Speeding-up Quantified Bit-Vector Solving Bit-Width Reductions and Extensions
Experimental evaluation

Table of Contents

1 CSV files

All statistics are computed from the BenchExec CSV file results.csv.

1.1 Convert to a correct CSV

First, we need to replace tabs by commas:

sed -i 's/\t/,/g' results.csv

And then we remove the standard BenchExec header rows and replace them by more readable ones.

cat results_header.csv > results_out.csv
tail -n +4 results.csv >> results_out.csv

1.2 Split into benchmark sets

We split benchmark name into family and name.

sed -i 's#/#,##' results_out.csv
#separator is #, so we do not have to escape all backslashes
sed -i 's/UltimateAutomizer/ua/g' results_out.csv

2 R environment

2.1 Load necessary libraries

options("scipen"=100, "digits"=2)

2.2 Load all CSV files

res <- read.csv("results_out.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
configurations = c('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'boolectorRedNoPortfolio', 'cvc4', 'cvc4Red', 'q3b', 'q3bRed')
labels = c(boolector = 'Boolector', boolectorRed = 'Boolector+Red', boolectorRedNoPortfolio = 'Boolector+RedNoPortfolio', cvc4 = 'CVC4', cvc4Red = 'CVC4+Red', q3b = 'Q3B', q3bRed = 'Q3B+Red')

We need to modify all times for results other than sat or unsat to have the maximal values of walltime and CPU-time.

timeout <- 300

res[['trivial']] <- TRUE

for (c in configurations)
  res[[paste(c, 'solved', sep='.')]] <- res[[paste(c, 'result', sep='.')]] == "sat" | res[[paste(c, 'result', sep='.')]] == "unsat"
  res[[paste(c, 'cputime', sep='.')]][!res[[paste(c, 'solved', sep='.')]]] <- timeout
  res[[paste(c, 'walltime', sep='.')]][!res[[paste(c, 'solved', sep='.')]]] <- timeout
  res[['trivial']] <- res[['trivial']] & res[[paste(c, 'cputime', sep='.')]] < 0.1

2.3 Check correctness of results

We need to check that no two solvers disagreed on the status of a benchmark (i.e. sat vs unsat). The result of the following command should be empty!

res %>%
    mutate(sat = ((boolector.result == "sat") | (boolectorRed.result == "sat") | (boolectorRedNoPortfolio.result == "sat") | (cvc4.result == "sat") | (cvc4Red.result == "sat")  | (q3b.result == "sat") | (q3bRed.result == "sat")),
           unsat = ((boolector.result == "unsat") | (boolectorRed.result == "unsat") | (boolectorRedNoPortfolio.result == "unsat") | (cvc4.result == "unsat") | (cvc4Red.result == "unsat") | (q3b.result == "unsat") | (q3bRed.result == "unsat"))) %>%
    filter(sat & unsat) %>%
    select(benchmark, boolector.result, boolectorRed.result, cvc4.result, cvc4Red.result)
benchmark boolector.result boolectorRed.result cvc4.result cvc4Red.result

