hodnota | rok | title | započítaní | ostatní |
1 | 2017 | An objective comparison of cell-tracking algorithms (DOI) | Ulman, Maška, Matula, Matula, Svoboda, Kozubek | Magnusson, Ronneberger, Haubold, Harder, Radojevic, Smal, Rohr, Jaldén, Blau, Dzyubachyk, Lelieveldt, Xiao, Li, Cho, Dufour, Olivo-Marin, Reyes-Aldasoro, Solis-Lemus, Bensch, Brox, Stegmaier, Mikut, Wolf, Hamprecht, Esteves, Quelhas, Demirel, Malmström, Jug, Tomancak, Meijering, Muñoz-Barrutia, Ortiz-de-Solorzano |
1 | 2014 | Objective Comparison of Particle Tracking Methods (DOI) | Maška | Chenouard, Smal, de, Sbalzarini, Gong, Cardinale, Carthel, Coraluppi, Winter, Cohen, Godinez, Rohr, Kalaidzidis, Liang, Duncan, Shen, Xu, Magnusson, Jaldén, Blau, Paul-Gilloteaux, Roudot, Kervrann, Waharte, Tinevez, Shorte, Willemse, Celler, van, Dan, Tsai, Ortiz-de-Solórzano, Olivo-Marin, Meijering |
0.992 | 2015 | Toward a Morphodynamic Model of the Cell (DOI) | Kozubek | Ortiz-de-Solórzano, Muñoz-Barrutia, Meijering |
0.969 | 2018 | Why rankings of biomedical image analysis competitions should be interpreted with care (DOI) | Kozubek | Maier-Hein, Eisenmann, Reinke, Onogur, Stankovic, Scholz, Arbel, Bogunovic, Bradley, Carass, Feldmann, Frangi, Full, van, Hanbury, Honauer, Landman, März, Maier, Maier-Hein, Menze, Müller, Neher, Niessen, Rajpoot, Sharp, Sirinukunwattana, Speidel, Stock, Stoyanov, Taha, van, Wang, Weber, Zheng, Jannin, Kopp-Schneider |
0.968 | 2015 | The minimal work cost of information processing (DOI) | Dupont | Faist, Oppenheim, Renner |
0.964 | 2014 | Why are papers about filters on residuated structures (usually) trivial? (DOI) | Víta | |
0.96 | 2016 | Hammock: a hidden Markov model-based peptide clustering algorithm to identify protein-interaction consensus motifs in large datasets (DOI) | Lexa | Krejčí, Hupp, Vojtěšek, Müller |
0.955 | 2018 | Non-rigid Contour-Based Registration of Cell Nuclei in 2-D Live Cell Microscopy Images Using a Dynamic Elasticity Model (DOI) | Sorokin | Peterlík, Tektonidis, Rohr, Matula |
0.955 | 2018 | FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells with Growing and Branching Filopodia (DOI) | Sorokin, Peterlík, Ulman, Svoboda, Nečasová, Tesařová, Maška | Morgaenko, Eiselleová |
0.955 | 2017 | MitoGen: A Framework for Generating 3D Synthetic Time-Lapse Sequences of Cell Populations in Fluorescence Microscopy (DOI) | Svoboda, Ulman | |
0.942 | 2018 | Detection of Advanced Persistent Threat Using Machine-Learning Correlation Analysis (DOI) | Ghafir, Přenosil | Hammoudeh, Han, Hegarty, Rabie, Aparicio-Navarro |
0.94 | 2016 | Applications of the Elo rating system in adaptive educational systems (DOI) | Pelánek | |
0.936 | 2017 | Catalytic decoupling of quantum information (DOI) | Dupont | Majenz, Berta, Renner, Christandl |
0.934 | 2018 | CAVER Analyst 2.0: Analysis and Visualization of Channels and Tunnels in Protein Structures and Molecular Dynamics Trajectories (DOI) | Jurčík, Bednář, Marques, Furmanová, Kokkonen, Brezovský, Strnad, Štourač, Pavelka, Damborský, Kozlíková | Byška, Daniel, Manak |
0.934 | 2017 | Image-based surrogate biomarkers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer (DOI) | Popovici, Budinská, Kozubek | Dušek, Bosman |
0.934 | 2017 | pqsfinder: an exhaustive and imperfection-tolerant search tool for potential quadruplex-forming sequences in R (DOI) | Lexa | Hon, Martínek, Zendulka |
0.934 | 2017 | ARResT/Interrogate: an interactive immunoprofiler for IG/TR NGS data (DOI) | Bystrý, Demko | Reigl, Krejčí, Hanáková, Grioni, Knecht, Schlitt, Dreger, Sellner, Herrmann, Pingeon, Boudjoghra, Rijntjes, Pott, Langerak, Groenen, Davi, Bruggemann, Darzentas |
0.933 | 2018 | Instant Construction and Visualization of Crowded Biological Environments (DOI) | Kozlíková | Klein, Autin, Goodsell, Olson, Gröller, Viola |
0.931 | 2017 | Algorithm 970: Optimizing the NIST Statistical Test Suite and the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm (DOI) | Sýs, Říha, Matyáš | |
0.93 | 2017 | Temporal logic control for stochastic linear systems using abstraction refinement of probabilistic games (DOI) | Svoreňová, Křetínský, Černá | Chmelík, Chatterjee, Belta |
0.93 | 2014 | Maxwell's Daemon: Information versus Particle Statistics (DOI) | Plesch | Dahlsten, Goold, Vedral |
