// The Estes A8-3 and C6-7 motors have diameter of 17.7 mm,
// length 69.5 mm. The Estes Alpha launch pad has rod diameter 3.4 mm.
-motor_diam = 17.7 + 0.7; // add some tolerance
+motor_diam = 17.7 + 0.5; // add some tolerance
motor_len = 69.5 + 0.5;
motor_wall = 2;
segment_overlap = 15;
-thin_wall = 1.0; // depends on the print width
-thick_wall = 2.5*thin_wall;
+thin_wall = 0.9; // depends on the print width
+thick_wall = 2.2*thin_wall;
clip_spring_angle = 45;
clip_spring_depth = 20;
// protrusions to hold the main tube in place
for (a = [60, 180, 300]) {
rotate([0, 0, a]) {
- translate([motor_diam/2 - thin_wall, 0, 0])
+ translate([motor_diam/2 + thick_wall - thin_wall/2 - thick_wall, 0, 0])
cylinder(r1 = thick_wall-thin_wall/2, r2 = thick_wall, h = segment_overlap/3 + eps);
- translate([motor_diam/2 - thin_wall, 0, segment_overlap/3])
+ translate([motor_diam/2 + thick_wall - thin_wall/2 - thick_wall, 0, segment_overlap/3])
cylinder(r = thick_wall, h = 2*segment_overlap/3 + eps);
translate([0, 0, motor_len - segment_overlap - 2*thick_wall])
cylinder(r1 = motor_diam/2 + thin_wall, r2 = motor_diam/2, h = thick_wall + eps);
- for (a = [60, 180, 300]) rotate([0, 0, a])
+ for (a = [0, 120, 240]) rotate([0, 0, a])
translate([motor_diam/2 + 2.5, 0, -eps])
cylinder(r = 3, h = infty);
translate([0, 0, motor_len - eps])
intersection() {
- cylinder(r = motor_diam/2 + thin_wall,
+ cylinder(r = motor_diam/2,
h = thick_wall + 2*eps);
rotate([0, 0, -clip_spring_angle/2+eps])
// -------------------- CENTRAL TUBE ---------------------
-central_tube_h = 80;
+central_tube_h = 85;
module central_tube_solid() {
cylinder(r = motor_diam/2 + thick_wall, h = central_tube_h);
// thread_holder();
// debug
difference() {
// front_cone();
// central_tube();
- // motor_module();
+ motor_module();
- // translate([0, 0, -eps]) cube(infty);
+ translate([0, 0, -eps]) cube(infty);
// production
$fn = 128;