Impaktované časopisy          Konference          Celkem

Hodnota se počítá jako (Nmax - N + 1) / N, kde Nmax je počet časopisů v kategorii a N pořadí časopisu dle IF. Při zařazení časopisu do více kategorií nebo shodě IF se bere průměr. Najetím myší na hodnotu se zobrazí pořadí v oborových žebříčcích daného ročníku JCR (pro 2018 JCR2017; JCR2018 ještě nevyšlo), odkaz vede na stránku časopisu v JCR (oborové žebříčky tam jsou pod odkazem Rank), funguje ale jen z IP adres MU a je potřeba kliknout alespoň dvakrát, první přístup pouze inicializuje session.

Šedě podbarvené jsou vykázány za jinou fakultu, ale s deklarovaným podílem FI.

rokčlánkůsoučet hodnot
201853 30.87
201740 23.297
201641 24.31
201547 26.007
201453 29.972

12017An objective comparison of cell-tracking algorithms (DOI)Ulman, Maška, Matula, Matula, Svoboda, KozubekMagnusson, Ronneberger, Haubold, Harder, Radojevic, Smal, Rohr, Jaldén, Blau, Dzyubachyk, Lelieveldt, Xiao, Li, Cho, Dufour, Olivo-Marin, Reyes-Aldasoro, Solis-Lemus, Bensch, Brox, Stegmaier, Mikut, Wolf, Hamprecht, Esteves, Quelhas, Demirel, Malmström, Jug, Tomancak, Meijering, Muñoz-Barrutia, Ortiz-de-Solorzano
12014Objective Comparison of Particle Tracking Methods (DOI)MaškaChenouard, Smal, de, Sbalzarini, Gong, Cardinale, Carthel, Coraluppi, Winter, Cohen, Godinez, Rohr, Kalaidzidis, Liang, Duncan, Shen, Xu, Magnusson, Jaldén, Blau, Paul-Gilloteaux, Roudot, Kervrann, Waharte, Tinevez, Shorte, Willemse, Celler, van, Dan, Tsai, Ortiz-de-Solórzano, Olivo-Marin, Meijering
0.9922015Toward a Morphodynamic Model of the Cell (DOI)KozubekOrtiz-de-Solórzano, Muñoz-Barrutia, Meijering
0.9692018Why rankings of biomedical image analysis competitions should be interpreted with care (DOI)KozubekMaier-Hein, Eisenmann, Reinke, Onogur, Stankovic, Scholz, Arbel, Bogunovic, Bradley, Carass, Feldmann, Frangi, Full, van, Hanbury, Honauer, Landman, März, Maier, Maier-Hein, Menze, Müller, Neher, Niessen, Rajpoot, Sharp, Sirinukunwattana, Speidel, Stock, Stoyanov, Taha, van, Wang, Weber, Zheng, Jannin, Kopp-Schneider
0.9682015The minimal work cost of information processing (DOI)DupontFaist, Oppenheim, Renner
0.9642014Why are papers about filters on residuated structures (usually) trivial? (DOI)Víta
0.962016Hammock: a hidden Markov model-based peptide clustering algorithm to identify protein-interaction consensus motifs in large datasets (DOI)LexaKrejčí, Hupp, Vojtěšek, Müller
0.9552018Non-rigid Contour-Based Registration of Cell Nuclei in 2-D Live Cell Microscopy Images Using a Dynamic Elasticity Model (DOI)SorokinPeterlík, Tektonidis, Rohr, Matula
0.9552018FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells with Growing and Branching Filopodia (DOI)Sorokin, Peterlík, Ulman, Svoboda, Nečasová, Tesařová, MaškaMorgaenko, Eiselleová
0.9552017MitoGen: A Framework for Generating 3D Synthetic Time-Lapse Sequences of Cell Populations in Fluorescence Microscopy (DOI)Svoboda, Ulman
0.9422018Detection of Advanced Persistent Threat Using Machine-Learning Correlation Analysis (DOI)Ghafir, PřenosilHammoudeh, Han, Hegarty, Rabie, Aparicio-Navarro
0.942016Applications of the Elo rating system in adaptive educational systems (DOI)Pelánek
0.9362017Catalytic decoupling of quantum information (DOI)DupontMajenz, Berta, Renner, Christandl
