLengthStream::RunLengthStream(Stream *str1) { str = str1; bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; eof = gFalse; } RunLengthStream::~RunLengthStream() { delete str; } void RunLengthStream::reset() { str->reset(); bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; eof = gFalse; } GString *RunLengthStream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { GString *s; s = str->getPSFilter(indent); s->append(indent)->append("/RunLengthDecode filter\n"); return s; } GBool RunLengthStream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gTrue); } GBool RunLengthStream::fillBuf() { int c; int n, i; if (eof) return gFalse; c = str->getChar(); if (c == 0x80 || c == EOF) { eof = gTrue; return gFalse; } if (c < 0x80) { n = c + 1; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) buf[i] = (char)str->getChar(); } else { n = 0x101 - c; c = str->getChar(); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) buf[i] = (char)c; } bufPtr = buf; bufEnd = buf + n; return gTrue; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CCITTFaxStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCITTFaxStream::CCITTFaxStream(Stream *str, int encoding, GBool endOfLine, GBool byteAlign, int columns, int rows, GBool endOfBlock, GBool black) { this->str = str; this->encoding = encoding; this->endOfLine = endOfLine; this->byteAlign = byteAlign; this->columns = columns; this->rows = rows; this->endOfBlock = endOfBlock; this->black = black; refLine = (short *)gmalloc((columns + 2) * sizeof(short)); codingLine = (short *)gmalloc((columns + 2) * sizeof(short)); eof = gFalse; row = 0; nextLine2D = encoding < 0; inputBits = 0; codingLine[0] = 0; codingLine[1] = refLine[2] = columns; a0 = 1; buf = EOF; } CCITTFaxStream::~CCITTFaxStream() { delete str; gfree(refLine); gfree(codingLine); } void CCITTFaxStream::reset() { int n; str->reset(); eof = gFalse; row = 0; nextLine2D = encoding < 0; inputBits = 0; codingLine[0] = 0; codingLine[1] = refLine[2] = columns; a0 = 1; buf = EOF; // get initial end-of-line marker and 2D encoding tag if (endOfBlock) { if (lookBits(12) == 0x001) { eatBits(12); } } else { for (n = 0; n < 11 && lookBits(n) == 0; ++n) ; if (n == 11 && lookBits(12) == 0x001) { eatBits(12); } } if (encoding > 0) { nextLine2D = !lookBits(1); eatBits(1); } } int CCITTFaxStream::lookChar() { short code1, code2, code3; int a0New; #if 0 //~ GBool err; #endif int ret; int bits, i, n; // if at eof just return EOF if (eof && codingLine[a0] >= columns) { return EOF; } // read the next row #if 0 //~ err = gFalse; #endif if (codingLine[a0] >= columns) { // 2-D encoding if (nextLine2D) { for (i = 0; codingLine[i] < columns; ++i) refLine[i] = codingLine[i]; refLine[i] = refLine[i + 1] = columns; b1 = 1; a0New = codingLine[a0 = 0] = 0; do { code1 = getTwoDimCode(); switch (code1) { case twoDimPass: if (refLine[b1] < columns) { a0New = refLine[b1 + 1]; b1 += 2; } break; case twoDimHoriz: if ((a0 & 1) == 0) { code1 = code2 = 0; do { code1 += code3 = getWhiteCode(); } while (code3 >= 64); do { code2 += code3 = getBlackCode(); } while (code3 >= 64); } else { code1 = code2 = 0; do { code1 += code3 = getBlackCode(); } while (code3 >= 64); do { code2 += code3 = getWhiteCode(); } while (code3 >= 64); } codingLine[a0 + 1] = a0New + code1; ++a0; a0New = codingLine[a0 + 1] = codingLine[a0] + code2; ++a0; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; break; case twoDimVert0: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1]; if (refLine[b1] < columns) { ++b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; } break; case twoDimVertR1: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] + 1; if (refLine[b1] < columns) { ++b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; } break; case twoDimVertL1: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] - 1; --b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; break; case twoDimVertR2: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] + 2; if (refLine[b1] < columns) { ++b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; } break; case twoDimVertL2: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] - 2; --b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; break; case twoDimVertR3: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] + 3; if (refLine[b1] < columns) { ++b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; } break; case twoDimVertL3: a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] - 3; --b1; while (refLine[b1] <= codingLine[a0] && refLine[b1] < columns) b1 += 2; break; case EOF: eof = gTrue; codingLine[a0 = 0] = columns; return EOF; default: error(getPos(), "Bad 2D code %04x in CCITTFax stream", code1); #if 0 //~ err = gTrue; break; #else eof = gTrue; return EOF; #endif } } while (codingLine[a0] < columns); // 1-D encoding } else { codingLine[a0 = 0] = 0; while (1) { code1 = 0; do { code1 += code3 = getWhiteCode(); } while (code3 >= 64); codingLine[a0+1] = codingLine[a0] + code1; ++a0; if (codingLine[a0] >= columns) break; code2 = 0; do { code2 += code3 = getBlackCode(); } while (code3 >= 64); codingLine[a0+1] = codingLine[a0] + code2; ++a0; if (codingLine[a0] >= columns) break; } } if (codingLine[a0] != columns) { error(getPos(), "CCITTFax row is wrong length (%d)", codingLine[a0]); #if 0 //~ err = gTrue; #endif } // byte-align the row if (byteAlign) { inputBits &= ~7; } // check for end-of-line marker, end-of-block marker, and // 2D encoding tag if (endOfBlock) { code1 = lookBits(12); if (code1 == EOF) { eof = gTrue; } else if (code1 == 0x001) { eatBits(12); if (encoding > 0) { nextLine2D = !lookBits(1); eatBits(1); } code1 = lookBits(12); if (code1 == 0x001) { eatBits(12); if (encoding > 0) { lookBits(1); eatBits(1); } if (encoding >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { code1 = lookBits(12); if (code1 != 0x001) { error(getPos(), "Bad RTC code in CCITTFax stream"); } eatBits(12); if (encoding > 0) { lookBits(1); eatBits(1); } } } eof = gTrue; } } else { if (encoding > 0) { nextLine2D = !lookBits(1); eatBits(1); } } } else { if (row == rows - 1) { eof = gTrue; } else { for (n = 0; n < 11 && lookBits(n) == 0; ++n) ; if (n == 11 && lookBits(12) == 0x001) { eatBits(12); } if (encoding > 0) { nextLine2D = !lookBits(1); eatBits(1); } } } #if 0 //~ // This looks for an end-of-line marker after an error, however // some (most?) CCITT streams in PDF files don't use end-of-line // markers, and the just-plow-on technique works better in those // cases. else if (err) { do { if (code1 == EOF) { eof = gTrue; return EOF; } eatBits(1); code1 = look13Bits(); } while ((code1 >> 1) != 0x001); eatBits(12); codingLine[++a0] = columns; if (encoding > 0) { eatBits(1); nextLine2D = !(code1 & 1); } } #endif a0 = 0; outputBits = codingLine[1] - codingLine[0]; if (outputBits == 0) { a0 = 1; outputBits = codingLine[2] - codingLine[1]; } ++row; } // get a byte if (outputBits >= 8) { ret = ((a0 & 1) == 0) ? 0xff : 0x00; if ((outputBits -= 8) == 0) { ++a0; if (codingLine[a0] < columns) { outputBits = codingLine[a0 + 1] - codingLine[a0]; } } } else { bits = 8; ret = 0; do { if (outputBits > bits) { i = bits; bits = 0; if ((a0 & 1) == 0) { ret |= 0xff >> (8 - i); } outputBits -= i; } else { i = outputBits; bits -= outputBits; if ((a0 & 1) == 0) { ret |= (0xff >> (8 - i)) << bits; } outputBits = 0; ++a0; if (codingLine[a0] < columns) { outputBits = codingLine[a0 + 1] - codingLine[a0]; } } } while (bits > 0 && codingLine[a0] < columns); } buf = black ? (ret ^ 0xff) : ret; return buf; } short CCITTFaxStream::getTwoDimCode() { short code; CCITTCode *p; int n; code = 0; // make gcc happy if (endOfBlock) { code = lookBits(7); p = &twoDimTab1[code]; if (p->bits > 0) { eatBits(p->bits); return p->n; } } else { for (n = 1; n <= 7; ++n) { code = lookBits(n); if (n < 7) { code <<= 7 - n; } p = &twoDimTab1[code]; if (p->bits == n) { eatBits(n); return p->n; } } } error(getPos(), "Bad two dim code (%04x) in CCITTFax stream", code); return EOF; } short CCITTFaxStream::getWhiteCode() { short code; CCITTCode *p; int n; code = 0; // make gcc happy if (endOfBlock) { code = lookBits(12); if ((code >> 5) == 0) p = &whiteTab1[code]; else p = &whiteTab2[code >> 3]; if (p->bits > 0) { eatBits(p->bits); return p->n; } } else { for (n = 1; n <= 9; ++n) { code = lookBits(n); if (n < 9) { code <<= 9 - n; } p = &whiteTab2[code]; if (p->bits == n) { eatBits(n); return p->n; } } for (n = 11; n <= 12; ++n) { code = lookBits(n); if (n < 12) { code <<= 12 - n; } p = &whiteTab1[code]; if (p->bits == n) { eatBits(n); return p->n; } } } error(getPos(), "Bad white code (%04x) in CCITTFax stream", code); return EOF; } short CCITTFaxStream::getBlackCode() { short code; CCITTCode *p; int n; code = 0; // make gcc happy if (endOfBlock) { code = lookBits(13); if ((code >> 7) == 0) p = &blackTab1[code]; else if ((code >> 9) == 0) p = &blackTab2[(code >> 1) - 64]; else p = &blackTab3[code >> 7]; if (p->bits > 0) { eatBits(p->bits); return p->n; } } else { for (n = 2; n <= 6; ++n) { code = lookBits(n); if (n < 6) { code <<= 6 - n; } p = &blackTab3[code]; if (p->bits == n) { eatBits(n); return p->n; } } for (n = 7; n <= 12; ++n) { code = lookBits(n); if (n < 12) { code <<= 12 - n; } if (code >= 64) { p = &blackTab2[code - 64]; if (p->bits == n) { eatBits(n); return p->n; } } } for (n = 10; n <= 13; ++n) { code = lookBits(n); if (n < 13) { code <<= 13 - n; } p = &blackTab1[code]; if (p->bits == n) { eatBits(n); return p->n; } } } error(getPos(), "Bad black code (%04x) in CCITTFax stream", code); return EOF; } short CCITTFaxStream::lookBits(int n) { int c; while (inputBits < n) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) { if (inputBits == 0) return EOF; c = 0; } inputBuf = (inputBuf << 8) + c; inputBits += 8; } return (inputBuf >> (inputBits - n)) & (0xffff >> (16 - n)); } GString *CCITTFaxStream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { GString *s; char s1[50]; s = str->getPSFilter(indent); s->append(indent)->append("<< "); if (encoding != 0) { sprintf(s1, "/K %d ", encoding); s->append(s1); } if (endOfLine) { s->append("/EndOfLine true "); } if (byteAlign) { s->append("/EncodedByteAlign true "); } sprintf(s1, "/Columns %d ", columns); s->append(s1); if (rows != 0) { sprintf(s1, "/Rows %d ", rows); s->append(s1); } if (!endOfBlock) { s->append("/EndOfBlock false "); } if (black) { s->append("/BlackIs1 true "); } s->append(">> /CCITTFaxDecode filter\n"); return s; } GBool CCITTFaxStream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gTrue); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DCTStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IDCT constants (20.12 fixed point format) #ifndef FP_IDCT #define dctCos1 4017 // cos(pi/16) #define dctSin1 799 // sin(pi/16) #define dctCos3 3406 // cos(3*pi/16) #define dctSin3 2276 // sin(3*pi/16) #define dctCos6 1567 // cos(6*pi/16) #define dctSin6 3784 // sin(6*pi/16) #define dctSqrt2 5793 // sqrt(2) #define dctSqrt1d2 2896 // sqrt(2) / 2 #endif // IDCT constants #ifdef FP_IDCT #define dctCos1 0.98078528 // cos(pi/16) #define dctSin1 0.19509032 // sin(pi/16) #define dctCos3 0.83146961 // cos(3*pi/16) #define dctSin3 0.55557023 // sin(3*pi/16) #define dctCos6 0.38268343 // cos(6*pi/16) #define dctSin6 0.92387953 // sin(6*pi/16) #define dctSqrt2 1.41421356 // sqrt(2) #define dctSqrt1d2 0.70710678 // sqrt(2) / 2 #endif // color conversion parameters (16.16 fixed point format) #define dctCrToR 91881 // 1.4020 #define dctCbToG -22553 // -0.3441363 #define dctCrToG -46802 // -0.71413636 #define dctCbToB 116130 // 1.772 // clip [-256,511] --> [0,255] #define dctClipOffset 256 static Guchar dctClip[768]; static int dctClipInit = 0; // zig zag decode map static int dctZigZag[64] = { 0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63 }; DCTStream::DCTStream(Stream *str1) { int i, j; str = str1; width = height = 0; mcuWidth = mcuHeight = 0; numComps = 0; comp = 0; x = y = dy = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for (j = 0; j < 32; ++j) rowBuf[i][j] = NULL; if (!dctClipInit) { for (i = -256; i < 0; ++i) dctClip[dctClipOffset + i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) dctClip[dctClipOffset + i] = i; for (i = 256; i < 512; ++i) dctClip[dctClipOffset + i] = 255; dctClipInit = 1; } } DCTStream::~DCTStream() { int i, j; delete str; for (i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) for (j = 0; j < mcuHeight; ++j) gfree(rowBuf[i][j]); } void DCTStream::reset() { str->reset(); if (!readHeader()) { y = height; return; } restartMarker = 0xd0; restart(); } int DCTStream::getChar() { int c; c = lookChar(); if (c == EOF) return EOF; if (++comp == numComps) { comp = 0; if (++x == width) { x = 0; ++y; ++dy; } } if (y == height) readTrailer(); return c; } int DCTStream::lookChar() { if (y >= height) return EOF; if (dy >= mcuHeight) { if (!readMCURow()) { y = height; return EOF; } comp = 0; x = 0; dy = 0; } return rowBuf[comp][dy][x]; } void DCTStream::restart() { int i; inputBits = 0; restartCtr = restartInterval; for (i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) compInfo[i].prevDC = 0; } GBool DCTStream::readMCURow() { Guchar data[64]; Guchar *p1, *p2; int pY, pCb, pCr, pR, pG, pB; int h, v, horiz, vert, hSub, vSub; int x1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, cc, i; int c; for (x1 = 0; x1 < width; x1 += mcuWidth) { // deal with restart marker if (restartInterval > 0 && restartCtr == 0) { c = readMarker(); if (c != restartMarker) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT data: incorrect restart marker"); return gFalse; } if (++restartMarker == 0xd8) restartMarker = 0xd0; restart(); } // read one MCU for (cc = 0; cc < numComps; ++cc) { h = compInfo[cc].hSample; v = compInfo[cc].vSample; horiz = mcuWidth / h; vert = mcuHeight / v; hSub = horiz / 8; vSub = vert / 8; for (y2 = 0; y2 < mcuHeight; y2 += vert) { for (x2 = 0; x2 < mcuWidth; x2 += horiz) { if (!readDataUnit(&dcHuffTables[compInfo[cc].dcHuffTable], &acHuffTables[compInfo[cc].acHuffTable], quantTables[compInfo[cc].quantTable], &compInfo[cc].prevDC, data)) return gFalse; if (hSub == 1 && vSub == 1) { for (y3 = 0, i = 0; y3 < 8; ++y3, i += 8) { p1 = &rowBuf[cc][y2+y3][x1+x2]; p1[0] = data[i]; p1[1] = data[i+1]; p1[2] = data[i+2]; p1[3] = data[i+3]; p1[4] = data[i+4]; p1[5] = data[i+5]; p1[6] = data[i+6]; p1[7] = data[i+7]; } } else if (hSub == 2 && vSub == 2) { for (y3 = 0, i = 0; y3 < 16; y3 += 2, i += 8) { p1 = &rowBuf[cc][y2+y3][x1+x2]; p2 = &rowBuf[cc][y2+y3+1][x1+x2]; p1[0] = p1[1] = p2[0] = p2[1] = data[i]; p1[2] = p1[3] = p2[2] = p2[3] = data[i+1]; p1[4] = p1[5] = p2[4] = p2[5] = data[i+2]; p1[6] = p1[7] = p2[6] = p2[7] = data[i+3]; p1[8] = p1[9] = p2[8] = p2[9] = data[i+4]; p1[10] = p1[11] = p2[10] = p2[11] = data[i+5]; p1[12] = p1[13] = p2[12] = p2[13] = data[i+6]; p1[14] = p1[15] = p2[14] = p2[15] = data[i+7]; } } else { i = 0; for (y3 = 0, y4 = 0; y3 < 8; ++y3, y4 += vSub) { for (x3 = 0, x4 = 0; x3 < 8; ++x3, x4 += hSub) { for (y5 = 0; y5 < vSub; ++y5) for (x5 = 0; x5 < hSub; ++x5) rowBuf[cc][y2+y4+y5][x1+x2+x4+x5] = data[i]; ++i; } } } } } } --restartCtr; // color space conversion if (colorXform) { // convert YCbCr to RGB if (numComps == 3) { for (y2 = 0; y2 < mcuHeight; ++y2) { for (x2 = 0; x2 < mcuWidth; ++x2) { pY = rowBuf[0][y2][x1+x2]; pCb = rowBuf[1][y2][x1+x2] - 128; pCr = rowBuf[2][y2][x1+x2] - 128; pR = ((pY << 16) + dctCrToR * pCr + 32768) >> 16; rowBuf[0][y2][x1+x2] = dctClip[dctClipOffset + pR]; pG = ((pY << 16) + dctCbToG * pCb + dctCrToG * pCr + 32768) >> 16; rowBuf[1][y2][x1+x2] = dctClip[dctClipOffset + pG]; pB = ((pY << 16) + dctCbToB * pCb + 32768) >> 16; rowBuf[2][y2][x1+x2] = dctClip[dctClipOffset + pB]; } } // convert YCbCrK to CMYK (K is passed through unchanged) } else if (numComps == 4) { for (y2 = 0; y2 < mcuHeight; ++y2) { for (x2 = 0; x2 < mcuWidth; ++x2) { pY = rowBuf[0][y2][x1+x2]; pCb = rowBuf[1][y2][x1+x2] - 128; pCr = rowBuf[2][y2][x1+x2] - 128; pR = ((pY << 16) + dctCrToR * pCr + 32768) >> 16; rowBuf[0][y2][x1+x2] = 255 - dctClip[dctClipOffset + pR]; pG = ((pY << 16) + dctCbToG * pCb + dctCrToG * pCr + 32678) >> 16; rowBuf[1][y2][x1+x2] = 255 - dctClip[dctClipOffset + pG]; pB = ((pY << 16) + dctCbToB * pCb + 32768) >> 16; rowBuf[2][y2][x1+x2] = 255 - dctClip[dctClipOffset + pB]; } } } } } return gTrue; } // This IDCT algorithm is taken from: // Christoph Loeffler, Adriaan Ligtenberg, George S. Moschytz, // "Practical Fast 1-D DCT Algorithms with 11 Multiplications", // IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, 1989, // 988-991. // The stage numbers mentioned in the comments refer to Figure 1 in