" Display line numbers set number " Turn off wrapping of long lines set nowrap " Highlight curent line set cursorline " Allow backspace to behave normally in insert mode: " remove indent, EOL and allow it to remove more than what we " started with when entering insert mode set backspace=indent,eol,start " Remove spaces by four when deleting with backspace set softtabstop=4 " Automatic indentation of next line when pressing ENTER set autoindent " Expand tab with spaces when typing set expandtab " Width of tab in spaces set tabstop=4 " Search immediately while typing after / set incsearch " Highlight all search results set hlsearch " Show vertical line at 80 columns and at 125 columns " to help us not write excessively long lines set colorcolumn=+1 set colorcolumn=80,125 " Show the whitespace \t character as a little arrow to distinguish " between spaces and tabs set list execute 'set listchars=tab:→\ ' " Allow automatic file type detection and loading file type " specific plugins and indentation information filetype on filetype plugin on filetype indent on " Enable syntax highlighting syntax on " Allow control with mouse in all modes (normal, insert, visual, " command) set mouse=a " When in command mode, give us more shell-like tab completion set wildmenu set wildmode=list:longest " You can set your color scheme here " In command mode, type :colorscheme " to see the list of available schemes " colorscheme default " Uncomment this if the background seems glitchy in your terminal " (e.g. xterm-kitty) " let &t_ut=''