
The videos can be found in the study materials.

Lecture Outline

  1. Course Introduction; Testing and Debugging
  2. Templates and Concepts I; constexpr; C++17/20 Library Additions
  3. Move Semantics; Rvalue and Universal References
  4. Lambda Functions; Ranges; Algorithm and Functional Library; Iterators
  5. Inheritance; RTTI; Exceptions
  6. Templates II; Type Traits; ADL; Niebloids
  7. Threads and Asynchronous Programming; Boost ASIO
  8. Integrating C++ with Other Languages; PyBind; Lua
  9. Standard Library (smart pointers, chrono, random, regex)
  10. The Future of C++

Old Lecture Slides

  1. Invited Lecture: Hardware-aware Peformance Engineering