0.922 | 2014 | A Benchmark for Comparison of Cell Tracking Algorithms (DOI) | Maška, Ulman, Svoboda, Matula, Matula, Karas, Bolcková, Štreitová, Kozubek | Ederra, Urbiola, España, Venkatesan, Balak, Carthel, Coraluppi, Harder, Rohr, Magnusson, Jaldén, Blau, Dzyubachyk, Křížek, Hagen, Pastor-Escuredo, Jimenez-Carretero, Ledesma-Carbayo, Muñoz-Barrutia, Meijering, Ortiz-de-Solorzano |
0.922 | 2014 | CAVER Analyst 1.0: Graphic tool for interactive visualization and analysis of tunnels and channels in protein structures (DOI) | Kozlíková, Šebestová, Šustr, Brezovský, Strnad, Daniel, Bednář, Pavelka, Bezděka, Beneš, Kotry, Gora, Damborský, Sochor | Manak |
0.913 | 2016 | Toward Natural Multi-User Interaction in Advanced Collaborative Display Environments (DOI) | Rusňák, Ručka, Holub | |
0.912 | 2015 | A short note on t-filters, I-filters and extended filters on residuated lattices (DOI) | Víta | |
0.905 | 2014 | Fuzzy t-filters and their properties (DOI) | Víta | |
0.905 | 2014 | Efficient k-NN based HEp-2 cells classifier (DOI) | Stoklasa, Majtner, Svoboda | |
0.905 | 2014 | An induced pluripotent stem cell model of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) reveals multiple expression and functional differences in HLHS derived cardiac myocytes (DOI) | Tesařová | Jiang, Habibollah, Tilgner, Collin, Bárta, Al-Aama, Hussain, Trafford, Kirkwood, Sernagor, Eleftheriou, Przyborski, Stojkovic, Lako, Keavney, Armstrong |
0.897 | 2018 | A large-scale comparative study of beta testers and regular users (DOI) | Šťavová, Dědková, Ukrop, Matyáš | |
0.894 | 2016 | NEEMP: software for validation, accurate calculation and fast parameterization of EEM charges (DOI) | Raček, Pazúriková, Svobodová, Geidl, Křenek, Falginella, Horský, Hejret, Koča | |
0.889 | 2015 | Optimal Temporal Logic Control for Deterministic Transition Systems with Probabilistic Penalties (DOI) | Svoreňová, Černá | Belta |
0.886 | 2016 | An explicit classical strategy for winning a CHSHq game (DOI) | Pivoluska, Plesch | |
0.879 | 2018 | The effect of local power increase on neutron flux in internal parts of the VVER-1000 Mock-Up in LR-0 reactor (DOI) | Matěj | Košťál, Losa, Schulc, Šimon, Harut, Klupák, Czakoj, Juříček, Cvachovec, Rypar |
0.879 | 2018 | Characterization of mixed N/G beam of the VR-1 reactor (DOI) | Matěj | Košťál, Losa, Juříček, Harutyunyan, Huml, Štěfánik, Cvachovec, Mravec, Schulc, Czakoj, Rypar |
0.878 | 2015 | Very Fast Decision Rules for Classification in Data Streams (DOI) | Kosina | Gama |
0.877 | 2016 | AnimoAminoMiner: Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Properties in Molecular Dynamics (DOI) | Byška, Kozlíková | Muzic, Gröller, Viola |
0.877 | 2016 | Parallel On-Demand Hierarchy Construction on Contemporary GPUs (DOI) | Vinkler, Sochor | Havran, Bittner |
0.86 | 2014 | Robustness Analysis of Stochastic Biochemical Systems (DOI) | Češka, Šafránek, Dražan, Brim | |
0.857 | 2017 | Large-scale cortico-subcortical functional networks in focal epilepsies: The role of the basal ganglia (DOI) | Výtvarová, Mareček, Fousek, Strýček, Rektor | |
0.854 | 2015 | Fibroblast growth factor and canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling cooperate in suppression of chondrocyte differentiation in experimental models of FGFR signaling in cartilage (DOI) | Buchtová, Mašek, Obadalová, Konečná, Spoustová, Pospíšilová, Matula, Vařecha, Bálek, Gudernová, Jelínková, Červenková, Kozubík, Dvořák, Bryja | Krejčí, Oralová, Aklian, Vesela, Ouyang, Duran, Murakami |
0.853 | 2018 | Semantic BMS: Allowing usage of building automation data in facility benchmarking (DOI) | Kučera, Pitner | |
0.85 | 2014 | HP1B-dependent recruitment of UBF1 to irradiated chromatin occurs simultaneously with CPDs (DOI) | Sorokin, Matula | Stixová, Sehnalová, Legartová, Suchánková, Hrušková, Kozubek, Raška, Kovařík, Fulneček, Bártová |
0.849 | 2015 | MoleCollar and Tunnel Heat Map Visualizations for Conveying Spatio-Temporo-Chemical Properties Across and Along Protein Voids (DOI) | Byška, Jurčík, Kozlíková | Gröller, Viola |
0.849 | 2015 | Register Efficient Dynamic Memory Allocator for GPUs (DOI) | Vinkler | Havran |
0.841 | 2015 | Curriculum Mapping with Academic Analytics in Medical and Healthcare Education (DOI) | Komenda, Víta, Schwarz, Pokorná | Dušek, Vaitsis, Zary |
0.841 | 2015 | Cell tracking accuracy measurement based on comparison of acyclic oriented graphs (DOI) | Matula, Maška, Sorokin, Matula, Kozubek | Ortiz-de-Solórzano |
