Vladimír Ulman
- born 1st April 1980 in Pilsen in Czechoslovakia
- married, 2 children
- researcher, project leader
- ORCID: 0000-0002-4270-7982
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava,
Studentská 6231/1, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba,
Czech Republic
Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno,
Czech Republic
Central European Institute of Technology
CEITEC, Masaryk University
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00, Brno
Czech Republic
- Email: vladimir dot ulman et vsb dot cz
- Email: ulman et fi dot muni dot cz
- Snail mail: the addresses of the departments
- Room: 4th floor in the IT4I building Studentska street
- Room: A307 in the block A at Botanická street
Education and Academic Qualifications
Employment History
- 2022-present: Researcher CEITEC
- 2021-present: Researcher and group leader at IT4Innovations
- 2020-2020: Researcher IT4Innovations
- 2020-present: Researcher and teacher CBIA
- 2016-2020: Researcher/post-doc MPI-CBG
- 2009-2016: Researcher CBIA
- 2006-2014: ICT Administrator
Teaching Activities
- 2020-present: Teaching practicals on Java and Python programming languages
- 2020-present: Teaching practicals on programming in OpenGL
- 2013-2015: Teaching practicals on elementary algorithms and data structures
- 2010-2015: Teaching practicals on image processing programming in C and C++
- 2005-2015: Advising bachelor and master students' theses
- 2005: Teaching practicals on (general) programming in C and C++
Scientific and Research Activities
- 08/2022: 2 weeks, Instructor at EMBL Practical Course “Light Sheet Microscopy”
- 01/2020: 1 week EMBL Course “Deep Learning for Image Analysis”
- 09/2014: 2 weeks EMBO Practical course “Microscopy, modeling and biophysical methods”
- since 2012: CellTrackingChallenge.net
- I'm interested in biomedical image processing, analysis, and simulation. In particular, in the following topics:
- big (image) data processing
- high performance computing
- 3D+t data visualization
- simulations: generation of artificial live cell populations for testing quality of algorithms
- time-lapse sequences
- tracking
- mosaicking and processing extensive images acquired in a part-by-part manner
To see my list of publications, please, click here.