*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* *x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* *x* *x* *x* Copyright (C) 1991 University of Pennsylvania *x* *x* *x* *x* The data in this file are part of a preliminary version of the *x* *x* Penn Treebank Corpus and should not be redistributed. Any *x* *x* research using this corpus or based on it should acknowledge *x* *x* that fact, as well as the preliminary nature of the corpus. *x* *x* (3/26/1991) *x* *x* *x* *x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* *x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* [ bd0011sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Denver/NP early/JJ ] in/IN [ the/DT morning/NN ] ./. [ bd0021sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP airline/NN ] is/VBZ [ CO/NP ] ?/. [ bd0031sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Denver/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] leaving/VBG about/RB [ three/CD ] o'clock/RB in/IN [ the/DT afternoon/NN ] ./. [ bd0041sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Denver/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] between/IN [ 2:00/CD P.M./RB ] and/CC [ 7:00/CD P.M/RB ] ./. [ bd0051sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT distance/NN ] from/IN [ the/DT Denver/NP airport/NN ] to/TO [ downtown/NN ] ./. [ bd0061sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT distance/NN ] from/IN [ San/NP Francisco/NP airport/NN ] to/TO [ downtown/NN ] ./. [ bd0071sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] to/TO [ DFW/NP ] before/IN [ noon/NN ] ./. [ bd0081sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT airfares/NNS ] on/IN [ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ DFW/NP ] to/TO [ Denver/NP ] before/IN [ 9:00/CD A.M/RB ] ./. [ bd0091sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ restriction/NN AP\/NN ] ?/. [ bd00a1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ restriction/NN VU\/NN ] ?/. [ BD00B1SX/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT fare/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN 1149/CD ] from/IN [ Continental/NP Airlines/NPS ] ?/. [ bd00c1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ class/NN Y/NP ] ?/. [ bd00d1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT fare/NN ] on/IN [ American/NP Airlines/NPS 1443/CD flight/NN ] ?/. [ bd00e1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT fare/NN ] on/IN [ United/NP Airlines/NPS 953/CD ] ?/. [ BD00F1SX/CD ] ./. [ What/WP type/NN ] of/IN [ aircraft/NN ] is/VBZ flying/VBG [ United/NP Airlines/NPS flight/NN 953/CD ] ?/. [ bd00g1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ flight/NN 953/CD 's/POS arrival/NN time/NN ] and/CC [ what/WP type/NN ] of/IN [ meal/NN ] [ it/PP ] has/VBZ ./. [ bd00h1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ which/WDT airline/NN flight/NN leaves/NNS ] from/IN [ Denver/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] at/IN [ 1810/CD ] ./. [ bd00i1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT flight/NN ] [ that/WDT ] leaves/VBZ [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] for/IN [ DFW/NP ] at/IN [ 9:00/CD A.M/RB ] ./. [ bd00j1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT airfare/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN 880/CD ] for/IN [ United/NP Airlines/NPS ] ./. [ bd00k1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT airfares/NNS ] on/IN [ UA/NP 's/POS flight/NN 511/CD ] ./. [ bf0011sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Baltimore/NP ] on/IN [ May/NP 12th/JJ ] ./. [ bf0021sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT prices/NNS ] for/IN [ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Baltimore/NP ] on/IN [ May/NP 12th/JJ ] ./. [ bf0031sx/CD ] ./. [ Book/VB reservations/NNS ] for/IN [ five/CD ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Baltimore/NP ] on/IN [ May/NP 12th/JJ ] at/IN [ $/NNS 288.00/CD ] ,/, [ one-way/JJ ] ./. [ bf0041sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT price/NN ] for/IN [ flight/NN 314/CD ] on/IN [ May/NP 12th/JJ ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Baltimore/NP ] ./. [ bf0051sx/CD ] ./. [ Book/VB reservations/NNS ] for/IN [ five/CD ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Baltimore/NP ] on/IN [ flight/NN 314/CD ] on/IN [ May/NP 12th/JJ ] ./. [ bf0061sx/CD ] ./. [ Purchase/VB tickets/NNS ] for/IN [ five/CD ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Baltimore/NP ] on/IN [ flight/NN 314/CD ] on/IN [ May/NP 12th/JJ ] ./. [ bf0071sx/CD ] ./. Make/VB [ reservations/NNS ] ./. [ bf0081sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Baltimore/NP ] to/TO [ Philadelphia/NP ] on/IN [ May/NP 19th/JJ ] ./. [ bf0091sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT fares/NNS ] ./. [ bf00a1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Philadelphia/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] on/IN [ May/NP 26th/JJ ] ./. [ bf00b1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT fares/NNS ] ./. [ bf00c1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ FA/NP ] mean/VB ?