--- /dev/null
+// hook for the aluminium kitchen bar from IKEA
+bar_w = 3.5 + 0.7;
+bar_h = 29.3 + 0.5;
+bar_to_wall = 27; // incl. the bar itself
+wall = 3.1;
+upper_overhang = 10.0 - wall;
+lower_overhang = 2.0;
+body_h = 10;
+clip_front = 5; // stronger than wall for this object
+// coordinates: front end of the bar is the xz plane, centered by the x axis,
+// +x is the upper part, -x is lower, +y is front
+module clip(body_h) {
+ // front part
+ translate([-bar_h/2-wall, 0, 0])
+ cube([bar_h + 2*wall, clip_front, body_h]);
+ // upper and lower horizontal bars
+ for (x = [-1, 1]) scale([x, 1, 1])
+ translate([bar_h/2, -bar_w -wall, 0])
+ cube([wall, bar_w + 2*wall, body_h]);
+ // upper overhang
+ translate([bar_h/2-upper_overhang, -bar_w-wall, 0])
+ cube([upper_overhang + wall, wall, body_h]);
+ // lower overhang
+ translate([-bar_h/2-wall, -bar_w-wall, 0])
+ difference() {
+ cube([lower_overhang + wall, wall, body_h]);
+ translate([lower_overhang + wall, 2*wall/3, 0])
+ rotate([0, 0, -45])
+ translate([0, -infty/2, -infty/2])
+ cube(infty);
+ }
+// make the top of the clip be at x = 0
+translate([-bar_h/2-wall, 0, 0])
+ clip(body_h);
+top_len = 50;
+hook_y = 30;
+hook_base_w = 10;
+hook_xoff = 10; // from the top
+hook_end_l = 2;
+translate([-eps, -bar_w-wall, 0])
+ hull() {
+ cube([eps, clip_front + bar_w + wall, body_h]);
+ translate([top_len-eps, 0, 0])
+ cube([eps, wall, body_h]);
+ }
+hull() {
+ translate([top_len-wall, hook_y, 0])
+ cube([wall, eps, body_h]);
+ translate([top_len-hook_xoff-hook_base_w, -bar_w-wall, 0])
+ cube([hook_base_w, eps, body_h]);
+translate([top_len-wall, hook_y-wall, 0])
+ cube([wall+hook_end_l, wall, body_h]);