2.4 Compute virtual best Boolector|CVC4 and Boolector|Q3B

configurations = c('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'boolectorRedNoPortfolio', 'cvc4', 'cvc4Red', 'boolectorCVC4', 'boolectorCVC4Red', 'q3b', 'q3bRed', 'boolectorQ3B', 'boolectorQ3BRed', 'boolectorCVC4Q3B', 'boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed')
labels = c(boolector = 'Boolector', boolectorRed = 'Boolector+Red', boolectorRedNoPortfolio = 'Boolector+Red+Zero', cvc4 = 'CVC4', cvc4Red = 'CVC4+Red', boolectorCVC4 = 'Boolector|CVC4', boolectorCVC4Red = 'Boolector|CVC4Red', q3b = 'Q3B', q3bRed = 'Q3B+Red', boolectorQ3B = 'Boolector|Q3B', boolectorQ3BRed = 'Boolector|Q3BRed')
    res <- res %>% mutate(
      boolectorCVC4.solved = boolector.solved | cvc4.solved,
      boolectorCVC4.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, cvc4.result),
      boolectorCVC4.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, cvc4.cputime),
      boolectorCVC4.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, cvc4.walltime),
      boolectorCVC4.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, cvc4.memusage),
      boolectorCVC4Red.solved = boolector.solved | cvc4Red.solved,
      boolectorCVC4Red.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, cvc4Red.result),
      boolectorCVC4Red.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, cvc4Red.cputime),
      boolectorCVC4Red.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, cvc4Red.walltime),
      boolectorCVC4Red.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, cvc4Red.memusage),
      boolectorQ3B.solved = boolector.solved | q3b.solved,
      boolectorQ3B.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, q3b.result),
      boolectorQ3B.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, q3b.cputime),
      boolectorQ3B.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, q3b.walltime),
      boolectorQ3B.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, q3b.memusage),
      boolectorQ3BRed.solved = boolector.solved | q3bRed.solved,
      boolectorQ3BRed.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, q3bRed.result),
      boolectorQ3BRed.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, q3bRed.cputime),
      boolectorQ3BRed.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, q3bRed.walltime),
      boolectorQ3BRed.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, q3bRed.memusage),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.solved = boolector.solved | cvc4.solved | q3b.solved,
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, ifelse(cvc4.solved, cvc4.result, q3b.result)),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, cvc4.cputime, q3b.cputime),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, cvc4.walltime, q3b.walltime),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, cvc4.memusage, q3b.memusage),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.solved = boolectorRed.solved | cvc4Red.solved | q3bRed.solved,
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.result = ifelse(boolectorRed.solved, boolectorRed.result, ifelse(cvc4Red.solved, cvc4Red.result, q3bRed.result)),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.cputime = pmin(boolectorRed.cputime, cvc4Red.cputime, q3bRed.cputime),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.walltime = pmin(boolectorRed.walltime, cvc4Red.walltime, q3bRed.walltime),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.memusage = pmin(boolectorRed.memusage, cvc4Red.memusage, q3bRed.memusage)

3 Statistics

3.1 Numbers of solved formulas

3.1.1 Helper function to generate tables

getTable <- function()
  counts <- list()

  for (c in configurations)
    counts[[c]] <- count_(res, paste(c, 'result', sep='.'))
    colnames(counts[[c]]) <- c('result', c)

  return(Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE), counts))

3.1.2 Table

result boolector boolectorRed boolectorRedNoPortfolio cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed boolectorCVC4Q3B boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed
sat 590 600 522 541 556 606 608 589 599 626 629 627 631
TIMEOUT (timeout) 278 256 636 237 192 117 113 165 135 80 73 71 65
unknown nil nil 13 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
unsat 4873 4885 4570 4963 4993 5018 5020 4987 5007 5035 5039 5043 5045

3.2 Solved formulas in benchmark families

table <- res %>%
  group_by(family) %>%
  summarise(total = n(),
            boolector = sum(boolector.solved),
            boolectorRed = sum(boolectorRed.solved),
            boolectorRedNoPortfolio = sum(boolectorRedNoPortfolio.solved),
            cvc4 = sum(cvc4.solved),
            cvc4Red = sum(cvc4Red.solved),
            boolectorCVC4 = sum(boolectorCVC4.solved),
            boolectorCVC4Red = sum(boolectorCVC4Red.solved),
            q3b = sum(q3b.solved),
            q3bRed = sum(q3bRed.solved),
            boolectorQ3B = sum(boolectorQ3B.solved),
            boolectorQ3BRed = sum(boolectorQ3BRed.solved)

