--- /dev/null
+eps = 0.01;
+infty = 200;
+wall = 1.5;
+tube_d = 8.0 + 0.5;
+tube2_d = 6.0 + 0.5;
+tube2_xoff = tube_d/2 + tube2_d/2 + 2.8 + 2;
+clip_w = tube2_d + 2*wall;
+slot_w = 3;
+slot_angle = 180;
+wing_slot = 0.75*tube2_d;
+wing_top_wall = 2.5;
+difference() {
+ hull() {
+ // fuse cylinder
+ cylinder(r = tube_d/2 + wall, h = clip_w);
+ // wing cylinder
+ translate([tube2_xoff - tube2_d/2-wall, -tube_d/2 -wall, 0])
+ cube([tube2_d + wall + wing_top_wall, tube_d + 2*wall, tube2_d + 2*wall]);
+ }
+ // fuse tube
+ translate([0, 0, -eps])
+ cylinder(r = tube_d/2, h = clip_w + 2*eps);
+ // fuse tube slot
+ rotate([0, 0, slot_angle])
+ translate([0, -slot_w/2, -eps])
+ cube([tube_d, slot_w, clip_w + 2*eps]);
+ // wing tube
+ translate([tube2_xoff, -tube_d/2-wall-eps, tube2_d/2 + wall])
+ rotate([-90, 0, 0])
+ cylinder(r = tube2_d/2, h = tube_d + 2*wall + 2*eps);
+ // wing tube slot
+ translate([tube2_xoff - wing_slot/2, -tube_d/2-wall-eps, tube2_d/2 + wall])
+ cube([wing_slot, tube_d + 2*wall + 2*eps, tube2_d/2 + wall + eps]);
--- /dev/null
+eps = 0.01;
+infty = 200;
+wall = 1.5;
+tube_d = 8.0 + 0.5;
+slot_w = 3;
+slot_angle = 180;
+wing_xoff = tube_d/2 + 7; // bottom of the slot
+wing_slot_h = 2.5;
+wing_slot_w = 4;
+wing_wall = 3.0;
+clip_w = 2*wing_wall + wing_slot_w;
+difference() {
+ hull() {
+ // fuse cylinder
+ cylinder(r = tube_d/2 + wall, h = clip_w);
+ // wing clip
+ translate([wing_xoff, -tube_d/2 -wall, 0])
+ cube([wing_slot_h + wing_wall, tube_d + 2*wall, clip_w]);
+ }
+ // fuse tube
+ translate([0, 0, -eps])
+ cylinder(r = tube_d/2, h = clip_w + 2*eps);
+ // fuse tube slot
+ rotate([0, 0, slot_angle])
+ translate([0, -slot_w/2, -eps])
+ cube([tube_d, slot_w, clip_w + 2*eps]);
+ // wing slot
+ translate([wing_xoff, -tube_d/2-wall-eps, wing_wall])
+ cube([wing_slot_h, tube_d + 2*wall + 2*eps, wing_slot_w]);
--- /dev/null
+eps = 0.01;
+infty = 200;
+wing_tube_d = 8;
+joint_l = 50;
+dihedral = 10;
+wall = 1.5;
+translate([-sin(dihedral)*(wing_tube_d/2+wall), 0,
+ joint_l*sin(dihedral) + (wing_tube_d/2+wall)*cos(dihedral)])
+rotate([0, 90+dihedral, 0]) cylinder(r = wing_tube_d/2 + wall, h = joint_l);