lowres = 1;
+eps = 0.01;
+infty = 300;
+wall = 1.5; // generic wall thickness
// 18650 is ~18mm diameter, ~65mm length,
batt_diam = 18 + 0.6;
batt_len = 65 + 1.5;
-wall = 2.2;
-base_h = 3;
cable_sep = 2.5;
+// front flat area
+front_flat_len = batt_len + 2*wall + 2*cable_sep;
-eps = 0.01;
-infty = 300;
-pcb_len = 36 + 1;
-pcb_thick = 1.2 + 0.3;
-pcb_groove = 1;
-pcb_width = 11 + 0.5;
+// PCB-related dimensions
+pcb_len = 36 + 1; // length of the board
+pcb_width = 11 + 0.5; // width of the board
+pcb_thick = 1.2 + 0.3; // thickness of the board
+pcb_comp_h = 2.2; // height of the components on board
+pcb_groove = 0.5;
-batt_clip_h = base_h + pcb_width - pcb_groove;
+body_top_h = 0.30 * batt_diam; // cube-shaped part of the body
wire_thick = 2.2;
wire_sep = 3.5;
cover_sep = 0.1;
-uswitch_diam = 2.5 + 0.5;
+sw_diam = 2.5 + 0.5;
led_diam = 3 + 0.5;
-s2_xoff = -160 * 25.4/1000;
-led_xoff = 90 * 25.4/1000;
-s1_xoff = 340 * 25.4/1000;
+sw_xoff = 250 * 25.4/1000; // x offset of microswitches
pcb_clip_w = 7;
pcb_clip_off = led_xoff + pcb_clip_w/2;
-module base() {
- translate([0, 0, base_h/2]) {
- hull() {
- cube([batt_len + 2*wall + 2*cable_sep, batt_diam + 2*wall, base_h], center=true);
- // under the PCB
- translate([0, -batt_diam/2-wall-pcb_thick/2-wall/2, 0])
- cube([batt_len + 2*wall, pcb_thick + wall + eps, base_h], center=true);
- // battery-side extension
- translate([0, batt_diam/2 + wall + base_batt_extend, 0])
- cube([batt_len + 2*wall, eps, base_h], center=true);
- };
- };
-module base_protrusions() {
- // pcb-side side protrusion
- translate([-pcbside_protrusion_len/2, -batt_diam/2-2*wall-pcb_thick, base_h-pcbside_protrusion_diam/2])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(r = pcbside_protrusion_diam/2, h = pcbside_protrusion_len, $fn = 6);
- // battery-side side protrusion
- translate([-battside_protrusion_len/2, batt_diam/2+wall+base_batt_extend, base_h-battside_protrusion_diam/2])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(r = battside_protrusion_diam/2, h = battside_protrusion_len, $fn = 6);
-module pcb_clips() {
- // rear part of the PCB holder (behind S1)
- translate([pcb_clip_off, -batt_diam/2-wall-pcb_thick+eps, 0])
- cube([pcb_clip_w, pcb_thick+wall, pcb_width + wall + base_h - pcb_groove]);
- // side part of the PCB holder (near the battery wires)
- translate([-pcb_len/2-wall, -batt_diam/2-pcb_thick-2*wall, 0])
- cube([pcb_groove+wall, pcb_thick+2*wall+eps, pcb_width + wall + base_h - pcb_groove]);
+module battery() {
+ translate([-batt_len/2, 0, 0])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r=batt_diam/2, h = batt_len);
-module batt_clips() {
- difference() {
- union() {
- // frot + rear part of the battery clip
- for (r = [0, 180]) {
- rotate([0, 0, r])
- translate([batt_len/2+wall/2, 0, batt_clip_h/2+wall/2])
- hull() {
- cube([wall, batt_diam + 2*wall, batt_clip_h + wall], center=true);
- translate([-15/2, 0, -batt_clip_h/2])
- cube([15, batt_diam+2*wall, wall], center=true);
- };
- }
- // middle clips
- translate([pcb_clip_off+pcb_clip_w/2, 0, batt_clip_h/2+wall/2])
- hull() {
- cube([pcb_clip_w, batt_diam + 2*wall, batt_clip_h + wall], center=true);
- translate([0, 0, -batt_clip_h/2])
- cube([2*pcb_clip_w, batt_diam+2*wall, wall], center=true);
- };
- // pcb holder - pcb side only
- translate([-pcb_len/2-wall, -batt_diam/2-wall, 0])
- hull() {
- cube([pcb_groove + wall, batt_diam/2 + wall, base_h + pcb_width + wall - pcb_groove]);
- translate([-3*(pcb_groove+wall), 0, 0])
- cube([4*(pcb_groove+wall), batt_diam/2 + wall, base_h]);
- };
- }
- // top part rounded
+module case_body() {
+ hull() {
+ translate([-batt_len/2-wall-cable_sep, -batt_diam/2-wall, 0])
+ cube([batt_len + 2*wall + 2*cable_sep,
+ batt_diam+2*wall, body_top_h]);
