My teaching and Information for students
Prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.
Faculty of Informatics MU Brno, CZ
Office C418
in the FI building, 4th floor
Calendar of my teaching, exams, office hours
- Courses: "mass" IB000 (see in IS IB000),
- and further advanced courses and seminars (IV119, MA026, IV131).
- Selection of Bc/Ms thesis topics.
- Recent student achievements.
Teaching: "Mass" course Autumn
- FI:IB000 Mathematical Foundations of CS in Czech;
Teaching: Advanced courses and seminars
FI:IV119 Seminar on Discrete Mathematical Methods;
- This is a Spring seminar for all students who like mathematics, and especially beatiful mathematical problems, solutions, and proofs - as presented to us by famous "Proofs from THE BOOK".
- What is required - to read, understand and then present one proof section from the mentioned book.
FI:MA026 Advanced Combinatorics;
- This is an advanced (graduate-level) course on selected topics in combinatorics. The course may be taught only once in two years, depending on students' demand.
- What is required - to already know very well combinatorics and graph theory from undergraduate courses.
FI:IV131 Seminar of Discrete Methods and Algorithms Laboratory;
- My research seminar topics are related to advanced structural and geometric/topological graph theory.
- You have to apply for a permission in the IS to get into the seminar, but all students interested in theoretical research are welcome, especially if they consider to write research Bachelor/Master theses under my supervision.
Bc/Ms thesis topics at FI MU Brno, CZ
Generally, any chosen sufficiently interesting topic of graph theory or related algorithmic questions, including parameterized complexity, or combinatorial geometry, may be taken for thesis under my supervision - based on prior mutual agreement. The preference is for topics doing a least a bit of scientific research, and written up in English.
- Officially listed (generic) Bachelor thesis topic.
- For the master level, you may browse under my name the whole
list of Master thesis topics.
- The topics include, e.g, studying width parameters and related games, computing the decompositions, designing parameterized algorithms on graphs, studying crossing number questions, the practical route-planning problem, etc...
- Selected most successful past thesis titles:
- Twin-width of planar graphs, Computing twin-width parametrized by restrictive parameters, Stack number and queue number of graphs, Constructive twin-width for posets of small width, Crossing-critical graphs of high vertex degrees, FO properties of geometric graphs, Obstructions for graphs of low rank-depth, Efficient solvability of graph MSO properties, Partitioning of Weighted Graphs into k Connected Subgraphs, Construction of planar emulators of graphs, Efficient route-planning in huge graphs, Planar graph emulators: Fellows' conjecture, Automata-formalization for graphs of bounded rank-width...
- A list of my all supervised students at FI MU Brno, CZ.
- See also the current research directions and results of my group.
Read about Ph.D. study in my group
Research achievements of my students
- Rector's Awards MU:
J. Gajarský, 2016 Rector's Award for the Best Students in Doctoral Programmes,
J. Gajarský, 2017 Rector's Award for an Outstanding Doctoral Thesis. - Undergraduate student scientific competition
SVOČ (in Math&CS):
1st prizes R. Ganian (2008), J. Balabán and J. Jedelský (2022)
2nd prizes O. Moriš (2008), M. Derka (2010), M. Klusáček (2011), J. Gajarský (2012), M. Bezek (2016). - Best student papers of:
SOFSEM 2011 (R. Ganian), MEMICS 2011 (O. Moriš), CSR 2020 (O. Cagirici). - Selected publication coauthored with my students:
- 2024 (co-authors J. Balabán, J. Jedelský): Twin-width and Transductions of Proper k-Mixed-Thin Graphs. Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024), 113876. URL: DOI 10.1016/j.disc.2024.113876.
- 2024 (co-authors O. Cagirici, B. Roy): On Colourability of Polygon Visibility Graphs. European J. Combinatorics 117 (2024), 103820. URL: DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2023.103820.
- 2023 (co-author D. Agaoglu Cagirici): Efficient Isomorphism for Sd-graphs and T-graphs. Algorithmica 85 (2023), 352--383. URL: DOI 10.1007/s00453-022-01033-8.
- 2023 (co-author A. Straka): Stack and Queue Numbers of Graphs Revisited. In: Eurocomb'23, Proceedings, Masaryk University Press (2023), 601--606. URL: DOI 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.EUROCOMB23-083.
- 2023 (co-authors D. Agaoglu Cagirici, O. Cagirici, J. Derbisz, T.A. Hartmann, J. Kratochvíl, T. Krawczyk, P. Zeman): Recognizing H-Graphs - Beyond Circular-Arc Graphs. In: MFCS 2023, LIPiCS Vol. 272, Dagstuhl (2023), 8:1--8:14. URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2023.8.
- 2023 (co-authors O. Cagirici, F. Pokrývka, A. Sankaran): Clique-Width of Point Configurations. J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 158 (2023), 43--73. URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2021.09.001.
- 2023 (co-author J. Jedelský): Twin-width of Planar Graphs is at most 8, and at most 6 when Bipartite Planar. In: ICALP 2023, LIPiCS Vol. 261, Dagstuhl (2023), 75:1--75:18. URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2023.75.
- 2019 (co-authors F. Pokrývka, B. Roy): FO model checking of geometric graphs. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 78 (2019), 1--19. URL: DOI 10.1016/j.comgeo.2018.10.001. © Elsevier B.V.
- 2016 (co-authors J. Gajarský, D. Lokshtanov, J. Obdržálek, M.S. Ramanujan): A New Perspective on FO Model Checking of Dense Graph Classes. In: LICS 2016, ACM (2016), 176--184. DOI 10.1145/2933575.2935314. Preprint/file.
- 2016 (co-author M. Derňár): Crossing Number is Hard for Kernelization. In: SoCG 2016, LIPIcs Vol. 51, Dagstuhl (2016), 42:1--42:10. URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2016.42.
- 2015 (co-authors J. Gajarský, D. Lokshtanov, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak, M.S. Ramanujan, S. Saurabh): FO Model Checking on Posets of Bounded Width. In: IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS 2015, IEEE (2015), 963--974. URL: DOI 10.1109/FOCS.2015.63.