this // paper. #ifndef FP_IDCT GBool DCTStream::readDataUnit(DCTHuffTable *dcHuffTable, DCTHuffTable *acHuffTable, Guchar quantTable[64], int *prevDC, Guchar data[64]) { int tmp1[64]; int v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, t; int run, size, amp; int c; int i, j; // Huffman decode and dequantize size = readHuffSym(dcHuffTable); if (size == 9999) return gFalse; if (size > 0) { amp = readAmp(size); if (amp == 9999) return gFalse; } else { amp = 0; } tmp1[0] = (*prevDC += amp) * quantTable[0]; for (i = 1; i < 64; ++i) tmp1[i] = 0; i = 1; while (i < 64) { run = 0; while ((c = readHuffSym(acHuffTable)) == 0xf0 && run < 0x30) run += 0x10; if (c == 9999) return gFalse; if (c == 0x00) { break; } else { run += (c >> 4) & 0x0f; size = c & 0x0f; amp = readAmp(size); if (amp == 9999) return gFalse; i += run; j = dctZigZag[i++]; tmp1[j] = amp * quantTable[j]; } } // inverse DCT on rows for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) { // stage 4 v0 = (dctSqrt2 * tmp1[i+0] + 128) >> 8; v1 = (dctSqrt2 * tmp1[i+4] + 128) >> 8; v2 = tmp1[i+2]; v3 = tmp1[i+6]; v4 = (dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[i+1] - tmp1[i+7]) + 128) >> 8; v7 = (dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[i+1] + tmp1[i+7]) + 128) >> 8; v5 = tmp1[i+3] << 4; v6 = tmp1[i+5] << 4; // stage 3 t = (v0 - v1+ 1) >> 1; v0 = (v0 + v1 + 1) >> 1; v1 = t; t = (v2 * dctSin6 + v3 * dctCos6 + 128) >> 8; v2 = (v2 * dctCos6 - v3 * dctSin6 + 128) >> 8; v3 = t; t = (v4 - v6 + 1) >> 1; v4 = (v4 + v6 + 1) >> 1; v6 = t; t = (v7 + v5 + 1) >> 1; v5 = (v7 - v5 + 1) >> 1; v7 = t; // stage 2 t = (v0 - v3 + 1) >> 1; v0 = (v0 + v3 + 1) >> 1; v3 = t; t = (v1 - v2 + 1) >> 1; v1 = (v1 + v2 + 1) >> 1; v2 = t; t = (v4 * dctSin3 + v7 * dctCos3 + 2048) >> 12; v4 = (v4 * dctCos3 - v7 * dctSin3 + 2048) >> 12; v7 = t; t = (v5 * dctSin1 + v6 * dctCos1 + 2048) >> 12; v5 = (v5 * dctCos1 - v6 * dctSin1 + 2048) >> 12; v6 = t; // stage 1 tmp1[i+0] = v0 + v7; tmp1[i+7] = v0 - v7; tmp1[i+1] = v1 + v6; tmp1[i+6] = v1 - v6; tmp1[i+2] = v2 + v5; tmp1[i+5] = v2 - v5; tmp1[i+3] = v3 + v4; tmp1[i+4] = v3 - v4; } // inverse DCT on columns for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // stage 4 v0 = (dctSqrt2 * tmp1[0*8+i] + 2048) >> 12; v1 = (dctSqrt2 * tmp1[4*8+i] + 2048) >> 12; v2 = tmp1[2*8+i]; v3 = tmp1[6*8+i]; v4 = (dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[1*8+i] - tmp1[7*8+i]) + 2048) >> 12; v7 = (dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[1*8+i] + tmp1[7*8+i]) + 2048) >> 12; v5 = tmp1[3*8+i]; v6 = tmp1[5*8+i]; // stage 3 t = (v0 - v1 + 1) >> 1; v0 = (v0 + v1 + 1) >> 1; v1 = t; t = (v2 * dctSin6 + v3 * dctCos6 + 2048) >> 12; v2 = (v2 * dctCos6 - v3 * dctSin6 + 2048) >> 12; v3 = t; t = (v4 - v6 + 1) >> 1; v4 = (v4 + v6 + 1) >> 1; v6 = t; t = (v7 + v5 + 1) >> 1; v5 = (v7 - v5 + 1) >> 1; v7 = t; // stage 2 t = (v0 - v3 + 1) >> 1; v0 = (v0 + v3 + 1) >> 1; v3 = t; t = (v1 - v2 + 1) >> 1; v1 = (v1 + v2 + 1) >> 1; v2 = t; t = (v4 * dctSin3 + v7 * dctCos3 + 2048) >> 12; v4 = (v4 * dctCos3 - v7 * dctSin3 + 2048) >> 12; v7 = t; t = (v5 * dctSin1 + v6 * dctCos1 + 2048) >> 12; v5 = (v5 * dctCos1 - v6 * dctSin1 + 2048) >> 12; v6 = t; // stage 1 tmp1[0*8+i] = v0 + v7; tmp1[7*8+i] = v0 - v7; tmp1[1*8+i] = v1 + v6; tmp1[6*8+i] = v1 - v6; tmp1[2*8+i] = v2 + v5; tmp1[5*8+i] = v2 - v5; tmp1[3*8+i] = v3 + v4; tmp1[4*8+i] = v3 - v4; } // convert to 8-bit integers for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) data[i] = dctClip[dctClipOffset + 128 + ((tmp1[i] + 8) >> 4)]; return gTrue; } #endif #ifdef FP_IDCT GBool DCTStream::readDataUnit(DCTHuffTable *dcHuffTable, DCTHuffTable *acHuffTable, Guchar quantTable[64], int *prevDC, Guchar data[64]) { double tmp1[64]; double v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, t; int run, size, amp; int c; int i, j; // Huffman decode and dequantize size = readHuffSym(dcHuffTable); if (size == 9999) return gFalse; if (size > 0) { amp = readAmp(size); if (amp == 9999) return gFalse; } else { amp = 0; } tmp1[0] = (*prevDC += amp) * quantTable[0]; for (i = 1; i < 64; ++i) tmp1[i] = 0; i = 1; while (i < 64) { run = 0; while ((c = readHuffSym(acHuffTable)) == 0xf0 && run < 0x30) run += 0x10; if (c == 9999) return gFalse; if (c == 0x00) { break; } else { run += (c >> 4) & 0x0f; size = c & 0x0f; amp = readAmp(size); if (amp == 9999) return gFalse; i += run; j = dctZigZag[i++]; tmp1[j] = amp * quantTable[j]; } } // inverse DCT on rows for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) { // stage 4 v0 = dctSqrt2 * tmp1[i+0]; v1 = dctSqrt2 * tmp1[i+4]; v2 = tmp1[i+2]; v3 = tmp1[i+6]; v4 = dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[i+1] - tmp1[i+7]); v7 = dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[i+1] + tmp1[i+7]); v5 = tmp1[i+3]; v6 = tmp1[i+5]; // stage 3 t = 0.5 * (v0 - v1); v0 = 0.5 * (v0 + v1); v1 = t; t = v2 * dctSin6 + v3 * dctCos6; v2 = v2 * dctCos6 - v3 * dctSin6; v3 = t; t = 0.5 * (v4 - v6); v4 = 0.5 * (v4 + v6); v6 = t; t = 0.5 * (v7 + v5); v5 = 0.5 * (v7 - v5); v7 = t; // stage 2 t = 0.5 * (v0 - v3); v0 = 0.5 * (v0 + v3); v3 = t; t = 0.5 * (v1 - v2); v1 = 0.5 * (v1 + v2); v2 = t; t = v4 * dctSin3 + v7 * dctCos3; v4 = v4 * dctCos3 - v7 * dctSin3; v7 = t; t = v5 * dctSin1 + v6 * dctCos1; v5 = v5 * dctCos1 - v6 * dctSin1; v6 = t; // stage 1 tmp1[i+0] = v0 + v7; tmp1[i+7] = v0 - v7; tmp1[i+1] = v1 + v6; tmp1[i+6] = v1 - v6; tmp1[i+2] = v2 + v5; tmp1[i+5] = v2 - v5; tmp1[i+3] = v3 + v4; tmp1[i+4] = v3 - v4; } // inverse DCT on columns