0.83 | 2016 | Control Explicit-Data Symbolic Model Checking (DOI) | Bauch, Havel, Barnat | |
0.819 | 2018 | Multiscale Molecular Visualization | Kozlíková | Miao, Klein, Kouřil, Mindek, Schatz, Gröller, Isenberg, Viola |
0.819 | 2018 | BotDet: A System for Real Time Botnet Command and Control Traffic Detection (DOI) | Ghafir, Přenosil | Hammoudeh, Baker, Jabbar, Khalid, Jaf |
0.818 | 2018 | The details matter: methodological nuances in the evaluation of student models | Pelánek | |
0.818 | 2017 | Elo-based Learner Modeling for the Adaptive Practice of Facts (DOI) | Pelánek, Papoušek, Řihák, Stanislav, Nižnan | |
0.818 | 2017 | Bayesian knowledge tracing, logistic models, and beyond: an overview of learner modeling techniques (DOI) | Pelánek | |
0.81 | 2014 | Guanine quadruplexes are formed by specific regions of human transposable elements (DOI) | Lexa, Vorlíčková | Steflova, Martínek, Vyskot, Kejnovský |
0.809 | 2018 | Edge detection based on single-pixel imaging (DOI) | Gruska | Ren, Zhao |
0.807 | 2016 | Swiveled Rényi entropies (DOI) | Dupont | Wilde |
0.801 | 2017 | DNA double-strand breaks in human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming and long-term in vitro culturing (DOI) | Šimara, Tesařová, Řeháková, Matula, Stejskal, Hampl, Koutná | |
0.798 | 2017 | Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited (DOI) | Kozlíková | Krone, Falk, Lindow, Baaden, Baum, Viola, Parulek, Hege |
0.796 | 2014 | Device-independent randomness extraction from an arbitrarily weak min-entropy source (DOI) | Bouda, Pivoluska, Plesch | Pawlowski |
0.796 | 2014 | Entanglement sensitivity to signal attenuation and amplification (DOI) | Ziman | Filippov |
0.796 | 2014 | Distance to boundary and minimum-error discrimination (DOI) | Ziman | Haapasalo, Sedlák |
0.796 | 2014 | Optimal entanglement-assisted discrimination of quantum measurements (DOI) | Ziman | Miková, Sedlák, Straka, Mičuda, Ježek, Dušek, Fiurášek |
0.796 | 2014 | Optimal single-shot strategies for discrimination of quantum measurements (DOI) | Ziman | Sedlák |
0.781 | 2018 | Spatial constraints on the diffusion of religious innovations : The case of early Christianity in the Roman Empire (DOI) | Fousek, Kaše, Mertel, Výtvarová, Chalupa | |
0.781 | 2017 | Characterization of three-dimensional cancer cell migration in mixed collagen-Matrigel scaffolds using microfluidics and image analysis (DOI) | Maška, Kozubek | Anguiano, Castilla, Ederra, Peláez, Morales, Muñoz-Arrieta, Mujika, Muñoz-Barrutia, Rouzaut, Arana, Garcia-Aznar, Ortiz-de-Solorzano |
0.781 | 2016 | The Aberrant DNA Methylation Profile of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Is Connected to the Reprogramming Process and Is Normalized During In Vitro Culture (DOI) | Tesařová, Šimara, Stejskal, Koutná | |
0.781 | 2016 | p53 Specifically Binds Triplex DNA In Vitro and in Cells (DOI) | Lexa | Brázdová, Tichý, Helma, Bažantová, Polášková, Krejčí, Petr, Navrátilová, Tichá, Nejedlý, Bennink, Subramaniam, Bábková, Martínek, Adámik |
0.758 | 2016 | Tight bound on the classical value of generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt games (DOI) | Pivoluska, Plesch | Pawlowski |
0.758 | 2016 | Incompatible measurements on quantum causal networks (DOI) | Ziman | Sedlák, Reitzner, Chiribella |
0.757 | 2014 | Towards an optimal swap gate (DOI) | Wilmott | Wild |
0.757 | 2014 | Driven hematopoietic differentiation of embryonic stem cells: Epigenetic perspectives (DOI) | Tesařová, Stejskal, Koutná | |
0.754 | 2015 | Runtime analysis of probabilistic programs with unbounded recursion (DOI) | Brázdil, Kučera, Hutařová | Kiefer |
0.754 | 2015 | A complete parameterized complexity analysis of bounded planning (DOI) | Ordyniak | Backstrom, Jonsson, Szeider |
0.734 | 2017 | Divisibility of quantum dynamical maps and collision models (DOI) | Ziman | Filippov, Piilo, Maniscalco |
0.734 | 2017 | 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer using a flawed bit-string quantum protocol (DOI) | Plesch, Pivoluska | Pawlowski |
0.731 | 2014 | Stateful component-based performance models (DOI) | Bühnová | Happe, Reussner |
0.727 | 2018 | Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast (DOI) | Lexa | Tokan, Puterová, Kejnovský |
