//======================================================================== // // XPDFCore.h // // Copyright 2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== #ifndef XPDFCORE_H #define XPDFCORE_H #include #ifdef USE_GCC_PRAGMAS #pragma interface #endif #define Object XtObject #include #undef Object #include #include "gtypes.h" #include "gfile.h" // for time_t class GString; class GList; class PDFDoc; class LinkAction; class LinkDest; class XPixmapOutputDev; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // zoom factor //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define minZoom -5 #define maxZoom 5 #define zoomPage 100 #define zoomWidth 101 #define defZoom 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XPDFHistory //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct XPDFHistory { GString *fileName; int page; }; #define xpdfHistorySize 50 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XPDFRegion //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct XPDFRegion { int page; double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax; Gulong color; Gulong selectColor; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // callbacks //------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef void (*XPDFUpdateCbk)(void *data, GString *fileName, int pageNum, int numPages, char *linkLabel); typedef void (*XPDFActionCbk)(void *data, char *action); typedef void (*XPDFKeyPressCbk)(void *data, char *s, KeySym key, Guint modifiers); typedef void (*XPDFMouseCbk)(void *data, XEvent *event); typedef GString *(*XPDFReqPasswordCbk)(void *data, GBool again); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XPDFCore //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class XPDFCore { public: // Create viewer core inside . XPDFCore(Widget shellA, Widget parentWidgetA, Gulong paperColorA, GBool fullScreenA, GBool reverseVideo, GBool installCmap, int rgbCubeSize); ~XPDFCore(); //----- loadFile / displayPage / displayDest // Load a new file. Returns pdfOk or error code. int loadFile(GString *fileName, GString *ownerPassword = NULL, GString *userPassword = NULL); // Resize the window to fit page of the current document. void resizeToPage(int pg); // Clear out the current document, if any. void clear(); // Display (or redisplay) the specified page. If is // set, the window is vertically scrolled to the top; otherwise, no // scrolling is done. If is set, this page change is // added to the history list. void displayPage(int pageA, int zoomA, int rotateA, GBool scrollToTop, GBool addToHist); // Display a link destination. void displayDest(LinkDest *dest, int zoomA, int rotateA, GBool addToHist); //----- page/position changes void gotoNextPage(int inc, GBool top); void gotoPrevPage(int dec, GBool top, GBool bottom); void goForward(); void goBackward(); void scrollLeft(int nCols = 1); void scrollRight(int nCols = 1); void scrollUp(int nLines = 1); void scrollDown(int nLines = 1); void scrollPageUp(); void scrollPageDown(); void scrollTo(int x, int y); //----- selection void setSelection(int newXMin, int newYMin, int newXMax, int newYMax); void moveSelection(int mx, int my); void copySelection(); GBool getSelection(int *xMin, int *yMin, int *xMax, int *yMax); GString *extractText(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax); GString *extractText(int pageNum, int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax); //----- hyperlinks void doAction(LinkAction *action); //----- find void find(char *s); //----- simple modal dialogs GBool doQuestionDialog(char *title, GString *msg); void doInfoDialog(char *title, GString *msg); void doErrorDialog(char *title, GString *msg); //----- misc access Widget getWidget() { return scrolledWin; } Widget getDrawAreaWidget() { return drawArea; } PDFDoc *getDoc() { return doc; } XPixmapOutputDev *getOutputDev() { return out; } int getPageNum() { return page; } int getZoom() { return zoom; } double getZoomDPI() { return dpi; } int getRotate() { return rotate; } GBool canGoBack() { return historyBLen > 1; } GBool canGoForward() { return historyFLen > 0; } int getScrollX() { return scrollX; } int getScrollY() { return scrollY; } int getDrawAreaWidth() { return drawAreaWidth; } int getDrawAreaHeight() { return drawAreaHeight; } void setBusyCursor(GBool busy); Cursor getBusyCursor() { return busyCursor; } void takeFocus(); void enableHyperlinks(GBool on) { hyperlinksEnabled = on; } void enableSelect(GBool on) { selectEnabled = on; } void setUpdateCbk(XPDFUpdateCbk cbk, void *data) { updateCbk = cbk; updateCbkData = data; } void setActionCbk(XPDFActionCbk cbk, void *data) { actionCbk = cbk; actionCbkData = data; } void setKeyPressCbk(XPDFKeyPressCbk cbk, void *data) { keyPressCbk = cbk; keyPressCbkData = data; } void setMouseCbk(XPDFMouseCbk cbk, void *data) { mouseCbk = cbk; mouseCbkData = data; } void setReqPasswordCbk(XPDFReqPasswordCbk cbk, void *data) { reqPasswordCbk = cbk; reqPasswordCbkData = data; } private: //----- hyperlinks void doLink(int mx, int my); void runCommand(GString *cmdFmt, GString *arg); //----- selection static Boolean convertSelectionCbk(Widget widget, Atom *selection, Atom *target, Atom *type, XtPointer *value, unsigned long *length, int *format); //----- GUI code void initWindow(); static void hScrollChangeCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void hScrollDragCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void vScrollChangeCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void vScrollDragCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void resizeCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void redrawCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void outputDevRedrawCbk(void *data); static void inputCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); void keyPress(char *s, KeySym key, Guint modifiers); void redrawRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h); void updateScrollBars(); void setCursor(Cursor cursor); GBool doDialog(int type, GBool hasCancel, char *title, GString *msg); static void dialogOkCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); static void dialogCancelCbk(Widget widget, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer callData); Gulong paperColor; GBool fullScreen; Display *display; int screenNum; Visual *visual; Colormap colormap; Widget shell; // top-level shell containing the widget Widget parentWidget; // parent widget (not created by XPDFCore) Widget scrolledWin; Widget hScrollBar; Widget vScrollBar; Widget drawAreaFrame; Widget drawArea; Cursor busyCursor, linkCursor, selectCursor; Cursor currentCursor; GC drawAreaGC; // GC for blitting into drawArea GC selectGC; GC highlightGC; int drawAreaWidth, drawAreaHeight; int scrollX, scrollY; // current upper-left corner int selectXMin, selectYMin, // coordinates of current selection: selectXMax, selectYMax; // (xMin==xMax || yMin==yMax) means there // is no selection GBool dragging; // set while selection is being dragged GBool lastDragLeft; // last dragged selection edge was left/right GBool lastDragTop; // last dragged selection edge was top/bottom static GString *currentSelection; // selected text static XPDFCore *currentSelectionOwner; GBool panning; int panMX, panMY; XPDFHistory // page history queue history[xpdfHistorySize]; int historyCur; // currently displayed page int historyBLen; // number of valid entries backward from // current entry int historyFLen; // number of valid entries forward from // current entry PDFDoc *doc; // current PDF file int page; // current page number int zoom; // current zoom level double dpi; // current zoom level, in DPI int rotate; // current page rotation time_t modTime; // last modification time of PDF file LinkAction *linkAction; // mouse cursor is over this link XPDFUpdateCbk updateCbk; void *updateCbkData; XPDFActionCbk actionCbk; void *actionCbkData; XPDFKeyPressCbk keyPressCbk; void *keyPressCbkData; XPDFMouseCbk mouseCbk; void *mouseCbkData; XPDFReqPasswordCbk reqPasswordCbk; void *reqPasswordCbkData; GBool hyperlinksEnabled; GBool selectEnabled; XPixmapOutputDev *out; int dialogDone; }; #endif