/. [ bf00d1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] and/CC [ their/PP$ fares/NNS ] from/IN [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] on/IN [ June/NP 2nd/JJ ] ./. [ bf00e1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/CD me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Boston/NP ] to/TO [ DFW/NP ] on/IN [ June/NP 9th/CD ] ./. [ bf00f1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP their/PP$ fares/NNS ] ./. [ bf00g1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Philadelphia/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] on/IN [ May/NP 26th/CD ] ./. [ bf00h1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP their/PP$ fares/NNS ] ./. [ bf00i1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP airline/NN ] is/VBZ [ ML/NP ] ?/. [ bf00j1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Boston/NP ] to/TO [ SFO/NP ] on/IN [ June/NP 2nd/JJ ] ./. [ bf00k1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP their/PP$ fares/NNS ] ./. [ bf00l1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ SFO/NP ] to/TO [ DFW/NP ] on/IN [ June/NP 9/CD ] ./. [ bf00m1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP their/PP$ fares/NNS ] ./. [ bf00n1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT transportation/NN ] from/IN [ SFO/NP ] to/TO [ downtown/NN San/NP Francisco/NP ] ./. [ bf00o1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] do/VBP [ the/DT transport/NN abbreviations/NNS ] mean/VB ?/. [ bm0011sx/CD ] ./. [ I/PP ] need/VBP [ information/NN ] on/IN [ airlines/NNS ] servicing/VBG [ Boston/NP ] flying/VBG from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] ./. [ bm0021sx/CD ] ./. Is/VBZ [ there/EX ] more/JJR than/IN [ one/CD airport/NN ] in/IN [ the/DT Boston/NP area/NN ] that/WDT [ American/NP ] and/CC [ Delta/NP service/VBP ] ?/. [ bm0031sx/CD ] ./. Please/VB give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ flight/NN times/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] leaving/VBG on/IN [ Saturday/NP mornings/NNS ] before/IN [ noon/NN ] ./. [ bm0041sx/CD ] ./. [ I/PP ] need/VBP [ flight/NN times/NNS ] from/IN [ Boston/NP ] to/TO [ Dallas/NP ] leaving/VBG on/IN [ Sunday/NP afternoon/NN ] after/IN [ three/CD ] o'clock/RB ./. [ bm0051sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT airfare/NN ] for/IN [ a/DT first/JJ class/NN round-trip/JJ ticket/NN ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] leaving/VBG on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 694/CD ] ,/, returning/VBG on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 589/CD ] ?/. [ bm0061sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT airfare/NN ] for/IN [ a/DT first/JJ class/NN round-trip/JJ ticket/NN ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] leaving/VBG on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 694/CD ] ,/, returning/VBG on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 589/CD ] with/IN [ advance/NN purchase/NN ] staying/VBG over/RB [ a/DT Saturday/NP ] ?/. [ bm0071sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ all/DT airfares/NNS ] for/IN [ a/DT round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 694/CD ] returning/VBG on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 589/CD ] ./. [ bm0081sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ a/DT Y/NP class/NN ] ,/, and/CC [ what/WP ] does/VBZ [ the/DT DL/NP ] under/IN [ FA/NP column/NN mean/VB ] ?/. [ bm0091sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ a/DT Y/NP class/NN ] ?/. [ bm00a1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ the/DT DL/NP ] under/IN [ the/DT column/NN FA/NP mean/VB ] ?/. [ bm00b1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ advance/NN purchase/NN airfares/NNS ] for/IN [ round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 694/CD ] ,/, returning/VBG on/IN [ Delta/NP flight/NN 589/CD ] ./. [ bm00c1sx/CD ] ./. Are/VBP there/RB [ any/DT advance/JJ purchase/NN fares/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] for/IN [ round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] ?/. [ bm00d1sx/CD ] ./. Are/VBP there/RB [ any/DT excursion/NN fares/NNS ] for/IN [ round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] ?/. [ bm00e1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] [ that/WDT ] only/RB have/VBP [ one/CD stop/NN ] between/IN [ Dallas/NP ] and/CC [ Boston/NP ] ./. [ bm00f1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ all/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] ./. [ bm00g1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ all/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] ./. [ bm00h1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ all/DT airfares/NNS ] for/IN [ round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Boston/NP ] ,/, flying/VBG on/IN [ American/NP Airlines/NPS ] ./. [ bm00i1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ all/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Philadelphia/NP ] ./. [ bm00j1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ all/DT airfares/NNS ] for/IN [ round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] flying/VBG from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Philadelphia/NP ] on/IN [ American/NP Airlines/NPS ] ./. [ bm00k1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ all/DT airfares/NNS ] for/IN [ round-trip/JJ tickets/NNS ] flying/VBG from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] on/IN [ American/NP Airlines/NPS ] ./. [ bm00l1sx/CD ] ./. Describe/VB [ each/DT ] of/IN [ the/DT different/JJ classes/NNS ] for/IN [ airfares/NNS ] ./. [ bm00m1sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ all/DT flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] ./. [ bp0011sx/CD ] ./. Let/VB [ me/PP ] see/VB [ all/PDT the/DT information/NN ] from/IN [ Dallas\/Fort/NP Worth/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp0021sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ information/NN ] [ that/WDT ] will/MD take/VB [ me/PP ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp0031sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ AL/NP ] mean/VB ?/. [ bp0041sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp0051sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ AL/NP ] mean/VB ?/. [ bp0061sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ DL/NP ] mean/VB ?/. [ bp0071sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ LH/NP ] mean/VB ?/. [ bp0081sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT different/JJ classes/NNS ] of/IN [ flights/NNS ] ./. [ bp0091sx/CD ] ./. On/IN [ the/DT days/NNS ] ,/, is/VBZ [ a/DT 1/CD equal/CC ] to/TO [ Sunday/NP ] ?/. [ bp00a1sx/CD ] ./. [ List/VB ] [ the/DT DAYS/NNS ] and/CC [ its/PP$ meanings/NNS ] ./. [ bp00b1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp00c1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ a/DT list/NN ] of/IN [ codes/NNS ] for/IN [ the/DT meals/NNS ] ./. [ bp00d1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ EQP/NP ] stand/VB for/IN ?/. [ bp00e1sx/CD ] ./. [ Does/VBZ American/NP ] have/VB [ any/DT specials/NNS ] ?/. [ bp00f1sx/CD ] ./. [ Does/VBZ American/NP Airlines/NPS ] have/VB [ any/DT sp ecial/JJ fares/NNS ] ?/. [ bp00g1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ restriction/NN VU\/NN mean/VB ] ?/. [ bp00h1sx/CD ] ./. How/WRB much/RB does/VBZ [ the/DT flight/NN ] from/IN [ Dallas\/Fort/NP Worth/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ,/, [ round-trip/JJ ] ,/, [ cost/VB ] ?/. [ bp00i1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ restriction/NN AP\/NN mean/NN ] ?/. [ bp00j1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ class/NN YN/NP mean/VB ] ?/. [ bp00k1sx/CD ] ./. Do/VBP [ you/PP ] have/VB to/TO take/VB [ a/DT YN/NP flight/NN ] only/RB at/IN [ night/NN ] ?/. [ bp00l1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ time/NN tables/NNS ] of/IN [ fare/NN code/NN 7100262/CD ] ./. [ bp00m1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ flight/NN numbers/NNS ] of/IN [ American/NP ] from/IN [ Dallas\/Fort/NP Worth/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp00n1sx/CD ] ./. [ List/VB ] [ all/DT information/NN ] about/IN [ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas\/Fort/NP Worth/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp00o1sx/CD ] ./. How/WRB much/RB does/VBZ [ flight/NN number/NN 83/CD cost/VB ] one-way/JJ ?/. [ bp00p1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT meanings/NNS ] of/IN [ the/DT classes/NNS ] again/RB ./. [ bp00q1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] ground/NN [ transportation/NN types/NNS ] in/IN [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp00r1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ the/DT fares/NNS ] for/IN [ each/DT type/NN ] of/IN [ ground/NN transportation/NN ] in/IN [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bp00s1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/DT flight/NN information/NN ] from/IN [ Atlanta/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] ./. [ bp00t1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] 's/VBZ [ the/DT price/NN ] of/IN [ a/DT one-way/JJ ticket/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 137/CD ] ?/. [ bp00u1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] does/VBZ [ restriction/NN AP\/NN mean/NN ] ?/. [ bp00v1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP restrictions/NNS ] on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 137/CD ] ./. [ bp00w1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP classes/NNS ] for/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 137/CD ] and/CC [ restrictions/NNS ] and/CC [ what/WP ] [ they/PP ] mean/VBP ./. [ bp00x1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] ground/NN [ transportation/NN ] in/IN [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] ./. [ bp00y1sx/CD ] ./. How/WRB much/JJ is/VBZ [ flight/NN number/NN 137/CD ] with/IN [ a/DT class/NN Y/NP ] ?/. [ bp00z1sx/CD ] ./. Is/VBZ [ $/NNS 552.00/CD ] [ the/DT cheapest/JJS fare/NN ] from/IN [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] to/TO [ Dallas\/Fort/NP Worth/NP ] ?