--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use v5.38;
+use experimental 'for_list';
+=for comment
+convert the input to .dot format:
+strict graph g {
+ggk -- { tkd };
+vcd -- { nhn };
+xhj -- { mft rtg hvp sgl };
+hgx -- { dxq stc cfn };
+Then run
+neato -Tsvg 49in.dot
+and find the components and their edges.
+my %g;
+while (<>) {
+ my ($n1, @ns) = /\w+/g;
+ for my $n (@ns) {
+ $g{$n}{$n1} = 1;
+ $g{$n1}{$n} = 1;
+ }
+sub walk {
+ my ($node, $seen) = @_;
+ my @q = $node;
+ my $visited;
+ while (@q) {
+ my ($n, $d) = shift @q;
+ next if $seen->{$n}++;
+ $visited++;
+ for my $n1 (keys %{ $g{$n} }) {
+ push @q, $n1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $visited;
+sub comps {
+ my %seen;
+ my $m = 1;
+ my $comps;
+ while (%seen != keys %g) {
+ my $prev = 0;
+ for my $n (keys %g) {
+ next if $seen{$n};
+ $m *= walk($n, \%seen);
+ $comps++;
+ }
+ }
+ say "$comps mul=$m" if $comps > 1;
+ return $comps;
+for my ($n1, $n2) (qw(rrz pzq jtr mtq ddj znv)) {
+ delete $g{$n1}{$n2};
+ delete $g{$n2}{$n1};