0.9342018CAVER Analyst 2.0: Analysis and Visualization of Channels and Tunnels in Protein Structures and Molecular Dynamics Trajectories (DOI)Jurčík, Bednář, Marques, Furmanová, Kokkonen, Brezovský, Strnad, Štourač, Pavelka, Damborský, KozlíkováByška, Daniel, Manak
0.9342017Image-based surrogate biomarkers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer (DOI)Popovici, Budinská, KozubekDušek, Bosman
0.9342017pqsfinder: an exhaustive and imperfection-tolerant search tool for potential quadruplex-forming sequences in R (DOI)LexaHon, Martínek, Zendulka
0.9342017ARResT/Interrogate: an interactive immunoprofiler for IG/TR NGS data (DOI)Bystrý, DemkoReigl, Krejčí, Hanáková, Grioni, Knecht, Schlitt, Dreger, Sellner, Herrmann, Pingeon, Boudjoghra, Rijntjes, Pott, Langerak, Groenen, Davi, Bruggemann, Darzentas
0.9332018Instant Construction and Visualization of Crowded Biological Environments (DOI)KozlíkováKlein, Autin, Goodsell, Olson, Gröller, Viola
0.9312017Algorithm 970: Optimizing the NIST Statistical Test Suite and the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm (DOI)Sýs, Říha, Matyáš
0.932017Temporal logic control for stochastic linear systems using abstraction refinement of probabilistic games (DOI)Svoreňová, Křetínský, ČernáChmelík, Chatterjee, Belta
0.932014Maxwell's Daemon: Information versus Particle Statistics (DOI)PleschDahlsten, Goold, Vedral
0.9222014A Benchmark for Comparison of Cell Tracking Algorithms (DOI)Maška, Ulman, Svoboda, Matula, Matula, Karas, Bolcková, Štreitová, KozubekEderra, Urbiola, España, Venkatesan, Balak, Carthel, Coraluppi, Harder, Rohr, Magnusson, Jaldén, Blau, Dzyubachyk, Křížek, Hagen, Pastor-Escuredo, Jimenez-Carretero, Ledesma-Carbayo, Muñoz-Barrutia, Meijering, Ortiz-de-Solorzano
0.9222014CAVER Analyst 1.0: Graphic tool for interactive visualization and analysis of tunnels and channels in protein structures (DOI)Kozlíková, Šebestová, Šustr, Brezovský, Strnad, Daniel, Bednář, Pavelka, Bezděka, Beneš, Kotry, Gora, Damborský, SochorManak
0.9132016Toward Natural Multi-User Interaction in Advanced Collaborative Display Environments (DOI)Rusňák, Ručka, Holub
0.9122015A short note on t-filters, I-filters and extended filters on residuated lattices (DOI)Víta
0.9052014Fuzzy t-filters and their properties (DOI)Víta
0.9052014Efficient k-NN based HEp-2 cells classifier (DOI)Stoklasa, Majtner, Svoboda
0.9052014An induced pluripotent stem cell model of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) reveals multiple expression and functional differences in HLHS derived cardiac myocytes (DOI)TesařováJiang, Habibollah, Tilgner, Collin, Bárta, Al-Aama, Hussain, Trafford, Kirkwood, Sernagor, Eleftheriou, Przyborski, Stojkovic, Lako, Keavney, Armstrong
0.8972018A large-scale comparative study of beta testers and regular users (DOI)Šťavová, Dědková, Ukrop, Matyáš
0.8942016NEEMP: software for validation, accurate calculation and fast parameterization of EEM charges (DOI)Raček, Pazúriková, Svobodová, Geidl, Křenek, Falginella, Horský, Hejret, Koča
0.8892015Optimal Temporal Logic Control for Deterministic Transition Systems with Probabilistic Penalties (DOI)Svoreňová, ČernáBelta
0.8862016An explicit classical strategy for winning a CHSHq game (DOI)Pivoluska, Plesch
0.8792018The effect of local power increase on neutron flux in internal parts of the VVER-1000 Mock-Up in LR-0 reactor (DOI)MatějKošťál, Losa, Schulc, Šimon, Harut, Klupák, Czakoj, Juříček, Cvachovec, Rypar