/. [ bp0101sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT type/NN ] of/IN [ aircraft/NN ] is/VBZ used/VBN on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 137/CD ] ?/. [ bp0111sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/DT information/NN ] about/IN [ aircraft/NN type/NN LOCKHEED/NP L1011/CD ] ./. [ bp0121sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/DT information/NN ] about/IN [ the/DT aircraft/NN type/NN BOEING/NP 767/CD ] ./. [ bp0131sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ capacity/NN seatings/NNS ] for/IN [ the/DT BOEING/NP 767/CD ] ./. [ bw0011sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Boston/NP ] to/TO [ Atlanta/NP ] ./. [ bw0021sx/CD ] ./. Give/VB [ me/PP ] [ a/DT general/JJ description/NN ] of/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ./. [ bw0031sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT type/NN ] of/IN [ aircraft/NN ] is/VBZ [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw0041sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT capacity/NN ] of/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw0051sx/CD ] ./. [ Flight/NN 547/CD ] is/VBZ [ part/NN ] of/IN [ what/WDT airline/NN ] ?/. [ bw0061sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT coach/NN fare/NN ] for/IN [ one-way/JJ flight/NN ] on/IN [ number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw0071sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ restriction/NN AP\/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw0081sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ restriction/NN VU\/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw0091sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT types/NNS ] of/IN [ ground/NN transportation/NN services/NNS ] are/VBP available/JJ from/IN [ the/DT airport/NN ] in/IN [ Atlanta/NP ] to/TO [ downtown/NN Atlanta/NP ] ?/. [ bw00a1sx/CD ] ./. Under/IN [ the/DT category/NN ground/NN transportation/NN ] ,/, [ what/WP ] is/VBZ transport/NN [ A/NP ] ?/. [ bw00b1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ transport/NN L/NP ] ?/. [ bw00c1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ transport/NN R/NP ] ?/. [ bw00d1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Atlanta/NP ] to/TO [ Dallas/NP ] ./. [ bw00e1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT type/NN ] of/IN [ aircraft/NN ] is/VBZ [ flight/NN 447/CD ] ?/. [ bw00f1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT capacity/NN ] of/IN [ flight/NN 447/CD ] ?/. [ bw00g1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ flight/NN code/NN 102147/CD ] ?/. [ bw00h1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT flight/NN day/NN ] of/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw00i1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT type/NN ] of/IN [ ground/NN transportation/NN ] is/VBZ available/JJ from/IN [ DFW/NP airport/NN ] to/TO [ downtown/NN Dallas/NP ] ?/. [ bw00j1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ transport/NN R/NP ] ?/. [ bw00k1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT one-way/JJ coach/NN fare/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 447/CD ] ?/. [ bw00l1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT one-way/JJ first/JJ class/NN fare/NN ] on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 447/CD ] ?/. [ bw00m1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT types/NNS ] of/IN [ meals/NNS ] are/VBP available/JJ on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 447/CD ] ?/. [ bw00n1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT types/NNS ] of/IN [ meals/NNS ] are/VBP available/JJ on/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 547/CD ] ?/. [ bw00o1sx/CD ] ./. [ Show/VB me/PP ] [ all/PDT the/DT nonstop/JJ flights/NNS ] from/IN [ Dallas/NP ] to/TO [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] ?/. [ bw00p1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT type/NN ] of/IN [ aircraft/NN ] is/VBZ [ flight/NN number/NN 459/CD ] ?/. [ bw00q1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT capacity/NN ] of/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 459/CD ] ?/. [ bw00r1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT one-way/JJ coach/NN fare/NN ] for/IN [ flight/NN number/NN 459/CD ] ?/. [ bw00s1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT ground/NN transportation/NN ] is/VBZ available/JJ from/IN [ the/DT San/NP Francisco/NP airport/NN ] to/TO [ downtown/NN San/NP Francisco/NP ] ?/. [ bw00t1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ transport/NN L/NP ] ?/. [ bw00u1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT name/NN ] of/IN [ the/DT airport/NN ] in/IN [ San/NP Francisco/NP ] ?/. [ bw00v1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WDT ground/NN transportation/NN ] is/VBZ available/JJ from/IN [ the/DT airport/NN ] in/IN [ Boston/NP ] to/TO [ downtown/NN Boston/NP ] ?/. [ bw00w1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT name/NN ] of/IN [ the/DT airport/NN ] in/IN [ Boston/NP ] ?/. [ bw00x1sx/CD ] ./. [ What/WP ] is/VBZ [ the/DT name/NN ] of/IN [ the/DT airport/NN ] in/IN [ Atlanta/NP ] ?/.