difference() {
- translate([0, 0, infty/4 + wall + batt_diam/2])
- cube([infty/2, infty/2, infty/2], center=true);
- translate([-infty/2, 0, batt_diam/2+wall])
+ translate([-batt_len/2-wall-cable_sep, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(r=batt_diam/2+wall, h = infty);
+ cylinder(r=batt_diam/2+wall,
+ h = batt_len + 2*wall + 2*cable_sep);
+ translate([-infty/2, -infty/2, eps]) cube(infty);
+ translate([-front_flat_len/2,
+ batt_diam/2 - pcb_width,
+ -batt_diam/2-2*pcb_comp_h-pcb_thick-wall])
+ cube([front_flat_len, pcb_width+wall, eps]);
+ translate([-batt_len/2 - 2*wall - cable_sep, 0, 0])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r = 1.414*wire_sep + wire_thick,
+ h = batt_len + 4*wall + 2*cable_sep);
-module battery() {
- // battery
- translate([-batt_len/2, 0, batt_diam/2+wall])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(r=batt_diam/2, h = batt_len);
-module main() {
+module case() {
difference() {
- union() {
- base();
- base_protrusions();
- pcb_clips();
- batt_clips();
- };
- // the PCB itself
- translate([0, -batt_diam/2-wall-pcb_thick/2, base_h - pcb_groove + pcb_width/2])
- cube([pcb_len, pcb_thick, pcb_width], center=true);
- // battery
- battery();
- // 4 wire holes at the battery ends
- for (j=[-wire_sep/2, wire_sep/2])
- for (i=[-wire_sep/2, wire_sep/2])
- translate([-infty/2, i, batt_diam/2 + wall+j])
+ case_body();
+ // upper cube-shaped part
+ // rotate([20, 0, 0])
+ translate([-batt_len/2, -batt_diam/2, 0])
+ cube([batt_len, batt_diam, batt_diam]);
+ // battery cylinder for the lower part
+ translate([-batt_len/2, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
- rotate([0, 0, 90])
- cylinder(r=wire_thick/2, h = infty, $fn=6);
+ cylinder(r=batt_diam/2, h = batt_len);
- // holes for wire from battery to the PCB
- translate([-infty/2, -batt_diam/2, base_h + wire_thick/2])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- rotate([0, 0, 90])
- cylinder(r=wire_thick/2, h = infty, $fn=6);
- // hole for the cable outlet
- translate([-pcb_len/2+pcb_groove+cable_out_diam/2, -batt_diam/2-pcb_thick-2*wall, -infty/2])
- cylinder(r=cable_out_diam/2, h = infty, $fn=6);
- // holes for binding to the shoe
- for (x = [
- pcb_len/2 + wall + wire_thick/2 + wire_sep,
- pcb_len/2 + wall + wire_thick/2,
- -pcb_len/2 - wall - wire_thick/2 - wire_sep,,
- -pcb_len/2 - wall - wire_thick/2 ]) {
- for (y = [-1,1]) {
- translate([x, y*(batt_diam/2 + wall + wire_thick/2), -infty/2])
- cylinder(r=wire_thick/2, h=infty, $fn=6);
+ // hole for PCB
+ translate([-pcb_len/2,
+ batt_diam/2-pcb_width,
+ -batt_diam/2-pcb_thick - pcb_comp_h])
+ cube([pcb_len, pcb_width,
+ batt_diam/2 + pcb_thick + pcb_comp_h + eps]);
+ // hole under the PCB
+ translate([-pcb_len/2+pcb_groove,
+ batt_diam/2-pcb_width + pcb_groove,
+ -batt_diam/2-pcb_thick - 2*pcb_comp_h])
+ cube([pcb_len-2*pcb_groove, pcb_width-2*pcb_groove,
+ batt_diam/2 + pcb_thick + pcb_comp_h + eps]);
+ // LED hole
+ translate([0, batt_diam/2-pcb_width/2, -infty/2]) {
+ cylinder(r=led_diam/2, h=infty, $fn=6);
+ translate([sw_xoff, 0, 0])
+ cylinder(r=sw_diam/2, h=infty, $fn=6);
+ translate([-sw_xoff, 0, 0])
+ cylinder(r=sw_diam/2, h=infty, $fn=6);
+ };
+ // space under the wire holes for battery contacts
+ translate([-batt_len/2-wall-cable_sep-eps, 0, 0])
+ difference() {
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r = batt_diam/2-wall, h = batt_len + 2*wall + 2*cable_sep + 2*eps);
+ translate([-infty/2, -infty/2, -body_top_h])
+ cube(infty);
+ // wire holes for battery contacts
+ for (x = [-1, 1])
+ for (y = [-1, 1])
+ translate([-batt_len/2-wall-eps, x*wire_sep/2, y*wire_sep/2])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r = wire_thick/2, h = batt_len + 2*wall + 2*eps, $fn=6);