for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // stage 4 v0 = dctSqrt2 * tmp1[0*8+i]; v1 = dctSqrt2 * tmp1[4*8+i]; v2 = tmp1[2*8+i]; v3 = tmp1[6*8+i]; v4 = dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[1*8+i] - tmp1[7*8+i]); v7 = dctSqrt1d2 * (tmp1[1*8+i] + tmp1[7*8+i]); v5 = tmp1[3*8+i]; v6 = tmp1[5*8+i]; // stage 3 t = 0.5 * (v0 - v1); v0 = 0.5 * (v0 + v1); v1 = t; t = v2 * dctSin6 + v3 * dctCos6; v2 = v2 * dctCos6 - v3 * dctSin6; v3 = t; t = 0.5 * (v4 - v6); v4 = 0.5 * (v4 + v6); v6 = t; t = 0.5 * (v7 + v5); v5 = 0.5 * (v7 - v5); v7 = t; // stage 2 t = 0.5 * (v0 - v3); v0 = 0.5 * (v0 + v3); v3 = t; t = 0.5 * (v1 - v2); v1 = 0.5 * (v1 + v2); v2 = t; t = v4 * dctSin3 + v7 * dctCos3; v4 = v4 * dctCos3 - v7 * dctSin3; v7 = t; t = v5 * dctSin1 + v6 * dctCos1; v5 = v5 * dctCos1 - v6 * dctSin1; v6 = t; // stage 1 tmp1[0*8+i] = v0 + v7; tmp1[7*8+i] = v0 - v7; tmp1[1*8+i] = v1 + v6; tmp1[6*8+i] = v1 - v6; tmp1[2*8+i] = v2 + v5; tmp1[5*8+i] = v2 - v5; tmp1[3*8+i] = v3 + v4; tmp1[4*8+i] = v3 - v4; } // convert to 8-bit integers for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) data[i] = dctClip[dctClipOffset + (int)(tmp1[i] + 128.5)]; return gTrue; } #endif int DCTStream::readHuffSym(DCTHuffTable *table) { Gushort code; int bit; int codeBits; code = 0; codeBits = 0; do { // add a bit to the code if ((bit = readBit()) == EOF) return 9999; code = (code << 1) + bit; ++codeBits; // look up code if (code - table->firstCode[codeBits] < table->numCodes[codeBits]) { code -= table->firstCode[codeBits]; return table->sym[table->firstSym[codeBits] + code]; } } while (codeBits < 16); error(getPos(), "Bad Huffman code in DCT stream"); return 9999; } int DCTStream::readAmp(int size) { int amp, bit; int bits; amp = 0; for (bits = 0; bits < size; ++bits) { if ((bit = readBit()) == EOF) return 9999; amp = (amp << 1) + bit; } if (amp < (1 << (size - 1))) amp -= (1 << size) - 1; return amp; } int DCTStream::readBit() { int bit; int c, c2; if (inputBits == 0) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) return EOF; if (c == 0xff) { do { c2 = str->getChar(); } while (c2 == 0xff); if (c2 != 0x00) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT data: missing 00 after ff"); return EOF; } } inputBuf = c; inputBits = 8; } bit = (inputBuf >> (inputBits - 1)) & 1; --inputBits; return bit; } GBool DCTStream::readHeader() { GBool doScan; int minHSample, minVSample; int bufWidth; int n; int c = 0; int i, j; width = height = 0; numComps = 0; numQuantTables = 0; numDCHuffTables = 0; numACHuffTables = 0; colorXform = 0; gotAdobeMarker = gFalse; restartInterval = 0; // read headers doScan = gFalse; while (!doScan) { c = readMarker(); switch (c) { case 0xc0: // SOF0 if (!readFrameInfo()) return gFalse; break; case 0xc4: // DHT if (!readHuffmanTables()) return gFalse; break; case 0xd8: // SOI break; case 0xda: // SOS if (!readScanInfo()) return gFalse; doScan = gTrue; break; case 0xdb: // DQT if (!readQuantTables()) return gFalse; break; case 0xdd: // DRI if (!readRestartInterval()) return gFalse; break; case 0xee: // APP14 if (!readAdobeMarker()) return gFalse; break; case EOF: error(getPos(), "Bad DCT header"); return gFalse; default: // skip APPn / COM / etc. if (c >= 0xe0) { n = read16() - 2; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) str->getChar(); } else { error(getPos(), "Unknown DCT marker <%02x>", c); return gFalse; } break; } } // compute MCU size mcuWidth = minHSample = compInfo[0].hSample; mcuHeight = minVSample = compInfo[0].vSample; for (i = 1; i < numComps; ++i) { if (compInfo[i].hSample < minHSample) minHSample = compInfo[i].hSample; if (compInfo[i].vSample < minVSample) minVSample = compInfo[i].vSample; if (compInfo[i].hSample > mcuWidth) mcuWidth = compInfo[i].hSample; if (compInfo[i].vSample > mcuHeight) mcuHeight = compInfo[i].vSample; } for (i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) { compInfo[i].hSample /= minHSample; compInfo[i].vSample /= minVSample; } mcuWidth = (mcuWidth / minHSample) * 8; mcuHeight = (mcuHeight / minVSample) * 8; // allocate buffers bufWidth = ((width + mcuWidth - 1) / mcuWidth) * mcuWidth; for (i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) for (j = 0; j < mcuHeight; ++j) rowBuf[i][j] = (Guchar *)gmalloc(bufWidth * sizeof(Guchar)); // figure out color transform if (!gotAdobeMarker && numComps == 3) { if (compInfo[0].id == 1 && compInfo[1].id == 2 && compInfo[2].id == 3) { colorXform = 1; } } // initialize counters comp = 0; x = 0; y = 0; dy = mcuHeight; return gTrue; } GBool DCTStream::readFrameInfo() { int length; int prec; int i; int c; length = read16() - 2; prec = str->getChar(); height = read16(); width = read16(); numComps = str->getChar(); length -= 6; if (prec != 8) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT precision %d", prec); return gFalse; } for (i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) { compInfo[i].id = str->getChar(); compInfo[i].inScan = gFalse; c = str->getChar(); compInfo[i].hSample = (c >> 4) & 0x0f; compInfo[i].vSample = c & 0x0f; compInfo[i].quantTable = str->getChar(); compInfo[i].dcHuffTable = 0; compInfo[i].acHuffTable = 0; } return gTrue; } GBool DCTStream::readScanInfo() { int length; int scanComps, id, c; int i, j; length = read16() - 2; scanComps = str->getChar(); --length; if (length != 2 * scanComps + 3) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT scan info block"); return gFalse; } for (i = 0; i < scanComps; ++i) { id = str->getChar(); for (j = 0; j < numComps; ++j) { if (id == compInfo[j].id) break; } if (j == numComps) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT component ID in scan info block"); return gFalse; } compInfo[j].inScan = gTrue; c = str->getChar(); compInfo[j].dcHuffTable = (c >> 4) & 0x0f; compInfo[j].acHuffTable = c & 0x0f; } str->getChar(); str->getChar(); str->getChar(); return gTrue; } GBool DCTStream::readQuantTables() { int length; int i; int index; length = read16() - 2; while (length > 0) { index = str->getChar(); if ((index & 0xf0) || index >= 4) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT quantization table"); return gFalse; } if (index == numQuantTables) numQuantTables = index + 1; for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) quantTables[index][dctZigZag[i]] = str->getChar(); length -= 65; } return gTrue; } GBool DCTStream::readHuffmanTables() { DCTHuffTable *tbl; int length; int index; Gushort code; Guchar sym; int i; int c; length = read16() - 2; while (length > 0) { index = str->getChar(); --length; if ((index & 0x0f) >= 4) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT Huffman table"); return gFalse; } if (index & 0x10) { index &= 0x0f; if (index >= numACHuffTables) numACHuffTables = index+1; tbl = &acHuffTables[index]; } else { if (index >= numDCHuffTables) numDCHuffTables = index+1; tbl = &dcHuffTables[index]; } sym = 0; code = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) { c = str->getChar(); tbl->firstSym[i] = sym; tbl->firstCode[i] = code; tbl->numCodes[i] = c; sym += c; code = (code + c) << 1; } length -= 16; for (i = 0; i < sym; ++i) tbl->sym[i] = str->getChar(); length -= sym; } return gTrue; } GBool DCTStream::readRestartInterval() { int length; length = read16(); if (length != 4) { error(getPos(), "Bad DCT restart interval"); return gFalse; } restartInterval = read16(); return gTrue; } GBool DCTStream::readAdobeMarker() { int length, i; char buf[12]; int c; length = read16(); if (length != 14) goto err; for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) goto err; buf[i] = c; } if (strncmp(buf, "Adobe", 5)) goto err; colorXform = buf[11]; gotAdobeMarker = gTrue; return gTrue; err: error(getPos(), "Bad DCT Adobe APP14 marker"); return gFalse; } GBool DCTStream::readTrailer() { int c; c = readMarker(); if (c != 0xd9) { // EOI error(getPos(), "Bad DCT trailer"); return gFalse; } return gTrue; } int DCTStream::readMarker() { int c; do { do { c = str->getChar(); } while (c != 0xff); do { c = str->getChar(); } while (c == 0xff); } while (c == 0x00); return c; } int DCTStream::read16() { int c1, c2; if ((c1 = str->getChar()) == EOF) return EOF; if ((c2 = str->getChar()) == EOF) return EOF; return (c1 << 8) + c2; } GString *DCTStream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { GString *s; s = str->getPSFilter(indent); s->append(indent)->append("<< >> /DCTDecode filter\n"); return s; } GBool DCTStream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gTrue); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // FlateStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int FlateStream::codeLenCodeMap[flateMaxCodeLenCodes] = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 }; FlateDecode FlateStream::lengthDecode[flateMaxLitCodes-257] = { {0, 3}, {0, 4}, {0, 5}, {0, 6}, {0, 7}, {0, 8}, {0, 9}, {0, 10}, {1, 11}, {1, 13}, {1, 15}, {1, 17}, {2, 19}, {2, 23}, {2, 27}, {2, 31}, {3, 35}, {3, 43}, {3, 51}, {3, 59}, {4, 67}, {4, 83}, {4, 99}, {4, 115}, {5, 131}, {5, 163}, {5, 195}, {5, 227}, {0, 258} }; FlateDecode FlateStream::distDecode[flateMaxDistCodes] = { { 0, 1}, { 0, 2}, { 0, 3}, { 0, 4}, { 1, 5}, { 1, 7}, { 2, 9}, { 2, 13}, { 3, 17}, { 3, 25}, { 4, 33}, { 4, 49}, { 5, 65}, { 5, 97}, { 6, 129}, { 6, 193}, { 7, 257}, { 7, 385}, { 8, 513}, { 8, 769}, { 9, 1025}, { 9, 1537}, {10, 2049}, {10, 3073}, {11, 4097}, {11, 6145}, {12, 8193}, {12, 12289}, {13, 16385}, {13, 24577} }; FlateStream::FlateStream(Stream *str1, int predictor1, int columns1, int colors1, int bits1) { str = str1; if (predictor1 != 1) { pred = new StreamPredictor(this, predictor1, columns1, colors1, bits1); } else { pred = NULL; } } FlateStream::~FlateStream() { if (pred) { delete pred; } delete str; } void FlateStream::reset() { int cmf, flg; str->reset(); // read header //~ need to look at window size? endOfBlock = eof = gTrue; cmf = str->getChar(); flg = str->getChar(); if (cmf == EOF || flg == EOF) return; if ((cmf & 0x0f) != 0x08) { error(getPos(), "Unknown compression method in flate stream"); return; } if ((((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31) != 0) { error(getPos(), "Bad FCHECK in flate stream"); return; } if (flg & 0x20) { error(getPos(), "FDICT bit set in flate stream"); return; } // initialize index = 0; remain = 0; codeBuf = 0; codeSize = 0; compressedBlock = gFalse; endOfBlock = gTrue; eof = gFalse; } int FlateStream::getChar() { int c; if (pred) { return pred->getChar(); } while (remain == 0) { if (endOfBlock && eof) return EOF; readSome(); } c = buf[index]; index = (index + 1) & flateMask; --remain; return c; } int FlateStream::lookChar() { int c; if (pred) { return pred->lookChar(); } while (remain == 0) { if (endOfBlock && eof) return EOF; readSome(); } c = buf[index]; return c; } int FlateStream::getRawChar() { int c; while (remain == 0) { if (endOfBlock && eof) return EOF; readSome(); } c = buf[index]; index = (index + 1) & flateMask; --remain; return c; } GString *FlateStream::getPSFilter(char *indent) { return NULL; } GBool FlateStream::isBinary(GBool last) { return str->isBinary(gTrue); } void FlateStream::readSome() { int