0.8792018Characterization of mixed N/G beam of the VR-1 reactor (DOI)MatějKošťál, Losa, Juříček, Harutyunyan, Huml, Štěfánik, Cvachovec, Mravec, Schulc, Czakoj, Rypar
0.8782015Very Fast Decision Rules for Classification in Data Streams (DOI)KosinaGama
0.8772016AnimoAminoMiner: Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Properties in Molecular Dynamics (DOI)Byška, KozlíkováMuzic, Gröller, Viola
0.8772016Parallel On-Demand Hierarchy Construction on Contemporary GPUs (DOI)Vinkler, SochorHavran, Bittner
0.862014Robustness Analysis of Stochastic Biochemical Systems (DOI)Češka, Šafránek, Dražan, Brim
0.8572017Large-scale cortico-subcortical functional networks in focal epilepsies: The role of the basal ganglia (DOI)Výtvarová, Mareček, Fousek, Strýček, Rektor
0.8542015Fibroblast growth factor and canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling cooperate in suppression of chondrocyte differentiation in experimental models of FGFR signaling in cartilage (DOI)Buchtová, Mašek, Obadalová, Konečná, Spoustová, Pospíšilová, Matula, Vařecha, Bálek, Gudernová, Jelínková, Červenková, Kozubík, Dvořák, BryjaKrejčí, Oralová, Aklian, Vesela, Ouyang, Duran, Murakami
0.8532018Semantic BMS: Allowing usage of building automation data in facility benchmarking (DOI)Kučera, Pitner
0.852014HP1B-dependent recruitment of UBF1 to irradiated chromatin occurs simultaneously with CPDs (DOI)Sorokin, MatulaStixová, Sehnalová, Legartová, Suchánková, Hrušková, Kozubek, Raška, Kovařík, Fulneček, Bártová
0.8492015MoleCollar and Tunnel Heat Map Visualizations for Conveying Spatio-Temporo-Chemical Properties Across and Along Protein Voids (DOI)Byška, Jurčík, KozlíkováGröller, Viola
0.8492015Register Efficient Dynamic Memory Allocator for GPUs (DOI)VinklerHavran
0.8412015Curriculum Mapping with Academic Analytics in Medical and Healthcare Education (DOI)Komenda, Víta, Schwarz, PokornáDušek, Vaitsis, Zary
0.8412015Cell tracking accuracy measurement based on comparison of acyclic oriented graphs (DOI)Matula, Maška, Sorokin, Matula, KozubekOrtiz-de-Solórzano
0.832016Control Explicit-Data Symbolic Model Checking (DOI)Bauch, Havel, Barnat
0.8192018Multiscale Molecular VisualizationKozlíkováMiao, Klein, Kouřil, Mindek, Schatz, Gröller, Isenberg, Viola
0.8192018BotDet: A System for Real Time Botnet Command and Control Traffic Detection (DOI)Ghafir, PřenosilHammoudeh, Baker, Jabbar, Khalid, Jaf
0.8182018The details matter: methodological nuances in the evaluation of student modelsPelánek
0.8182017Elo-based Learner Modeling for the Adaptive Practice of Facts (DOI)Pelánek, Papoušek, Řihák, Stanislav, Nižnan
0.8182017Bayesian knowledge tracing, logistic models, and beyond: an overview of learner modeling techniques (DOI)Pelánek
0.812014Guanine quadruplexes are formed by specific regions of human transposable elements (DOI)Lexa, VorlíčkováSteflova, Martínek, Vyskot, Kejnovský
0.8092018Edge detection based on single-pixel imaging (DOI)GruskaRen, Zhao
0.8072016Swiveled Rényi entropies (DOI)DupontWilde
0.8012017DNA double-strand breaks in human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming and long-term in vitro culturing (DOI)Šimara, Tesařová, Řeháková, Matula, Stejskal, Hampl, Koutná
0.7982017Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited (DOI)KozlíkováKrone, Falk, Lindow, Baaden, Baum, Viola, Parulek, Hege
0.7962014Device-independent randomness extraction from an arbitrarily weak min-entropy source (DOI)Bouda, Pivoluska, PleschPawlowski