0.726 | 2018 | Investigating the role of smartness for sustainability: Insights from the Smart Grid domain (DOI) | Bühnová, Walletzký | Caputo |
0.709 | 2018 | Experimental large-scale review of attractors for detection of potentially unwanted applications (DOI) | Šťavová, Dědková, Matyáš, Šmahel, Ukrop | Just |
0.708 | 2018 | Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data (DOI) | Balážia, Sojka | |
0.707 | 2014 | Automatic decision support system based on SAR data for oil spill detection (DOI) | Mera | Cotos, Varela-Pet, Rodríguez, Caro |
0.706 | 2016 | Are there any good digraph width measures? (DOI) | Hliněný, Obdržálek | Ganian, Kneis, Meister, Sikdar, Rossmanith |
0.705 | 2014 | Efficient Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with an Unbounded Counter (DOI) | Brázdil, Kučera | Kiefer |
0.698 | 2016 | Sketch Engine for Bilingual Lexicography (DOI) | Kovář, Baisa, Jakubíček | |
0.696 | 2015 | Multi-modal Similarity Retrieval with Distributed Key-value Store (DOI) | Novák | |
0.696 | 2015 | Similarity Searching for the Big Data Challenges and Research Objectives (DOI) | Zezula | |
0.695 | 2015 | Efficient Quantum Polar Codes Requiring No Preshared Entanglement (DOI) | Dupont | Renes, Sutter, Renner |
0.695 | 2015 | Entanglement Sampling and Applications (DOI) | Dupont | Fawzi, Wehner |
0.684 | 2016 | RNA-dependent disassembly of nuclear bodies (DOI) | Sorokin | Musinova, Lisitsyna, Arifulin, Smirnova, Zinovkin, Potashnikova, Vassetzky, Sheval |
0.679 | 2014 | Device-independent randomness amplification with a single device (DOI) | Plesch, Pivoluska | |
0.679 | 2014 | Maximally incompatible quantum observables (DOI) | Ziman | Heinosaari, Schultz, Toigo |
0.679 | 2016 | Accelerating Temporal Verification of Simulink Diagrams Using Satisfiability Modulo Theories (DOI) | Bauch, Havel, Barnat | |
0.679 | 2018 | Replication of ribosomal DNA in Arabidopsis occurs both inside and outside the nucleolus during S phase progression (DOI) | Dvořáčková, Matula, Peška, Fajkus | Raposo, Fuchs, Schubert, Desvoyes, Gutierrez |
0.659 | 2018 | A New Linux Based TCP Congestion Control Mechanism for Long Distance High Bandwidth Sustainable Smart Cities (DOI) | Ghafir | Ahmad, bin, Ahmad, Amjad, Arioua |
0.653 | 2016 | Tree-depth and Vertex-minors (DOI) | Hliněný, Obdržálek, Ordyniak | Kwon |
0.648 | 2018 | Hybrid rule-based motion planner for mobile robot in cluttered workspace (DOI) | Abbadi | Matousek |
0.644 | 2018 | Simulation of Underwater Excavation Using Dredging Procedures (DOI) | Kouřil, Liarokapis | |
0.642 | 2015 | Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (DOI) | Stejskal, Štěpka, Tesařová, Stejskal, Matějková, Šimara, Zdráhal, Koutná | |
0.635 | 2016 | Model Checking Existential Logic on Partially Ordered Sets (DOI) | Ganian | Szeider, Bova |
0.629 | 2014 | Lower Bounds on the Complexity of MSO_1 Model-Checking (DOI) | Ganian, Hliněný, Obdržálek | Langer, Rossmanith, Sikdar |
0.629 | 2014 | Branching-time model-checking of probabilistic pushdown automata (DOI) | Brázdil, Brožek, Kučera | Forejt |
0.625 | 2015 | Comparison of fast neutron spectra in graphite and FLINA salt inserted in well-defined core assembled in LR-0 reactor (DOI) | Veškrna, Mravec, Matěj | Košťál, Cvachovec, Jánský, Novák, Rypar, Milčák, Losa, Rejchrt, Forget, Harper |
0.621 | 2016 | CAVER: Algorithms for Analyzing Dynamics of Tunnels in Macromolecules (DOI) | Pavelka, Šebestová, Kozlíková, Brezovský, Sochor, Damborský | |
0.616 | 2015 | Neutron and Gamma Spectrometry in the Research Reactor LR-0 (DOI) | Matěj | Zaritskiy, Osmera, Cvachovec, Marik, Posta, Rypar, Riazanov, Lichadeev, Kolros |
0.615 | 2016 | Meta-kernelization with structural parameters (DOI) | Ganian | Szeider, Slivovsky |
0.614 | 2016 | Real-life Curriculum-based Timetabling with Elective Courses and Course Sections (DOI) | Rudová | Müller |
0.61 | 2018 | Reprogramming of Adult Peripheral Blood Cells into Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Safe and Accessible Source of Endothelial Cells. (DOI) | Šimara, Tesařová, Řeháková, Farkaš, Šalingová, Kutálková, Vavrečková, Matula, Matula, Veverková, Koutná | |
0.606 | 2017 | Identification of altitude profiles in 3D geovisualizations: the role of interaction and spatial abilities (DOI) | Kubíček, Šašinka, Stachoň, Herman, Juřík, Urbánek, Chmelík | |