code1, code2; int len, dist; int i, j, k; int c; if (endOfBlock) { if (!startBlock()) return; } if (compressedBlock) { if ((code1 = getHuffmanCodeWord(&litCodeTab)) == EOF) goto err; if (code1 < 256) { buf[index] = code1; remain = 1; } else if (code1 == 256) { endOfBlock = gTrue; remain = 0; } else { code1 -= 257; code2 = lengthDecode[code1].bits; if (code2 > 0 && (code2 = getCodeWord(code2)) == EOF) goto err; len = lengthDecode[code1].first + code2; if ((code1 = getHuffmanCodeWord(&distCodeTab)) == EOF) goto err; code2 = distDecode[code1].bits; if (code2 > 0 && (code2 = getCodeWord(code2)) == EOF) goto err; dist = distDecode[code1].first + code2; i = index; j = (index - dist) & flateMask; for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) { buf[i] = buf[j]; i = (i + 1) & flateMask; j = (j + 1) & flateMask; } remain = len; } } else { len = (blockLen < flateWindow) ? blockLen : flateWindow; for (i = 0, j = index; i < len; ++i, j = (j + 1) & flateMask) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) { endOfBlock = eof = gTrue; break; } buf[j] = c & 0xff; } remain = i; blockLen -= len; if (blockLen == 0) endOfBlock = gTrue; } return; err: error(getPos(), "Unexpected end of file in flate stream"); endOfBlock = eof = gTrue; remain = 0; } GBool FlateStream::startBlock() { int blockHdr; int c; int check; // read block header blockHdr = getCodeWord(3); if (blockHdr & 1) eof = gTrue; blockHdr >>= 1; // uncompressed block if (blockHdr == 0) { compressedBlock = gFalse; if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) goto err; blockLen = c & 0xff; if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) goto err; blockLen |= (c & 0xff) << 8; if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) goto err; check = c & 0xff; if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) goto err; check |= (c & 0xff) << 8; if (check != (~blockLen & 0xffff)) error(getPos(), "Bad uncompressed block length in flate stream"); codeBuf = 0; codeSize = 0; // compressed block with fixed codes } else if (blockHdr == 1) { compressedBlock = gTrue; loadFixedCodes(); // compressed block with dynamic codes } else if (blockHdr == 2) { compressedBlock = gTrue; if (!readDynamicCodes()) goto err; // unknown block type } else { goto err; } endOfBlock = gFalse; return gTrue; err: error(getPos(), "Bad block header in flate stream"); endOfBlock = eof = gTrue; return gFalse; } void FlateStream::loadFixedCodes() { int i; // set up code arrays litCodeTab.codes = allCodes; distCodeTab.codes = allCodes + flateMaxLitCodes; // initialize literal code table for (i = 0; i <= 143; ++i) litCodeTab.codes[i].len = 8; for (i = 144; i <= 255; ++i) litCodeTab.codes[i].len = 9; for (i = 256; i <= 279; ++i) litCodeTab.codes[i].len = 7; for (i = 280; i <= 287; ++i) litCodeTab.codes[i].len = 8; compHuffmanCodes(&litCodeTab, flateMaxLitCodes); // initialize distance code table for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) distCodeTab.start[i] = 0; distCodeTab.start[5] = 0; for (i = 6; i <= flateMaxHuffman+1; ++i) distCodeTab.start[6] = flateMaxDistCodes; for (i = 0; i < flateMaxDistCodes; ++i) { distCodeTab.codes[i].len = 5; distCodeTab.codes[i].code = i; distCodeTab.codes[i].val = i; } } GBool FlateStream::readDynamicCodes() { int numCodeLenCodes; int numLitCodes; int numDistCodes; FlateCode codeLenCodes[flateMaxCodeLenCodes]; FlateHuffmanTab codeLenCodeTab; int len, repeat, code; int i; // read lengths if ((numLitCodes = getCodeWord(5)) == EOF) goto err; numLitCodes += 257; if ((numDistCodes = getCodeWord(5)) == EOF) goto err; numDistCodes += 1; if ((numCodeLenCodes = getCodeWord(4)) == EOF) goto err; numCodeLenCodes += 4; if (numLitCodes > flateMaxLitCodes || numDistCodes > flateMaxDistCodes || numCodeLenCodes > flateMaxCodeLenCodes) goto err; // read code length code table codeLenCodeTab.codes = codeLenCodes; for (i = 0; i < flateMaxCodeLenCodes; ++i) codeLenCodes[i].len = 0; for (i = 0; i < numCodeLenCodes; ++i) { if ((codeLenCodes[codeLenCodeMap[i]].len = getCodeWord(3)) == -1) goto err; } compHuffmanCodes(&codeLenCodeTab, flateMaxCodeLenCodes); // set up code arrays litCodeTab.codes = allCodes; distCodeTab.codes = allCodes + numLitCodes; // read literal and distance code tables len = 0; repeat = 0; i = 0; while (i < numLitCodes + numDistCodes) { if ((code = getHuffmanCodeWord(&codeLenCodeTab)) == EOF) goto err; if (code == 16) { if ((repeat = getCodeWord(2)) == EOF) goto err; for (repeat += 3; repeat > 0; --repeat) allCodes[i++].len = len; } else if (code == 17) { if ((repeat = getCodeWord(3)) == EOF) goto err; len = 0; for (repeat += 3; repeat > 0; --repeat) allCodes[i++].len = 0; } else if (code == 18) { if ((repeat = getCodeWord(7)) == EOF) goto err; len = 0; for (repeat += 11; repeat > 0; --repeat) allCodes[i++].len = 0; } else { allCodes[i++].len = len = code; } } compHuffmanCodes(&litCodeTab, numLitCodes); compHuffmanCodes(&distCodeTab, numDistCodes); return gTrue; err: error(getPos(), "Bad dynamic code table in flate stream"); return gFalse; } // On entry, the codes> array contains the lengths of each code, // stored in code value order. This function computes the code words. // The result is sorted in order of (1) code length and (2) code word. // The length values are no longer valid. The start> array is // filled with the indexes of the first code of each length. void FlateStream::compHuffmanCodes(FlateHuffmanTab *tab, int n) { int numLengths[flateMaxHuffman+1]; int nextCode[flateMaxHuffman+1]; int nextIndex[flateMaxHuffman+2]; int code; int