0.7962014Entanglement sensitivity to signal attenuation and amplification (DOI)ZimanFilippov
0.7962014Distance to boundary and minimum-error discrimination (DOI)ZimanHaapasalo, Sedlák
0.7962014Optimal entanglement-assisted discrimination of quantum measurements (DOI)ZimanMiková, Sedlák, Straka, Mičuda, Ježek, Dušek, Fiurášek
0.7962014Optimal single-shot strategies for discrimination of quantum measurements (DOI)ZimanSedlák
0.7812018Spatial constraints on the diffusion of religious innovations : The case of early Christianity in the Roman Empire (DOI)Fousek, Kaše, Mertel, Výtvarová, Chalupa
0.7812017Characterization of three-dimensional cancer cell migration in mixed collagen-Matrigel scaffolds using microfluidics and image analysis (DOI)Maška, KozubekAnguiano, Castilla, Ederra, Peláez, Morales, Muñoz-Arrieta, Mujika, Muñoz-Barrutia, Rouzaut, Arana, Garcia-Aznar, Ortiz-de-Solorzano
0.7812016The Aberrant DNA Methylation Profile of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Is Connected to the Reprogramming Process and Is Normalized During In Vitro Culture (DOI)Tesařová, Šimara, Stejskal, Koutná
0.7812016p53 Specifically Binds Triplex DNA In Vitro and in Cells (DOI)LexaBrázdová, Tichý, Helma, Bažantová, Polášková, Krejčí, Petr, Navrátilová, Tichá, Nejedlý, Bennink, Subramaniam, Bábková, Martínek, Adámik
0.7582016Tight bound on the classical value of generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt games (DOI)Pivoluska, PleschPawlowski
0.7582016Incompatible measurements on quantum causal networks (DOI)ZimanSedlák, Reitzner, Chiribella
0.7572014Towards an optimal swap gate (DOI)WilmottWild
0.7572014Driven hematopoietic differentiation of embryonic stem cells: Epigenetic perspectives (DOI)Tesařová, Stejskal, Koutná
0.7542015Runtime analysis of probabilistic programs with unbounded recursion (DOI)Brázdil, Kučera, HutařováKiefer
0.7542015A complete parameterized complexity analysis of bounded planning (DOI)OrdyniakBackstrom, Jonsson, Szeider
0.7342017Divisibility of quantum dynamical maps and collision models (DOI)ZimanFilippov, Piilo, Maniscalco
0.73420171-out-of-2 oblivious transfer using a flawed bit-string quantum protocol (DOI)Plesch, PivoluskaPawlowski
0.7312014Stateful component-based performance models (DOI)BühnováHappe, Reussner
0.7272018Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast (DOI)LexaTokan, Puterová, Kejnovský
0.7262018Investigating the role of smartness for sustainability: Insights from the Smart Grid domain (DOI)Bühnová, WalletzkýCaputo
0.7092018Experimental large-scale review of attractors for detection of potentially unwanted applications (DOI)Šťavová, Dědková, Matyáš, Šmahel, UkropJust
0.7082018Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data (DOI)Balážia, Sojka
0.7072014Automatic decision support system based on SAR data for oil spill detection (DOI)MeraCotos, Varela-Pet, Rodríguez, Caro
0.7062016Are there any good digraph width measures? (DOI)Hliněný, ObdržálekGanian, Kneis, Meister, Sikdar, Rossmanith
0.7052014Efficient Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with an Unbounded Counter (DOI)Brázdil, KučeraKiefer
0.6982016Sketch Engine for Bilingual Lexicography (DOI)Kovář, Baisa, Jakubíček
0.6962015Multi-modal Similarity Retrieval with Distributed Key-value Store (DOI)Novák
0.6962015Similarity Searching for the Big Data Challenges and Research Objectives (DOI)Zezula