0.604 | 2016 | Efficient Model Checking of Weighted CTL with Upper-Bound Constraints (DOI) | Srba | Jensen, Larsen, Oestergaard |
0.602 | 2015 | Performance and Sensitivity Evaluation of 3-D Spot Detection Methods in Confocal Microscopy (DOI) | Štěpka, Matula, Matula, Kozubek | Woerz, Rohr |
0.6 | 2014 | A simple Fourier filter for suppression of the missing wedge ray artefacts in single-axis electron tomographic reconstructions (DOI) | Matula | Kováčik, Kereïche, Höög, Jůda, Raška |
0.594 | 2016 | Performance Comparison of Bounding Volume Hierarchies and Kd-trees for GPU Ray Tracing (DOI) | Vinkler | Havran, Bittner |
0.594 | 2016 | Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Cavities: State of the Art (DOI) | Kozlíková | Krone, Lindow, Baaden, Baum, Parulek, Hege, Viola |
0.59 | 2015 | GPU Implementation of Linear Morphological Openings with Arbitrary Angle (DOI) | Karas | Morard, Bartovský, Grandpierre, Dokládalová, Matula, Dokládal |
0.59 | 2014 | A performance evaluation of statistical tests for edge detection in textured images (DOI) | Svoboda | Williams, Bowring |
0.582 | 2018 | COZOID: COntact ZOne IDentifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions (DOI) | Furmanová, Paleček, Kozlíková | Byška, Gröller, Viola |
0.582 | 2017 | Comparative Visualization of Protein Secondary Structures (DOI) | Kocincová, Jarešová, Byška, Kozlíková | Parulek, Hauser |
0.582 | 2017 | Interactive Exploration of Ligand Transportation through Protein Tunnels (DOI) | Furmanová, Jarešová, Byška, Jurčík, Kozlíková | Parulek, Hauser |
0.579 | 2016 | The role of the endoplasmic reticulum stress in stemness, pluripotency and development (DOI) | Kratochvílová, Moráň, Paďourová, Stejskal, Tesařová, Šimara, Hampl, Koutná, Vaňhara | |
0.571 | 2016 | Virtual cell imaging: A review on simulation methods employed in image cytometry (DOI) | Ulman, Svoboda, Kozubek | Nykter, Ruusuvuori |
0.562 | 2018 | Planning of distributed data production for High Energy and Nuclear Physics (DOI) | Rudová | Makatun, Lauret |
0.558 | 2015 | Planar Emulators Conjecture Is Nearly True for Cubic Graphs (DOI) | Derka, Hliněný | |
0.552 | 2017 | Popularity-Based Ranking for Fast Approximate kNN Search (DOI) | Antol, Dohnal | |
0.547 | 2015 | Chain rules for quantum Renyi entropies (DOI) | Dupont | |
0.539 | 2016 | Directed elimination games (DOI) | Ordyniak | Engelmann, Kreutzer |
0.538 | 2017 | Human Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data in Signature Poses (DOI) | Balážia | Plataniotis |
0.537 | 2017 | First order limits of sparse graphs: Plane trees and path-width (DOI) | Gajarský, Hliněný, Obdržálek, Ordyniak | Kaiser, Kráľ, Kupec, Tůma |
0.527 | 2018 | Binary Sketches for Secondary Filtering (DOI) | Míč, Novák, Zezula | |
0.527 | 2018 | A generic framework for checking semantic equivalences between pushdown automata and finite-state automata (DOI) | Kučera | Mayr |
0.527 | 2017 | Trading performance for stability in Markov decision processes (DOI) | Brázdil, Forejt, Kučera | Chatterjee |
0.527 | 2017 | Kernelization using structural parameters on sparse graph classes (DOI) | Gajarský, Hliněný, Obdržálek, Ordyniak | Reidl, Rossmanith, Villaamil, Sikdar |
0.526 | 2014 | Two notes on Grover’s search: Programming and discriminating (DOI) | Ziman | Reitzner |
0.523 | 2015 | Optimizing CUDA code by kernel fusion: application on BLAS (DOI) | Filipovič, Madzin, Fousek, Matyska | |
0.519 | 2014 | Inequalities for quantum marginal problems with continuous variables (DOI) | Krbek, Tyc, Vlach | |
0.516 | 2018 | Effective and Efficient Similarity Searching in Motion Capture Data (DOI) | Sedmidubský, Eliáš, Zezula | |
0.516 | 2018 | ConceptRank for search-based image annotation (DOI) | Budíková, Batko, Zezula | |
0.516 | 2018 | Age and gender-based human face reconstruction from single frontal image (DOI) | Ferková, Urbanová, Černý, Žuži, Matula | |
0.516 | 2017 | Speeding up the multimedia feature extraction: a comparative study on the big data approach (DOI) | Batko, Zezula | Mera |
0.513 | 2018 | Security Threats to Critical Infrastructure: The Human Factor (DOI) | Ghafir, Přenosil | Saleem, Hammoudeh, Faour, Jaf, Jabbar, Baker |
0.512 | 2016 | Localized Movement and Levels of 53BP1 Protein Are Changed by gamma-irradiation in PML Deficient Cells (DOI) | Sorokin | Legartová, Řezníčková-Podloučková, Malyšková, Küntziger, Collas, Cmarko, Raška, Kozubek, Bártová |