table <- rbind(table, data.frame(family='Total',
  total = sum(table$total),
  boolector = sum(table$boolector),
  boolectorRed = sum(table$boolectorRed),
  boolectorRedNoPortfolio = sum(table$boolectorRedNoPortfolio),
  cvc4 = sum(table$cvc4),
  cvc4Red = sum(table$cvc4Red),
  boolectorCVC4 = sum(table$boolectorCVC4),
  boolectorCVC4Red = sum(table$boolectorCVC4Red),
  q3b = sum(table$q3b),
  q3bRed = sum(table$q3bRed),
  boolectorQ3B = sum(table$boolectorQ3B),
  boolectorQ3BRed = sum(table$boolectorQ3BRed)))
family total boolector boolectorRed boolectorRedNoPortfolio cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed
2017-Preiner-keymaera 4035 4019 4022 4020 3996 4004 4025 4027 4009 4020 4025 4028
2017-Preiner-psyco 194 193 193 129 190 190 193 193 165 168 193 193
2017-Preiner-scholl-smt08 374 299 304 224 244 260 306 306 315 318 327 328
2017-Preiner-tptp 73 70 73 69 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
2017-Preiner-ua 153 153 153 23 151 151 153 153 153 153 153 153
20170501-Heizmann-ua 131 28 30 25 125 130 130 130 124 127 128 129
2018-Preiner-cav18 600 549 554 477 563 575 577 577 565 573 590 590
wintersteiger 181 152 156 125 162 166 167 169 172 174 172 174
Total 5741 5463 5485 5092 5504 5549 5624 5628 5576 5606 5661 5668
boolectorTable = table %>% select(family, total, boolector, boolectorRed, boolectorRedNoPortfolio, boolectorCVC4, boolectorCVC4Red, boolectorQ3B, boolectorQ3BRed)
colnames(boolectorTable) <- c("Family", "Total", "\\texttt{btor}", "\\texttt{btor-r}", "\\texttt{btor-r-no}", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4}", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4-r}", "\\texttt{btor|q3b}", "\\texttt{btor|q3b-r}")
  type = "latex",
  label = "tbl:solvedBoolector",
  caption = "The table shows for each benchmark family and each solver the number of benchmarks that were solver by the solver within a given timeout."),
  file = "solvedBoolector.tex",
  sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x, rotate.colnames=TRUE, include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(table)-1, nrow(table)))
otherTable = table %>% select(family, total, boolectorCVC4, boolectorCVC4Red, boolectorQ3B, boolectorQ3BRed)
colnames(otherTable) <- c("Family", "Total", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4}", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4-r}", "\\texttt{btor|q3b}", "\\texttt{btor|q3b-r}")
  type = "latex",
  label = "tbl:solvedOther",
  caption = "The table shows for each benchmark family and each solver the number of benchmarks that were solver by the solver within a given timeout."),
  file = "solvedOther.tex",
  sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x, include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(table)-1, nrow(table)))

3.3 Cross comparison

3.3.1 Helper function to generate tables

First we need a function which for given configurations computes a number of benchmarks that the first configuration has solved, but the second one has not.

firstIsBetter <- function(c1, c2)
    c1Solved <- res[[paste(c1, 'solved', sep='.')]]
    c2Solved <- res[[paste(c2, 'solved', sep='.')]]

    onlyC1Solved <- c1Solved & !(c2Solved)

  formulasFirstIsBetter <- function(c1, c2)
    return(res$benchmark[firstIsBetter(c1, c2)])

  compareConfigurations <- function(c1, c2)
    return(sum(firstIsBetter(c1, c2)))

We can use this function to generate the cross table.

crossTable <- function()
  results <- c()
  for (c1 in configurations)
    for (c2 in configurations)
      results <- c(results, compareConfigurations(c1, c2))

  results.table <- matrix(results, ncol=13,byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(results.table) <- configurations
  rownames(results.table) <- configurations
  out <- as.table(results.table)

