package; import java.awt.Color; /** * Item of the response processing. Includes the condition and its feedback and * point's value * @author xudrzal */ public class ResProcessingItem implements Comparable { /** * Indicates whether is auto-generated or created by user */ private boolean isGenerated; /** * Text of the condition */ private String condition; /** * Point value */ private int points; /** * Text of the feedback */ private String feedback; /** * Creates a new instance of ColoredRespCondition * @param s text of condition * @param i points value * @param isGenerated True if generated otherwise false */ public ResProcessingItem(String s, int i, boolean isGenerated) { condition=s; points=i; feedback=""; this.isGenerated=isGenerated; } /** * Setter method for the text of condition * @param s text of condition */ public void setCondition(String s) { this.condition=s; } /** * Getter method for the text of condition * @return text of condition */ public String getCondition() { return condition; } /** * Setter method for the points value * @param i points value */ public void setPoints(int i) { points=i; } /** * Getter method for the points value * @return points value */ public int getPoints() { return points; } /** * Setter method for the text of feedback * @param s text of feedback */ public void setFeedback(String s) {; } /** * Getter method for the text of feedback * @return feedback */ public String getFeedback() { return feedback; } /** * Method neccesarry for sorting collection of ResProcessingItem. Compare two * items according their points value. Generated item has always greater value * of points then non-generated. * @param o ResProcessingItem to be compared with * @return 0 if points value is the same * value >0 if the points value of o is greater then this items's points value * value <0 if the points value of this item is greater then points value of o */ public int compareTo(Object o) { ResProcessingItem crcToCompare = (ResProcessingItem) o; int bodyToCompare = crcToCompare.getPoints(); if (crcToCompare.isGenerated()) bodyToCompare = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int bodythis = getPoints(); if (isGenerated) bodythis = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return(bodyToCompare - bodythis); } /** * Creates copy of an object with the same values of attributtes * @return new ResProcessingItem object */ public ResProcessingItem copy() { ResProcessingItem crcNew = new ResProcessingItem(condition, points, isGenerated); = feedback; return(crcNew); } /** * Getter method for the isGenerated switch * @return True if generated otherwise false */ public boolean isGenerated() { return isGenerated; } /** * Setter method for the isGenerated switch * @param a True if generated otherwise false */ public void setGenerated(boolean a) { isGenerated=a; } }