0.509 | 2016 | Examining the effect of body ownership in immersive virtual and augmented reality environments (DOI) | Škola, Liarokapis | |
0.509 | 2015 | Transposable elements and G-quadruplexes (DOI) | Lexa | Kejnovský, Tokan |
0.504 | 2015 | Power of the interactive proof systems with verifiers modeled by semi-quantum two-way finite automata (DOI) | Zheng, Gruska | QIU |
0.5 | 2015 | Exact quantum algorithms have advantage for almost all Boolean functions | Gruska, Zheng | Ambainis |
0.5 | 2015 | Academic-Industrial Cooperation in ICT in a Transition Economy – Two Cases from the Czech Republic (DOI) | Pitner | Ministr |
0.492 | 2017 | Visual analytics of educational time-dependent data using interactive dynamic visualization (DOI) | Géryk | |
0.483 | 2014 | Intravenous insulin therapy during lung resection does not affect lung function or surfactant proteins (DOI) | Ručka, Koutná, Tesařová, Potěšilová, Stejskal, Šimara, Vaňhara | Doležel, Zvoníček, Coufal, Čapov |
0.48 | 2014 | Epsilon-Semantics computations on biological systems (DOI) | Dražanová | Casagrande, Dreossi, Piazza |
0.48 | 2014 | STL*: Extending signal temporal logic with signal-value freezing operator (DOI) | Brim, Šafránek | Dluhoš, Vejpustek |
0.48 | 2014 | Language equivalence of probabilistic pushdown automata. (DOI) | Forejt | Jančar, Kiefer, Worrell |
0.471 | 2015 | A simple microviscometric approach based on Brownian motion tracking (DOI) | Karas | Hnyluchová, Bjalončíková, Mravec, Halásová, Pekař, Kubala, Víteček |
0.471 | 2014 | Digraph width measures in parameterized algorithmics (DOI) | Ganian, Hliněný, Obdržálek | Kneis, Langer, Rossmanith |
0.466 | 2017 | Generalizations of the distributed Deutsch-Jozsa promise problem (DOI) | Gruska, Zheng | QIU |
0.464 | 2018 | Parameterized Extension Complexity of Independent Set and Related Problems (DOI) | Gajarský, Hliněný | Tiwary |
0.464 | 2018 | Investigating results and performance of search and construction algorithms for word-based LFSRs, \sigma-LFSRs (DOI) | Bishoi, Matyáš | |
0.452 | 2018 | Scaling Agile in Large Organizations: Practices, Challenges, and Success Factors (DOI) | Rossi | Kalenda, Hyna |
0.442 | 2018 | Smart Grid Testing Management Platform (SGTMP) (DOI) | Rossi, Pitner | Schvarcbacher, Hrabovská |
0.442 | 2018 | Moving towards Smart Cities: A Selection of Middleware for Fog-to-Cloud Services (DOI) | Bangui, Bühnová | Rakrak, Raghay |
0.441 | 2015 | Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Colorful Components Problems (DOI) | Popa | Adamaszek |
0.441 | 2016 | Equimatchable Graphs on Surfaces (DOI) | Kotrbčík | Eiben |
0.435 | 2018 | Sampling-based Motion Planning for Tracking Evolution of Dynamic Tunnels in Molecular Dynamics Simulations (DOI) | Jurčík, Furmanová, Kozlíková | Vonásek |
0.434 | 2015 | Characterization of the graphite pile as a source of thermal neutrons (DOI) | Veškrna | Vykydal, Králík, Jančář, Kopecký, Dressler |
0.434 | 2015 | Pulse-shape discrimination of the new plastic scintillators in neutron–gamma mixed field using fast digitizer card (DOI) | Veškrna, Matěj | Jančář, Kopecký, Dressler, Granja, Solar |
0.429 | 2014 | Coilin is rapidly recruited to UVA-induced DNA lesions and gamma-radiation affects localized movement of Cajal bodies (DOI) | Sorokin | Bártová, Foltánková, Legartová, Sehnalová, Suchánková, Kozubek |
0.41 | 2014 | Device Independent Random Number Generation (DOI) | Pivoluska, Plesch | |
0.408 | 2018 | Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multigroup Multicast Routing under Uncertainty (DOI) | Troubil, Rudová | Holub |
0.398 | 2018 | On clock-aware LTL parameter synthesis of timed automata (DOI) | Bezděk, Beneš, Černá, Barnat | |
0.395 | 2014 | Performance Study of Independent Anchor Spaces for Similarity Searching (DOI) | Novák, Zezula | |
0.394 | 2018 | Discrete and Continuous Strategies for Timed-Arc Petri Net Games (DOI) | Srba | Jensen, Larsen |
0.392 | 2018 | EEG-based BCI and video games: a progress report (DOI) | Kerouš, Škola, Liarokapis | |
0.392 | 2018 | Editorial for special issue on interactive virtual environments for serious games (DOI) | Liarokapis | Evans |
0.39 | 2015 | Genus of the cartesian product of triangles | Kotrbčík | Pisanski |
0.39 | 2017 | Polysemy and Synonymy in Syntactic Dependency Networks (DOI) | Horák | Cech, Macutek, Žabokrtský |
