--- /dev/null
+ # number of pads
+ # pad width in 1/1000 mil
+ # pad length in 1/1000 mil
+ # pad pitch 1/1000 mil
+ # seperation between pads on opposite sides 1/1000 mil
+ # X coordinates for the right hand column of pads (1/100 mils)
+ # pad clearance to plane layer in 1/100 mil
+ # pad soldermask width in 1/100 mil
+ # silk screen width (1/100 mils)
+ # figure out if we have an even or odd number of pins per side
+ # silk bounding box is -XMAX,-YMAX, XMAX,YMAX (1/100 mils)
+# element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y,
+# text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags
+Element[0x00000000 "Small outline package, narrow or medium (150 or 200mil)" "" "SO8NM" 0 0 -2000 -6000 0 100 0x00000000]
+# Pad[x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness, clearance, mask, name , pad number, flags]
+ Pad[ -16000 -7500
+ -7000 -7500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "1" "1" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ -16000 -2500
+ -7000 -2500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "2" "2" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ -16000 2500
+ -7000 2500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "3" "3" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ -16000 7500
+ -7000 7500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "4" "4" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ 16000 7500
+ 7000 7500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "5" "5" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ 16000 2500
+ 7000 2500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "6" "6" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ 16000 -2500
+ 7000 -2500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "7" "7" 0x00000100]
+ Pad[ 16000 -7500
+ 7000 -7500
+ 2000 1000 3000 "8" "8" 0x00000100]
+ ElementLine[-18000 -9500 -18000 9500 1000]
+ ElementLine[-18000 9500 18000 9500 1000]
+ ElementLine[ 18000 9500 18000 -9500 1000]
+ ElementLine[-18000 -9500 -2500 -9500 1000]
+ ElementLine[ 18000 -9500 2500 -9500 1000]
+ # punt on the arc on small parts as it can cover the pads
+ ElementArc[0 -9500 2500 2500 0 180 1000]
PCB["" 200000 97500]
-Grid[2500.0 0 0 1]
-Cursor[5000 5000 0.000000]
+Grid[2500.0 0 0 0]
+Cursor[0 97500 0.000000]
DRC[1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1000]
Via[25000 25000 6000 2000 0 3500 "" ""]
Via[60000 40000 6000 2000 0 3500 "" ""]
Via[32500 12500 4000 2000 0 2000 "" ""]
-Via[90000 15000 4000 2000 0 2000 "" ""]
+Via[87500 15000 4000 2000 0 2000 "" ""]
Via[32500 42500 4000 2000 0 2000 "" ""]
Via[77500 57500 9000 4000 0 5000 "" ""]
Via[162500 45000 4000 2000 0 2000 "" ""]
-Element["onsolder" "SO8" "U1" "unknown" 112500 20000 -2000 6000 0 100 "auto"]
- Pad[-13500 7500 -7000 7500 2000 1000 3000 "PB5/_RESET_" "1" "onsolder,square"]
- Pad[-13500 2500 -7000 2500 2000 1000 3000 "PB3" "2" "onsolder,square"]
- Pad[-13500 -2500 -7000 -2500 2000 1000 3000 "PB4" "3" "onsolder,square"]
- Pad[-13500 -7500 -7000 -7500 2000 1000 3000 "GND" "4" "onsolder,square"]
- Pad[7000 -7500 13500 -7500 2000 1000 3000 "PB0/MOSI" "5" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
- Pad[7000 -2500 13500 -2500 2000 1000 3000 "PB1/MISO" "6" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
- Pad[7000 2500 13500 2500 2000 1000 3000 "PB2/SCK" "7" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
- Pad[7000 7500 13500 7500 2000 1000 3000 "VCC" "8" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
- ElementLine [-15500 -9500 -15500 9500 1000]
- ElementLine [-15500 -9500 15500 -9500 1000]
- ElementLine [15500 -9500 15500 9500 1000]
- ElementLine [-15500 9500 -2500 9500 1000]
- ElementLine [2500 9500 15500 9500 1000]
- ElementArc [0 9500 2500 2500 180 180 1000]
- )
Element["" "HEADER10_1" "PROG" "unknown" 39500 15500 -20000 -12500 0 100 ""]
Pin[0 0 6000 3000 6600 3800 "1" "1" "square,edge2"]
ElementLine [-10300 -11000 -10300 2900 1000]
ElementLine [-10300 -11000 2500 -11000 1000]
+ )
+Element["onsolder" "SO8NM" "U1" "unknown" 112500 20000 -2000 6000 0 100 "auto"]
+ Pad[-16000 7500 -7000 7500 2000 1000 3000 "1" "1" "onsolder,square"]
+ Pad[-16000 2500 -7000 2500 2000 1000 3000 "2" "2" "onsolder,square"]
+ Pad[-16000 -2500 -7000 -2500 2000 1000 3000 "3" "3" "onsolder,square"]
+ Pad[-16000 -7500 -7000 -7500 2000 1000 3000 "4" "4" "onsolder,square"]
+ Pad[7000 -7500 16000 -7500 2000 1000 3000 "5" "5" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
+ Pad[7000 -2500 16000 -2500 2000 1000 3000 "6" "6" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
+ Pad[7000 2500 16000 2500 2000 1000 3000 "7" "7" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
+ Pad[7000 7500 16000 7500 2000 1000 3000 "8" "8" "onsolder,square,edge2"]
+ ElementLine [-18000 9500 -18000 -9500 1000]
+ ElementLine [-18000 -9500 18000 -9500 1000]
+ ElementLine [18000 -9500 18000 9500 1000]
+ ElementLine [-18000 9500 -2500 9500 1000]
+ ElementLine [18000 9500 2500 9500 1000]
+ ElementArc [0 9500 2500 2500 180 180 1000]
Layer(1 "component")