+ // wire hole from PCB to battery contacts
+ // translate([-batt_len/2-wall-eps, 0, -batt_diam/2-pcb_comp_h + wire_thick/2])
+ rotate([40, 0, 0])
+ translate([-batt_len/2-wall-eps, 0, -batt_diam/2 - wall/2 - wire_thick/2])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r = wire_thick/2, h = batt_len + 2*wall + 2*eps, $fn=6);
+ // hole behind the battery contacts
+ for(x=[1, -1])
+ scale([x, 1, 1]) translate([batt_len/2+wall, 0, 0]) hull() {
+ translate([0, -batt_diam/2, 0])
+ cube([cable_sep + eps, batt_diam, infty]);
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r = batt_diam/2, h = cable_sep+eps);
+ translate([0, batt_diam/2 - pcb_width,
+ -batt_diam/2-pcb_comp_h-pcb_thick])
+ cube([cable_sep + eps, pcb_width, eps]);
- // hole for easy opening
- translate([-battside_protrusion_len/2, batt_diam/2+wall+base_batt_extend, base_h-3*battside_protrusion_diam/2])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(r = battside_protrusion_diam/2, h = battside_protrusion_len, $fn = 4);
-module cover_internal() {
- hull() {
- base();
- // battery + wall + cable space
- translate([-batt_len/2, 0, batt_diam/2+wall])
+module lid_body() {
+ translate([-batt_len/2 + eps, -batt_diam/2, -batt_diam/2-eps])
+ cube([batt_len - 2*eps, batt_diam, batt_diam/2 - body_top_h + wall + eps]);
+ translate([-batt_len/2 - wall - cable_sep, -batt_diam/2 - wall,
+ -batt_diam/2-wall])
+ cube([batt_len + 2*wall + 2*cable_sep, batt_diam + 2*wall,
+ wall + batt_diam/2 - body_top_h]);
+ // clip behind the battery contacts
+ for(x=[1, -1])
+ scale([x, 1, 1]) translate([batt_len/2+cable_sep, 0, 0]) hull() {
+ translate([0, -batt_diam/2, -batt_diam/2])
+ cube([wall, batt_diam, eps]);
rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(r=batt_diam/2, h = batt_len);
- // battery top
- translate([0, 0, wall + batt_clip_h])
- cube([batt_len+2*wall + cable_sep, batt_diam + 2*wall, eps], center=true);
- // space for PCB
- translate([-pcb_len/2-wall, -batt_diam/2-2*wall-pcb_thick, base_h-pcb_groove])
- cube([pcb_len+2*wall, wall+pcb_thick, pcb_width+wall]);
- };
+ cylinder(r = batt_diam/2, h = wall);
+ translate([0, batt_diam/2 - pcb_width,
+ batt_diam/2+pcb_comp_h+pcb_thick])
+ cube([wall, pcb_width, eps]);
+ };
-module cover_hole() {
+module lid() {
difference() {
- cover_internal();
- for (r = [0, 180]) {
- rotate([0, 0, r])
- translate([batt_len/2, -infty/2, wall + batt_clip_h])
- cube(infty);
- }
+ lid_body();
+ translate([-batt_len/2-eps, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r=batt_diam/2, h=batt_len+2*eps);
- base_protrusions();
-module cover() {
- difference() {
- minkowski() {
- cover_internal();
- if (lowres == 1) {
- sphere(wall+cover_sep, $fn=6);
- } else {
- sphere(wall+cover_sep, $fn=16);
- }
- }
- minkowski() {
- cover_hole();
- sphere(cover_sep, $fn=8);
- };
- // s2 hole
- translate([s2_xoff, 0, base_h-pcb_groove + pcb_width/2])
- rotate([90, 0, 0])
- cylinder(r=uswitch_diam/2, h = infty, $fn=6);
- // LED hole
- translate([led_xoff, 0, base_h-pcb_groove + pcb_width/2])
- rotate([90, 0, 0])
- cylinder(r=led_diam/2, h = infty, $fn=6);
- // s1 hole
- translate([s1_xoff, 0, base_h-pcb_groove + pcb_width/2])
- rotate([90, 0, 0])
- cylinder(r=uswitch_diam/2, h = infty, $fn=6);
- // xy plane
- translate([0, 0, -infty/2]) cube(infty, center=true);
- }
-translate([0, -19, 0])
- main($fn=128);
-translate([0, 19, 0])
- cover_hole();
+color("lightblue", 0.2)
+ translate([-65/2, 0, 0])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r=18/2, h=65);
+translate([0, 30, 0]) case($fn=128);
-// cover($fn=128);
-// translate([0, 17, batt_diam + 3*wall + cover_sep])
-// rotate([180, 0, 0])
-// cover($fn=128);
-translate([0, 19, 0]) {
- if (lowres == 1) {
- cover($fn=16);
- } else {
- cover($fn=128);
- }