0.365 | 2017 | Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images (DOI) | Chalás, Urbanová, Juřík, Ferková, Jandová, Sochor, Kozlíková | |
0.365 | 2017 | EEG correlates of video game experience and user profile in motor-imagery-based brain–computer interaction (DOI) | Liarokapis | Vourvopoulos, Bermudez |
0.358 | 2015 | Kernelizing MSO Properties of Trees of Fixed Height, and Some Consequences (DOI) | Gajarský, Hliněný | |
0.358 | 2015 | Faster Existential FO Model Checking on Posets (DOI) | Gajarský, Hliněný, Obdržálek, Ordyniak | |
0.358 | 2015 | FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs (DOI) | Hliněný, Obdržálek | Ganian, Kráľ, Schwartz, Teska |
0.358 | 2015 | Permissive controller synthesis for probabilistic systems (DOI) | Forejt | Draeger, Kwiatkowska, Parker, Ujma |
0.34 | 2016 | Model checking C++ programs with exceptions (DOI) | Ročkai, Barnat, Brim | |
0.334 | 2015 | Localized movement and morphology of UBF1-positive nucleolar regions are changed by gamma-irradiation in G2 phase of the cell cycle (DOI) | Sorokin, Šimara, Matula | Stixová, Sehnalová, Legartová, Suchánková, Kozubek, Skalníková, Raška, Bártová |
0.33 | 2016 | Analysing Sanity of Requirements for Avionics Systems (DOI) | Barnat, Bauch, Beneš, Brim | Beran, Kratochvíla |
0.329 | 2015 | Quick algorithms for real-time discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays (DOI) | Amiri, Přenosil, Matěj, Mravec | Cvachovec |
0.329 | 2014 | Computing the stretch of an embedded graph (DOI) | Hliněný | Cabello, Chimani |
0.328 | 2014 | The TrueCrypt On-Disk Format—An Independent View (DOI) | Brož, Matyáš | |
0.328 | 2018 | On similarity of various reactor spectra and 235U prompt fission neutron spectrum (DOI) | Matěj | Košťál, Losa, Huml, Štefánik, Cvachovec, Šulc, Jánský, Novák, Harutyunyan, Rypar |
0.328 | 2018 | The influence of core power distribution on neutron flux density behind a pressure vessel of a VVER-1000 Mock Up in LR-0 reactor (DOI) | Matěj | Košťál, Rypar, Losa, Harut, Schulc, Klupák, Cvachovec, Jánský, Novák, Czakoj, Juříček, Zaritsky |
0.328 | 2018 | Measurements of neutron transport of well defined silicon fltered beam in lead (DOI) | Matěj | Košťál, Schulc, Šoltés, Losa, Viererbl, Cvachovec, Rypra |
0.328 | 2017 | Measurement and calculation of fast neutron and gamma spectra in well defined cores in LR-0 reactor (DOI) | Matěj, Mravec, Veškrna | Košťál, Cvachovec, Rypar, Losa, Rejchrt |
0.328 | 2017 | Measurement of Neutron Spectra in a Silicon Filtered Neutron Beam Using Stilbene Detectors at the LVR-15 Research Reactor (DOI) | Matěj | Košťál, ŠOLTÉS, VIERERBL, Cvachovec, Rypar, Losa |
0.327 | 2016 | From LTL to deterministic automata (A safraless compositional approach) (DOI) | Křetínský | Esparza, Sickert |
0.324 | 2015 | Soundness of Timed-Arc Workflow Nets in Discrete and Continuous-Time Semantics (DOI) | Srba | Mateo, Soerensen |
0.32 | 2016 | Min-Sum 2-Paths Problems (DOI) | Popa | Fenner, Lachish |
0.319 | 2015 | MDPV - Metric Distance Permutation Vocabulary (DOI) | Dohnal, Homola, Zezula | |
0.318 | 2018 | Towards a systems thinking based view for the governance of a smart city’s ecosystem: A bridge to link Smart Technologies and Big Data (DOI) | Štěpánek, Walletzký | Caputo |
0.314 | 2014 | TCTL-Preserving Translations from Timed-Arc {P}etri Nets to Networks of Timed Automata (DOI) | Srba | Byg, Jacobsen, Jacobsen, Jorgensen, Moller |
0.314 | 2014 | Better lower and upper bounds for the minimum rainbow subgraph problem (DOI) | Popa | |
0.314 | 2014 | Using quantum key distribution for cryptographic purposes: A survey (DOI) | Bouda | Alleaume, Branciard, Debuisschert, Dianati, Gisin, Godfrey, Grangier, Langer, Lutkenhaus, Monyk, Painchault, Peev, Poppe, Pornin, Rarity, Renner, Ribordy, Riguidel, Salvail, Shields, Weinfurter, Zeilinger |
0.312 | 2015 | Quantum marginal problems (DOI) | Tyc, Vlach | |
0.306 | 2018 | Deciding Parity of Graph Crossing Number (DOI) | Hliněný | Thomassen |
0.306 | 2018 | Simpler Self-reduction Algorithm for Matroid Path-width (DOI) | Hliněný | |
0.293 | 2017 | A tighter insertion-based approximation of the crossing number (DOI) | Hliněný | Chimani |
0.288 | 2016 | Backdoors to q-Horn (DOI) | Ordyniak | Gaspers, Ramanujan, Saurabh, Szeider |
0.286 | 2015 | On finding optimal polytrees (DOI) | Ordyniak | Gaspers, Koivisto, Liedloff, Szeider |