0.6952015Efficient Quantum Polar Codes Requiring No Preshared Entanglement (DOI)DupontRenes, Sutter, Renner
0.6952015Entanglement Sampling and Applications (DOI)DupontFawzi, Wehner
0.6842016RNA-dependent disassembly of nuclear bodies (DOI)SorokinMusinova, Lisitsyna, Arifulin, Smirnova, Zinovkin, Potashnikova, Vassetzky, Sheval
0.6792014Device-independent randomness amplification with a single device (DOI)Plesch, Pivoluska
0.6792014Maximally incompatible quantum observables (DOI)ZimanHeinosaari, Schultz, Toigo
0.6792016Accelerating Temporal Verification of Simulink Diagrams Using Satisfiability Modulo Theories (DOI)Bauch, Havel, Barnat
0.6792018Replication of ribosomal DNA in Arabidopsis occurs both inside and outside the nucleolus during S phase progression (DOI)Dvořáčková, Matula, Peška, FajkusRaposo, Fuchs, Schubert, Desvoyes, Gutierrez
0.6592018A New Linux Based TCP Congestion Control Mechanism for Long Distance High Bandwidth Sustainable Smart Cities (DOI)GhafirAhmad, bin, Ahmad, Amjad, Arioua
0.6532016Tree-depth and Vertex-minors (DOI)Hliněný, Obdržálek, OrdyniakKwon
0.6482018Hybrid rule-based motion planner for mobile robot in cluttered workspace (DOI)AbbadiMatousek
0.6442018Simulation of Underwater Excavation Using Dredging Procedures (DOI)Kouřil, Liarokapis
0.6422015Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (DOI)Stejskal, Štěpka, Tesařová, Stejskal, Matějková, Šimara, Zdráhal, Koutná
0.6352016Model Checking Existential Logic on Partially Ordered Sets (DOI)GanianSzeider, Bova
0.6292014Lower Bounds on the Complexity of MSO_1 Model-Checking (DOI)Ganian, Hliněný, ObdržálekLanger, Rossmanith, Sikdar
0.6292014Branching-time model-checking of probabilistic pushdown automata (DOI)Brázdil, Brožek, KučeraForejt
0.6252015Comparison of fast neutron spectra in graphite and FLINA salt inserted in well-defined core assembled in LR-0 reactor (DOI)Veškrna, Mravec, MatějKošťál, Cvachovec, Jánský, Novák, Rypar, Milčák, Losa, Rejchrt, Forget, Harper
0.6212016CAVER: Algorithms for Analyzing Dynamics of Tunnels in Macromolecules (DOI)Pavelka, Šebestová, Kozlíková, Brezovský, Sochor, Damborský
0.6162015Neutron and Gamma Spectrometry in the Research Reactor LR-0 (DOI)MatějZaritskiy, Osmera, Cvachovec, Marik, Posta, Rypar, Riazanov, Lichadeev, Kolros
0.6152016Meta-kernelization with structural parameters (DOI)GanianSzeider, Slivovsky
0.6142016Real-life Curriculum-based Timetabling with Elective Courses and Course Sections (DOI)RudováMüller
0.612018Reprogramming of Adult Peripheral Blood Cells into Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Safe and Accessible Source of Endothelial Cells. (DOI)Šimara, Tesařová, Řeháková, Farkaš, Šalingová, Kutálková, Vavrečková, Matula, Matula, Veverková, Koutná
0.6062017Identification of altitude profiles in 3D geovisualizations: the role of interaction and spatial abilities (DOI)Kubíček, Šašinka, Stachoň, Herman, Juřík, Urbánek, Chmelík
0.6042016Efficient Model Checking of Weighted CTL with Upper-Bound Constraints (DOI)SrbaJensen, Larsen, Oestergaard
0.6022015Performance and Sensitivity Evaluation of 3-D Spot Detection Methods in Confocal Microscopy (DOI)Štěpka, Matula, Matula, KozubekWoerz, Rohr
0.62014A simple Fourier filter for suppression of the missing wedge ray artefacts in single-axis electron tomographic reconstructions (DOI)MatulaKováčik, Kereïche, Höög, Jůda, Raška