i, j; // count number of codes for each code length for (i = 0; i <= flateMaxHuffman; ++i) numLengths[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) ++numLengths[tab->codes[i].len]; // compute first index for each length tab->start[0] = nextIndex[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= flateMaxHuffman + 1; ++i) tab->start[i] = nextIndex[i] = tab->start[i-1] + numLengths[i-1]; // compute first code for each length code = 0; numLengths[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= flateMaxHuffman; ++i) { code = (code + numLengths[i-1]) << 1; nextCode[i] = code; } // compute the codes -- this permutes the codes array from value // order to length/code order for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { j = nextIndex[tab->codes[i].len]++; if (tab->codes[i].len == 0) tab->codes[j].code = 0; else tab->codes[j].code = nextCode[tab->codes[i].len]++; tab->codes[j].val = i; } } int FlateStream::getHuffmanCodeWord(FlateHuffmanTab *tab) { int len; int code; int c; int i, j; code = 0; for (len = 1; len <= flateMaxHuffman; ++len) { // add a bit to the code if (codeSize == 0) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) return EOF; codeBuf = c & 0xff; codeSize = 8; } code = (code << 1) | (codeBuf & 1); codeBuf >>= 1; --codeSize; // look for code i = tab->start[len]; j = tab->start[len + 1]; if (i < j && code >= tab->codes[i].code && code <= tab->codes[j-1].code) { i += code - tab->codes[i].code; return tab->codes[i].val; } } // not found error(getPos(), "Bad code (%04x) in flate stream", code); return EOF; } int FlateStream::getCodeWord(int bits) { int c; while (codeSize < bits) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) return EOF; codeBuf |= (c & 0xff) << codeSize; codeSize += 8; } c = codeBuf & ((1 << bits) - 1); codeBuf >>= bits; codeSize -= bits; return c; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // EOFStream //------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOFStream::EOFStream(Stream *str1) { str = str1; } EOFStream::~EOFStream() { delete str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // FixedLengthEncoder //------------------------------------------------------------------------ FixedLengthEncoder::FixedLengthEncoder(Stream *str1, int length1) { str = str1; length = length1; count = 0; } FixedLengthEncoder::~FixedLengthEncoder() { if (str->isEncoder()) delete str; } void FixedLengthEncoder::reset() { str->reset(); count = 0; } int FixedLengthEncoder::getChar() { if (length >= 0 && count >= length) return EOF; ++count; return str->getChar(); } int FixedLengthEncoder::lookChar() { if (length >= 0 && count >= length) return EOF; return str->getChar(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ASCII85Encoder //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASCII85Encoder::ASCII85Encoder(Stream *str1) { str = str1; bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; lineLen = 0; eof = gFalse; } ASCII85Encoder::~ASCII85Encoder() { if (str->isEncoder()) delete str; } void ASCII85Encoder::reset() { str->reset(); bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; lineLen = 0; eof = gFalse; } GBool ASCII85Encoder::fillBuf() { Gulong t; char buf1[5]; int c; int n, i; if (eof) return gFalse; t = 0; for (n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) break; t = (t << 8) + c; } bufPtr = bufEnd = buf; if (n > 0) { if (n == 4 && t == 0) { *bufEnd++ = 'z'; if (++lineLen == 65) { *bufEnd++ = '\n'; lineLen = 0; } } else { if (n < 4) t <<= 8 * (4 - n); for (i = 4; i >= 0; --i) { buf1[i] = (char)(t % 85 + 0x21); t /= 85; } for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) { *bufEnd++ = buf1[i]; if (++lineLen == 65) { *bufEnd++ = '\n'; lineLen = 0; } } } } if (n < 4) { *bufEnd++ = '~'; *bufEnd++ = '>'; eof = gTrue; } return bufPtr < bufEnd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // RunLengthEncoder //------------------------------------------------------------------------ RunLengthEncoder::RunLengthEncoder(Stream *str1) { str = str1; bufPtr = bufEnd = nextEnd = buf; eof = gFalse; } RunLengthEncoder::~RunLengthEncoder() { if (str->isEncoder()) delete str; } void RunLengthEncoder::reset() { str->reset(); bufPtr = bufEnd = nextEnd = buf; eof = gFalse; } // // When fillBuf finishes, buf[] looks like this: // +-----+--------------+-----------------+-- // + tag | ... data ... | next 0, 1, or 2 | // +-----+--------------+-----------------+-- // ^ ^ ^ // bufPtr bufEnd nextEnd // GBool RunLengthEncoder::fillBuf() { int c, c1, c2; int n; // already hit EOF? if (eof) return gFalse; // grab two bytes if (nextEnd < bufEnd + 1) { if ((c1 = str->getChar()) == EOF) { eof = gTrue; return gFalse; } } else { c1 = bufEnd[0] & 0xff; } if (nextEnd < bufEnd + 2) { if ((c2 = str->getChar()) == EOF) { eof = gTrue; buf[0] = 0; buf[1] = c1; bufPtr = buf; bufEnd = &buf[2]; return gTrue; } } else { c2 = bufEnd[1] & 0xff; } // check for repeat if (c1 == c2) { n = 2; while (n < 128 && (c = str->getChar()) == c1) ++n; buf[0] = (char)(257 - n); buf[1] = c1; bufEnd = &buf[2]; if (c == EOF) { eof = gTrue; } else if (n < 128) { buf[2] = c; nextEnd = &buf[3]; } else { nextEnd = bufEnd; } // get up to 128 chars } else { buf[1] = c1; buf[2] = c2; n = 2; while (n < 128) { if ((c = str->getChar()) == EOF) { eof = gTrue; break; } ++n; buf[n] = c; if (buf[n] == buf[n-1]) break; } if (buf[n] == buf[n-1]) { buf[0] = (char)(n-2-1); bufEnd = &buf[n-1]; nextEnd = &buf[n+1]; } else { buf[0] = (char)(n-1); bufEnd = nextEnd = &buf[n+1]; } } bufPtr = buf; return gTrue; }