0.272 | 2016 | Examining Brain Activity While Playing Computer Games (DOI) | Liarokapis | Bakaoukas, Florin |
0.264 | 2015 | Refinement checking on parametric modal transition systems (DOI) | Beneš, Křetínský, Srba | Larsen, Moller, Sickert |
0.262 | 2017 | Promise problems solved by quantum and classical finite automata (DOI) | Gruska | Qiu, Li, Zheng |
0.261 | 2014 | Visualizing Stable Features in Live Cell Nucleus for Evaluation of the Cell Global Motion Compensation | Sorokin, Matula | Suchánková, Bártová |
0.261 | 2014 | Haematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell lines | Tesařová, Šimara, Stejskal, Koutná | |
0.261 | 2014 | Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Genome Integrating or Non-integrating Methods | Šimara, Tesařová, Paďourová, Koutná | |
0.261 | 2014 | Mysterious Role of H3K56ac in Embryonic Stem Cells | Stejskal, Tesařová, Koutná | |
0.261 | 2014 | Sub-Volume Averaging of Repetitive Structural Features in Angularly Filtered Electron Tomographic Reconstructions | Matula | Kovacik, Kereiche, Raška |
0.258 | 2017 | FTutor: An Interactive Guide to the Fundamentals of Frequency Analysis (DOI) | Sečkář, Svoboda | |
0.243 | 2014 | Determination of Imatinib in the Blood Cells of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients by Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry (DOI) | Potěšil, Stejskal, Šimara, Koutná, Mayer, Ráčil, Zdráhal | Havelková, Dvořáková, Borský, Rázga |
0.236 | 2018 | A Distributed Fixed-Point Algorithm for Extended Dependency Graphs (DOI) | Srba | Dalsgaard, Enevoldsen, Fogh, Jensen, Jensen, Jepsen, Kaufmann, Larsen, Nielsen, Olesen, Pastva |
0.235 | 2014 | Markov Decision Processes with Multiple Long-Run Average Objectives (DOI) | Brázdil, Brožek, Forejt, Kučera | Chatterjee |
0.233 | 2018 | Analysis and design of mastery learning criteria (DOI) | Pelánek, Řihák | |
0.228 | 2017 | Analysis of Trends in Data on Transit Bus Dwell Times (DOI) | Rudová | Isaac, Barlow, Smith |
0.212 | 2015 | Economic Aspects of Multi-Source Demand-Side Consumption Optimization in the Smart Home Concept | Horák, Prýmek | Prokop, Mišák |
0.209 | 2014 | Personality Perception in Instant Messenger Communication in the Czech Republic and People’s Republic of China | Linkov, Šmerk, Šmahel | Li |
0.206 | 2017 | Discovering Archipelagos of Tractability for Constraint Satisfaction and Counting (DOI) | Ganian | Szeider, Ramanujan |
0.202 | 2016 | Quantified conjunctive queries on partially ordered sets (DOI) | Ganian | Bova, Szeider |
0.202 | 2016 | Expected Reachability-Time Games (DOI) | Forejt | Kwiatkowska, Norman, Trivedi |
0.195 | 2017 | Hematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell lines is accompanied by the morphology of embryoid bodies and the expression of endodermal and hematopoietic markers (DOI) | Tesařová, Šimara, Stejskal, Koutná | |
0.185 | 2014 | PRMT1 arginine methyltransferase accumulates in cytoplasmic bodies that respond to selective inhibition and DNA damage (DOI) | Sorokin | Suchánková, Legartová, Sehnalová, Kozubek, Valente, Labella, Mai, Eckerich, Fackelmayer, Bártová |
0.169 | 2017 | Precise parameter synthesis for stochastic biochemical systems (DOI) | Brim | Češka, Dannenberg, Paoletti, Kwiatkowska |
0.132 | 2018 | On the complexity of the quantified bit-vector arithmetic with binary encoding (DOI) | Jonáš, Strejček | |
0.095 | 2015 | Potential of Quantum Finite Automata with Exact Acceptance (DOI) | Gruska, Zheng | QIU |
0.089 | 2017 | When the Display Matters : A Multifaceted Perspective on 3D Geovisualizations (DOI) | Juřík, Herman, Šašinka, Stachoň, Chmelík | |
0.072 | 2014 | On the state complexity of semi-quantum finite automata (DOI) | Zheng, Gruska | Qiu |
0.066 | 2016 | Assessing similarity models for human-motion retrieval applications (DOI) | Valčík, Sedmidubský, Zezula | |
0.064 | 2018 | Software Tools for Big Data Resources in Family Names Dictionaries (DOI) | Rambousek, Horák | Parkin |
0.051 | 2016 | Inherent Fusion: Towards Scalable Multi-Modal Similarity Search (DOI) | Budíková, Batko, Novák, Zezula | |
0.046 | 2015 | On the interpretation of results from the NIST statistical test suite | Sýs, Říha, Matyáš | Márton, Suciu |
0.032 | 2014 | Privacy-preserving Outsourced Similarity Search (DOI) | Kozák, Novák, Zezula | |