Barbora Kozlikova
I'm an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. I'm a member of the Department of Visual Computing and I'm also heading the Visitlab research group focusing on diverse topics in visualization.
I got my Ph.D. in Computer Graphics in 2011 and my main research interests are visualization and visual analysis with diverse application areas, including biochemistry, medicine, geography, and criminology. With my 7 Ph.D. students we are working on many interesting research topics.
I'm responsible for several courses taught at our faculty and I'm always interested in starting new collaborations. With my colleagues and friends, we are also quite into organization of events for the community: we were organizing the EG EuroVis 2018 conference and also the EG VCBM 2019 workshop.
You can find more information about me and my interests and activities in the respective sections of this webpage. Or feel free to contact me!