3.3.2 Table

  boolector boolectorRed boolectorRedNoPortfolio cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed boolectorCVC4Q3B boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed
boolector 0 0 393 120 79 0 0 85 62 0 0 0 0
boolectorRed 22 0 393 129 84 9 5 93 63 8 1 6 0
boolectorRedNoPortfolio 22 0 0 92 48 9 5 65 35 8 1 6 0
cvc4 161 148 504 0 0 0 0 75 57 9 7 0 0
cvc4Red 165 148 505 45 0 4 0 85 57 13 7 4 0
boolectorCVC4 161 148 541 120 79 0 0 94 69 9 7 0 0
boolectorCVC4Red 165 148 541 124 79 4 0 98 69 13 7 4 0
q3b 198 184 549 147 112 46 46 0 0 0 0 0 0
q3bRed 205 184 549 159 114 51 47 30 0 7 0 5 0
boolectorQ3B 198 184 577 166 125 46 46 85 62 0 0 0 0
boolectorQ3BRed 205 184 577 171 126 51 47 92 62 7 0 5 0
boolectorCVC4Q3B 207 191 584 166 125 46 46 94 69 9 7 0 0
boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed 213 191 584 172 127 52 48 100 70 15 8 6 0

3.4 Times

table <- res %>%
  group_by(family) %>%
  summarise(boolector = round(sum(boolector.walltime)),
            boolectorRed = round(sum(boolectorRed.walltime)),
            cvc4 = round(sum(cvc4.walltime)),
            cvc4Red = round(sum(cvc4Red.walltime)),
            boolectorCVC4 = round(sum(boolectorCVC4.walltime)),
            boolectorCVC4Red = round(sum(boolectorCVC4Red.walltime)),
            q3b = round(sum(q3b.walltime)),
            q3bRed = round(sum(q3bRed.walltime)),
            boolectorQ3B = round(sum(boolectorQ3B.walltime)),
            boolectorQ3BRed = round(sum(boolectorQ3BRed.walltime))

table <- rbind(table, data.frame(family='Total',
  boolector = sum(table$boolector),
  boolectorRed = sum(table$boolectorRed),
  cvc4 = sum(table$cvc4),
  cvc4Red = sum(table$cvc4Red),
  boolectorCVC4 = sum(table$boolectorCVC4),
  boolectorCVC4Red = sum(table$boolectorCVC4Red),
  q3b = sum(table$q3b),
  q3bRed = sum(table$q3bRed),
  boolectorQ3B = sum(table$boolectorQ3B),
  boolectorQ3BRed = sum(table$boolectorQ3BRed)))
family boolector boolectorRed cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed
2017-Preiner-keymaera 10897 7876 12709 10393 5362 4372 8568 5365 3395 2463
2017-Preiner-psyco 1613 1474 2237 2135 841 839 9425 8754 1072 1063
2017-Preiner-scholl-smt08 26843 25295 41609 36739 23900 23879 20095 19528 16639 16460
2017-Preiner-tptp 904 9 3 8 1 2 2 7 1 2
2017-Preiner-ua 331 341 683 697 298 299 11 22 7 13
20170501-Heizmann-ua 30934 30332 2415 819 624 646 2278 1340 1007 715
2018-Preiner-cav18 17677 15592 12450 8968 7832 7791 11018 8612 3257 3274
wintersteiger 9178 7690 5839 4645 4494 3761 4003 2779 3201 2429
Total 98377 88609 77945 64404 43352 41589 55400 46407 28579 26419
print(xtable(tableWall, type = "latex",
caption = "The table shows for each benchmark family and both of the solvers the sum of wall times of benchmarks that were solved by both of the solvers."),
file = "times_wall.tex", include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(tableWall)-1, nrow(tableWall)))

4 Plots

4.1 Scatter plots

4.1.1 Helper functions

We again define a function, which can generate a scatter plot for a given benchmark set and two configurations.

