gint n_pages_to_print;
gint uncollated_copies;
gint collated_copies;
- gint uncollated, collated, total, blank;
+ gint uncollated, collated, total;
+ gint sheet, page_count;
gint range, n_ranges;
GtkPageRange *ranges;
do {
export->page += export->inc;
+ /* note: when NOT collating, page_count is increased in export_print_page */
+ if (export->collate) {
+ export->page_count++;
+ export->sheet = 1 + (export->page_count - 1) / export->pages_per_sheet;
+ }
if (export->page == export->end) {
export->range += export->inc;
if (export->range == -1 || export->range == export->n_ranges) {
+ /* when printing multiple collated copies & multiple pages per sheet we want to
+ * prevent the next copy bleeding into the last sheet of the previous one
+ * we've reached the last range to be printed now, so this is the time to do it */
+ if (export->pages_per_sheet > 1 && export->collate == 1 &&
+ (export->page_count - 1) % export->pages_per_sheet != 0) {
+ EvPrintOperation *op = EV_PRINT_OPERATION (export);
+ ev_document_doc_mutex_lock ();
+ /* keep track of all blanks but only actualise those
+ * which are in the current odd / even sheet set */
+ export->page_count += export->pages_per_sheet - (export->page_count - 1) % export->pages_per_sheet;
+ if (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ALL ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && export->sheet % 2 == 0) ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && export->sheet % 2 == 1) ) {
+ ev_file_exporter_end_page (EV_FILE_EXPORTER (op->document));
+ }
+ ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock ();
+ export->sheet = 1 + (export->page_count - 1) / export->pages_per_sheet;
+ }
if (export->uncollated == export->uncollated_copies)
return FALSE;
find_range (export);
export->page = export->start;
- } while ((export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && (export->page / export->pages_per_sheet) % 2 == 0) ||
- (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && (export->page / export->pages_per_sheet) % 2 == 1));
+ /* in/decrement the page number until we reach the first page on the next EVEN or ODD sheet
+ * if we're not collating, we have to make sure that this is done only once! */
+ } while ( export->collate == 1 &&
+ ((export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && export->sheet % 2 == 1) ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && export->sheet % 2 == 0)));
return TRUE;
EvPrintOperation *op = EV_PRINT_OPERATION (export);
- if (export->pages_per_sheet == 1 || (export->total + export->blank) % export->pages_per_sheet == 0 ) {
+ if (export->pages_per_sheet == 1 ||
+ ( export->page_count % export->pages_per_sheet == 0 &&
+ ( export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ALL ||
+ ( export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && export->sheet % 2 == 0 ) ||
+ ( export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && export->sheet % 2 == 1 ) ) ) ) {
ev_document_doc_mutex_lock ();
ev_file_exporter_end_page (EV_FILE_EXPORTER (op->document));
ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock ();
if (!export->temp_file)
return FALSE; /* cancelled */
- /* when printing multiple collated copies & multiple pages per sheet we want to
- prevent the next copy bleeding into the last sheet of the previous one
- we therefore check whether we've reached the last page in a document
- if that is the case and the given sheet is not filled with pages,
- we introduce a few blank pages to finish off the sheet
- to make sure nothing goes wrong, the final condition ensures that
- we're not at the end of a sheet, otherwise we'd introduce a blank sheet! */
- if (export->collate == 1 && export->total > 1 && export->pages_per_sheet > 1 &&
- (export->page + 1) % export->n_pages == 0 && (export->total - 1 + export->blank) % export->pages_per_sheet != 0) {
- ev_document_doc_mutex_lock ();
- ev_file_exporter_end_page (EV_FILE_EXPORTER (op->document));
- /* keep track of how many blank pages have been added */
- export->blank += export->pages_per_sheet - (export->total - 1 + export->blank) % export->pages_per_sheet;
- ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock ();
+ /* note: when collating, page_count is increased in export_print_inc_page */
+ if (!export->collate) {
+ export->page_count++;
+ export->sheet = 1 + (export->page_count - 1) / export->pages_per_sheet;
if (export->collated == export->collated_copies) {
export->collated = 0;
if (!export_print_inc_page (export)) {
- if (export->pages_per_sheet == 1 || (export->total + export->blank) % export->pages_per_sheet == 1) {
+ /* we're not collating and we've reached a sheet from the wrong sheet set */
+ if (!export->collate &&
+ ((export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && export->sheet % 2 != 0) ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && export->sheet % 2 != 1))) {
+ do {
+ export->page_count++;
+ export->collated++;
+ export->sheet = 1 + (export->page_count - 1) / export->pages_per_sheet;
+ if (export->collated == export->collated_copies) {
+ export->collated = 0;
+ if (!export_print_inc_page (export)) {
+ ev_document_doc_mutex_lock ();
+ ev_file_exporter_end (EV_FILE_EXPORTER (op->document));
+ ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock ();
+ close (export->fd);
+ export->fd = -1;
+ update_progress (export);
+ export_print_done (export);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } while ((export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && export->sheet % 2 != 0) ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && export->sheet % 2 != 1));
+ }
+ if (export->pages_per_sheet == 1 ||
+ (export->page_count % export->pages_per_sheet == 1 &&
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ALL ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN && export->sheet % 2 == 0) ||
+ (export->page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD && export->sheet % 2 == 1)))) {
ev_document_doc_mutex_lock ();
ev_file_exporter_begin_page (EV_FILE_EXPORTER (op->document));
ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock ();
if (!export->job_export) {
export->job_export = ev_job_export_new (op->document);
g_signal_connect (export->job_export, "finished",
static void
ev_print_operation_export_init (EvPrintOperationExport *export)
+ /* sheets are counted from 1 to be physical */
+ export->sheet = 1;
static GObject *