Line[25000 5000 40000 5000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[25000 25000 25000 5000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[35000 10400 32500 12500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[85500 10500 35000 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[90000 15000 86000 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[83500 10500 35000 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[87500 15000 83500 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[102500 35000 102500 5000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[97500 40000 60000 40000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[102500 35000 97500 40000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[102500 22500 87500 22500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[70000 20000 70000 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[80000 30000 70000 20000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[90000 30000 80000 30000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[95000 25000 90000 30000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[87500 30000 80000 30000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[92500 25000 87500 30000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[77500 32500 60000 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[92500 32500 77500 32500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[97500 27500 92500 32500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[15000 25000 17500 20000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[80000 45000 60000 25000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[97500 45000 80000 45000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
- Line[92500 17500 90000 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[102500 17500 92500 17500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[102500 17500 90000 17500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[44500 10500 39500 15500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[95000 10500 45000 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[95000 15000 95000 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[92500 10500 45000 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[92500 15000 92500 10500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[102500 10000 102500 7500 6000 4000 "clearline"]
- Line[107500 25000 95000 25000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[107500 25000 92500 25000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[110000 22500 107500 25000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[122500 22500 110000 22500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[125000 22500 110000 22500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[110000 17500 107500 20000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[122500 17500 110000 17500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[107500 15000 95000 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[125000 17500 110000 17500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[110000 12500 107500 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[122500 12500 110000 12500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[125000 12500 110000 12500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[32500 42500 42500 42500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[30000 45000 32500 42500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[127500 22500 137500 32500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[125000 22500 127500 22500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[130000 22500 132500 25000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[125000 22500 130000 22500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[132500 17500 140000 25000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[125000 17500 132500 17500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[137500 12500 140000 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[112500 45000 112500 42500 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[112500 42500 115000 40000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
Line[115000 40000 122500 40000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
+ Line[90000 17500 87500 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[107500 15000 92500 15000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[102500 10000 100000 10000 6000 4000 "clearline"]
+ Line[132500 25000 132500 27500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[132500 27500 140000 35000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Layer(3 "silk")
Line[139000 77500 165000 77500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[500 10000 500 87500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[199500 10000 199500 87500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
- Line[10000 500 190000 500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
+ Line[10000 2500 190000 2500 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Line[190000 97000 10000 97000 1000 2000 "clearline"]
Arc[10000 87500 9500 9500 1000 2000 0 90 "clearline"]
Arc[190000 87500 9500 9500 1000 2000 180 -90 "clearline"]