
Assignments will be further specified during the semester.

The maximum number of points is 12 (for assignments 1, 2, 4), respectively 14 (for assignment 3).

1. Scheduling

Solving a specific scheduling problems. Pen&pencil assignment.

assignment1.pdf (deadline March 26th)

2. Programming

Programming exercise.

Materials for lab session:

  • Compiling: "gcc -pthread -o helloworld helloworld.c"
  • Do not use any modules: "module list"; "module rm gcc-..."
assignment2.pdf (deadline April 10th)

3. System Construction

Construction of a Lego Mindstorms system. Team assignment.

For specification of the assignment see slides on Lego Mindstorms (deadline April 30th)

3. Verification

Verification exercise with the UPPAAL tool.


assignment4.pdf (deadline June 5th)