scatterPlotResult <- function(c1, c2, time = 'cputime', c1lab=c1, c2lab=c2)
return (ggplot(res,
      aes(res[[paste(c1, time, sep='.')]], res[[paste(c2, time, sep='.')]], shape=if_else(boolectorRedNoPortfolio.solved, boolectorRedNoPortfolio.result, boolectorCVC4Red.result), colour=family), xlim=c(0.001,timeout), ylim=c(0.001,timeout)) +
      geom_point() +
      scale_shape_manual(values=c(4, 5, 6)) +
      geom_abline(intercept=0) +
      geom_abline(intercept=1, color='gray') +
      geom_abline(intercept=-1, color='gray') +
      geom_abline(intercept=2, color='gray') +
      geom_abline(intercept=-2, color='gray') +
      labs(title = "", x = c1lab, y = c2lab, color = "Family", shape = "Result") +
      scale_x_log10(limits = c(0.005, 1.1*timeout),
      labels=c("0.001", "0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100", "T/O")) +
      scale_y_log10(limits = c(0.005, 1.1*timeout), 
      labels=c("0.001", "0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100", "T/O")))

scatterPlotMem <- function(c1, c2)
return (ggplot(res,
      aes(res[[paste(c1, 'memusage', sep='.')]], res[[paste(c2, 'memusage', sep='.')]], colour=factor(boolectorCVC4Red.result, c("timeout", "sat", "unsat", "out of memory"))), xlim=c(0.001,8000000000), ylim=c(0.01,8000000000)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_abline(intercept=0) +
      xlab(c1) +
      ylab(c2) +
      scale_x_log10(limits = c(1000000, 16000000000), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
      scale_y_log10(limits = c(1000000, 16000000000), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +

4.1.2 Wall Time

scatterPlotResult('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'walltime', 'btor time (s)', 'btor-r time (s)')


scatterPlotResult('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'walltime', 'btor time (s)', 'btor-r time (s)')


scatterPlotResult('boolector', 'boolectorRedNoPortfolio', 'walltime', 'btor time (s)', 'btor-r-no time (s)')


This is the PDF used in the paper, it shares the legend with another plot.

scatterPlotResult('boolector', 'boolectorRedNoPortfolio', 'walltime', 'btor time (s)', 'btor-r-no time (s)') + theme(legend.position = "none")


scatterPlotResult('cvc4', 'cvc4Red', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4', 'boolectorCVC4Red', 'walltime', 'btor|cvc4 time (s)', 'btor|cvc4-r time (s)')


This is the PDF used in the paper, it shares the legend with another plot.

scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4', 'boolectorCVC4Red', 'walltime', 'btor|cvc4 time (s)', 'btor|cvc4-r time (s)') + theme(legend.position = "none")


scatterPlotResult('boolectorQ3B', 'boolectorQ3BRed', 'walltime', 'btor|q3b time (s)', 'btor|q3b-r time (s)')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorQ3B', 'boolectorQ3BRed', 'walltime', 'btor|q3b time (s)', 'btor|q3b-r time (s)')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4Q3B', 'boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed', 'walltime')


5 Bit-widths

Unzip the results

cd bitwidths
unzip benchmark-formulaReducer-all.2020-05-11_1443.logfiles.zip

Remove all results that were decided by the precise solver.

grep -rl "Child Process 0" bitwidths | xargs rm

Extract the bit-widths and check the number of results.

for f in bitwidths/benchmark-formulaReducer-all.2020-05-11_1443.logfiles/* ; do grep "reduced to" $f | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f6; done > bitwidths/bitwidths.log
wc -l bitwidths/bitwidths.log
475 bitwidths/bitwidths.log

Display the distribution of the bit-widths.

df <- read.table("bitwidths/bitwidths.log", header = FALSE)
names(df) <- 'bitwidth'
t(count(df, bitwidth))
bitwidth 1 2 4 8 16
n 193 141 111 23 7

Author: Martin Jonáš

Created: 2020-07-04 Sat 21:45