{ "FileOpen", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, N_("_Open..."), "<control>O",
N_("Open an existing document"),
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_file_open) },
- { "FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("_Save a Copy..."), NULL,
- N_("Save the current document with a new filename"),
+ { "FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("_Save a Copy..."), NULL, NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_save_as) },
{ "FilePrint", GTK_STOCK_PRINT, N_("_Print..."), "<control>P",
N_("Print this document"),
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_file_print) },
- { "FileProperties", GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("P_roperties"), "<alt>Return",
- N_("View the properties of this document"),
+ { "FileProperties", GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("P_roperties"), "<alt>Return", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_file_properties) },
- { "FileCloseWindow", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL, "<control>W",
- N_("Close this window"),
+ { "FileCloseWindow", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL, "<control>W", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_file_close_window) },
/* Edit menu */
- { "EditCopy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, NULL, "<control>C",
- N_("Copy text from the document"),
+ { "EditCopy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, NULL, "<control>C", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_copy) },
- { "EditSelectAll", NULL, N_("Select _All"), "<control>A",
- N_("Select the entire page"),
+ { "EditSelectAll", NULL, N_("Select _All"), "<control>A", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_select_all) },
{ "EditFind", GTK_STOCK_FIND, NULL, "<control>F",
N_("Find a word or phrase in the document"),
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_find) },
- { "EditFindNext", NULL, N_("Find Ne_xt"), "<control>G",
- N_("Find next occurrence of the word or phrase"),
+ { "EditFindNext", NULL, N_("Find Ne_xt"), "<control>G", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_find_next) },
- { "EditToolbar", NULL, N_("T_oolbar"), NULL,
- N_("Customize the toolbar"),
+ { "EditToolbar", NULL, N_("T_oolbar"), NULL, NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_toolbar) },
- { "EditRotateLeft", NULL, N_("Rotate _Left"), NULL,
- N_("Rotate the document to the left"),
+ { "EditRotateLeft", NULL, N_("Rotate _Left"), NULL, NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_rotate_left) },
- { "EditRotateRight", NULL, N_("Rotate _Right"), NULL,
- N_("Rotate the document to the right"),
+ { "EditRotateRight", NULL, N_("Rotate _Right"), NULL, NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_rotate_right) },
/* View menu */
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_go_last_page) },
/* Help menu */
- { "HelpContents", GTK_STOCK_HELP, N_("_Contents"), "F1",
- N_("Display help for the viewer application"),
+ { "HelpContents", GTK_STOCK_HELP, N_("_Contents"), "F1", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_help_contents) },
- { "HelpAbout", GTK_STOCK_ABOUT, N_("_About"), NULL,
- N_("Display credits for the document viewer creators"),
+ { "HelpAbout", GTK_STOCK_ABOUT, N_("_About"), NULL, NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_help_about) },
/* Toolbar-only */
/* Accellerators */
{ "Escape", NULL, "", "Escape", "",
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_escape) },
- { "Slash", GTK_STOCK_FIND, NULL, "slash",
- N_("Find a word or phrase in the document"),
+ { "Slash", GTK_STOCK_FIND, NULL, "slash", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_edit_find) },
- { "PageDown", NULL, "", "Page_Down",
- N_("Scroll one page forward"),
+ { "PageDown", NULL, "", "Page_Down", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_scroll_forward) },
- { "PageUp", NULL, "", "Page_Up",
- N_("Scroll one page backward"),
+ { "PageUp", NULL, "", "Page_Up", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_scroll_backward) },
- { "Space", NULL, "", "space",
- N_("Scroll one page forward"),
+ { "Space", NULL, "", "space", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_scroll_forward) },
- { "ShiftSpace", NULL, "", "<shift>space",
- N_("Scroll one page backward"),
+ { "ShiftSpace", NULL, "", "<shift>space", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_scroll_backward) },
- { "BackSpace", NULL, "", "BackSpace",
- N_("Scroll one page backward"),
+ { "BackSpace", NULL, "", "BackSpace", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_scroll_backward) },
- { "ShiftBackSpace", NULL, "", "<shift>BackSpace",
- N_("Scroll one page forward"),
+ { "ShiftBackSpace", NULL, "", "<shift>BackSpace", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_scroll_forward) },
- { "Plus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, NULL, "plus",
- N_("Enlarge the document"),
+ { "Plus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, NULL, "plus", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_view_zoom_in) },
- { "CtrlEqual", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, NULL, "<control>equal",
- N_("Enlarge the document"),
+ { "CtrlEqual", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, NULL, "<control>equal", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_view_zoom_in) },
- { "Minus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, NULL, "minus",
- N_("Shrink the document"),
+ { "Minus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, NULL, "minus", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_view_zoom_out) },
- { "FocusPageSelector", NULL, "", "<control>l",
- N_("Focus the page selector"),
+ { "FocusPageSelector", NULL, "", "<control>l", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_focus_page_selector) },
- { "GoBackwardFast", NULL, "", "<shift>Page_Up",
- N_("Go ten pages backward"),
+ { "GoBackwardFast", NULL, "", "<shift>Page_Up", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_go_backward) },
- { "GoForwardFast", NULL, "", "<shift>Page_Down",
- N_("Go ten pages forward"),
+ { "GoForwardFast", NULL, "", "<shift>Page_Down", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_go_forward) },
- { "KpPlus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, NULL, "KP_Add",
- N_("Enlarge the document"),
+ { "KpPlus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, NULL, "KP_Add", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_view_zoom_in) },
- { "KpMinus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, NULL, "KP_Subtract",
- N_("Shrink the document"),
+ { "KpMinus", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, NULL, "KP_Subtract", NULL,
G_CALLBACK (ev_window_cmd_view_zoom_out) },