eps = 0.01;
infty = 200;
-wall = 10;
-width = 20;
-top_h = wall * 1.5;
-top_hole_w = 40 + 1;
-top_back_h = wall*1.5;
-beam_h = 10;
-bottom_hole_w = 15;
-bottom_hole_r = 1.2*width;
-bottom_h = 40;
-front_h = 20;
-module valcova_usec(r, w, h) {
- intersection() {
- tx(-sqrt(r^2 - (h/2)^2)) tz(h/2) rx(-90)
- cylinder(r = r, h = w);
- cube([r, w, h]);
+wall = 8;
+inner_w = 82;
+outer_w = inner_w + 2*30;
+inner_w_round_r = 2;
+body_h = 30;
+bottom_w = 70;
+top_w = bottom_w + 3*wall;
+bottom_h = 60;
+module top_part() {
+ difference() {
+ round_with() {
+ rounding();
+ hull() {
+ Mx()
+ Tx(outer_w/2 - 4*wall)
+ Sx(2)
+ cylinder(r = 2*wall, h = body_h);
+ }
+ }
+ translate([-outer_w/2-eps, -2*wall-eps, -eps])
+ cube([outer_w + 2*eps, 2*wall-inner_w_round_r,
+ body_h + 2*eps]);
+ Mx() translate([inner_w/2 + inner_w_round_r,
+ -inner_w_round_r, -eps]) hull() {
+ cylinder(r = inner_w_round_r, h = body_h + 2*eps);
+ cube([inner_w/2, inner_w_round_r, body_h + 2*eps]);
+ }
-module vesak() {
- // top front
- intersection() {
- sx(top_h/wall) cylinder(r = wall, h = width);
- cube(infty);
- }
- // top back
- ty(-top_hole_w)
- intersection() {
- sx(top_back_h/wall) cylinder(r = wall, h = width);
- translate([-infty, -infty, 0]) cube(infty);
- }
- // top
- intersection() {
- sx(top_h/(top_hole_w+wall))
- cylinder(r = top_hole_w + wall, h = width);
- ty(-infty) cube(infty);
+hole_d = 35;
+hole_l = 1.25*hole_d;
+hole_xoff = 0.2*(bottom_w-hole_d);
+hole_yoff = bottom_h - 0.2*hole_d;
+hole_top_yoff = 7;
+hole_top_l = 20;
+hook_top_rx = 8;
+hook_top_ry = 12;
+module bottom_part() {
+ difference() {
+ hull() {
+ Tx(-inner_w/2) Ty(-inner_w_round_r)
+ cube([inner_w, wall/2, body_h]);
+ Ty(-bottom_h) cylinder(r = bottom_w/2, h = body_h);
+ }
+ // main hole
+ difference() {
+ hull() {
+ translate([hole_xoff, -hole_yoff, -eps])
+ cylinder(r = hole_d/2, h = body_h+2*eps);
+ translate([hole_xoff,
+ -hole_yoff-hole_d+hole_l, -eps])
+ cylinder(r = hole_d/2, h = body_h+2*eps);
+ }
+ // rounded hook inner bottom
+ translate([-inner_w/2, -hole_yoff-hole_d/2, body_h/2])
+ Sy(0.7)
+ Ry(90)
+ cylinder(r = 0.55*body_h, h = inner_w);
+ }
+ // cut to the top
+ hull() {
+ translate([inner_w/2+inner_w_round_r,
+ -hole_top_l-hole_top_yoff, -eps])
+ cube([eps, hole_top_l, body_h+2*eps]);
+ translate([hole_xoff, -hole_yoff-hole_d+hole_l, -eps])
+ intersection() {
+ cylinder(r = hole_d/2, h = body_h+2*eps);
+ translate([-infty, 0, -infty/2])
+ cube(infty);
+ }
+ }
+ // rounded hook end
+ difference() {
+ translate([hole_xoff, -hole_yoff, -eps])
+ cube([inner_w/2, hole_l-hole_d/2, body_h+2*eps]);
+ translate([hole_xoff + hole_d/2 + hook_top_rx - 2*eps,
+ -hole_yoff, -2*eps])
+ Sy(hook_top_ry/hook_top_rx)
+ cylinder(r = hook_top_rx, h = body_h + 4*eps);
+ }
- // beam
- tx(-beam_h) cube([beam_h, wall, width]);
- // bottom
- tx(-beam_h)
- intersection() {
- sy((bottom_hole_w+2*wall)/bottom_h) cylinder(r = bottom_h, h = width);
- tx(-infty) cube(infty);
- }
+module rounding() {
+ Mz() cylinder(r1 = 3, r2 = 0, h = 4.5, $fn = 8);
- // hook front
- translate([-beam_h, bottom_hole_w+wall, 0])
- cube([front_h, wall, width]);
+$fn = 128;
- // hook rounded top
- translate([front_h-beam_h, bottom_hole_w+wall, 0])
- valcova_usec(bottom_hole_r, wall, width);
+Mx() Tx(outer_w/2-3) Ty(3)
+ cylinder(r = 15, h = 0.4);
- // hook rounded bottom
- translate([-beam_h, wall, 0])
- valcova_usec(bottom_hole_r, bottom_hole_w, width);
+round_with() {
+ rounding();
+ bottom_part();
-$fn = 128;
-round_with() {
- union() {
- for (z = [-1, 1]) sz(z) cylinder(r1 = 1, r2 = 0, h = 2, $fn = 32);
+// rotate_extrude(angle=360, convexity=10) {
+outer_d = 1.1*body_h;
+inner_d = body_h - 1.7*wall;
+inner_scale = 1.5;
+hole_depth = 0.01*bottom_h;
+difference() {
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ Ty(outer_d/2-eps) square([body_h, bottom_h - outer_d/2 + eps]);
+ intersection() {
+ square(body_h);
+ Tx(body_h/2) Ty(outer_d/2)
+ circle(r = outer_d/2);
+ }
+ }
+ hull() {
+ Tx(body_h) Ty(bottom_h-hole_depth)
+ square([eps, hole_depth]);
+ Tx(wall + inner_d/2) Ty(wall + inner_scale*inner_d/2)
+ Sy(inner_scale)
+ circle(r = inner_d/2);
+ Tx(wall + inner_d/2) Ty(wall + inner_d/2)
+ circle(r = inner_d/2);
+ }
- vesak();
-// round_edges(1) vesak();