0.5942016Performance Comparison of Bounding Volume Hierarchies and Kd-trees for GPU Ray Tracing (DOI)VinklerHavran, Bittner
0.5942016Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Cavities: State of the Art (DOI)KozlíkováKrone, Lindow, Baaden, Baum, Parulek, Hege, Viola
0.592015GPU Implementation of Linear Morphological Openings with Arbitrary Angle (DOI)KarasMorard, Bartovský, Grandpierre, Dokládalová, Matula, Dokládal
0.592014A performance evaluation of statistical tests for edge detection in textured images (DOI)SvobodaWilliams, Bowring
0.5822018COZOID: COntact ZOne IDentifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions (DOI)Furmanová, Paleček, KozlíkováByška, Gröller, Viola
0.5822017Comparative Visualization of Protein Secondary Structures (DOI)Kocincová, Jarešová, Byška, KozlíkováParulek, Hauser
0.5822017Interactive Exploration of Ligand Transportation through Protein Tunnels (DOI)Furmanová, Jarešová, Byška, Jurčík, KozlíkováParulek, Hauser
0.5792016The role of the endoplasmic reticulum stress in stemness, pluripotency and development (DOI)Kratochvílová, Moráň, Paďourová, Stejskal, Tesařová, Šimara, Hampl, Koutná, Vaňhara
0.5712016Virtual cell imaging: A review on simulation methods employed in image cytometry (DOI)Ulman, Svoboda, KozubekNykter, Ruusuvuori
0.5622018Planning of distributed data production for High Energy and Nuclear Physics (DOI)RudováMakatun, Lauret
0.5582015Planar Emulators Conjecture Is Nearly True for Cubic Graphs (DOI)Derka, Hliněný
0.5522017Popularity-Based Ranking for Fast Approximate kNN Search (DOI)Antol, Dohnal
0.5472015Chain rules for quantum Renyi entropies (DOI)Dupont
0.5392016Directed elimination games (DOI)OrdyniakEngelmann, Kreutzer
0.5382017Human Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data in Signature Poses (DOI)BalážiaPlataniotis
0.5372017First order limits of sparse graphs: Plane trees and path-width (DOI)Gajarský, Hliněný, Obdržálek, OrdyniakKaiser, Kráľ, Kupec, Tůma
0.5272018Binary Sketches for Secondary Filtering (DOI)Míč, Novák, Zezula
0.5272018A generic framework for checking semantic equivalences between pushdown automata and finite-state automata (DOI)KučeraMayr
0.5272017Trading performance for stability in Markov decision processes (DOI)Brázdil, Forejt, KučeraChatterjee
0.5272017Kernelization using structural parameters on sparse graph classes (DOI)Gajarský, Hliněný, Obdržálek, OrdyniakReidl, Rossmanith, Villaamil, Sikdar
0.5262014Two notes on Grover’s search: Programming and discriminating (DOI)ZimanReitzner
0.5232015Optimizing CUDA code by kernel fusion: application on BLAS (DOI)Filipovič, Madzin, Fousek, Matyska
0.5192014Inequalities for quantum marginal problems with continuous variables (DOI)Krbek, Tyc, Vlach
0.5162018Effective and Efficient Similarity Searching in Motion Capture Data (DOI)Sedmidubský, Eliáš, Zezula
0.5162018ConceptRank for search-based image annotation (DOI)Budíková, Batko, Zezula
0.5162018Age and gender-based human face reconstruction from single frontal image (DOI)Ferková, Urbanová, Černý, Žuži, Matula
0.5162017Speeding up the multimedia feature extraction: a comparative study on the big data approach (DOI)Batko, ZezulaMera
0.5132018Security Threats to Critical Infrastructure: The Human Factor (DOI)Ghafir, PřenosilSaleem, Hammoudeh, Faour, Jaf, Jabbar, Baker
0.5122016Localized Movement and Levels of 53BP1 Protein Are Changed by gamma-irradiation in PML Deficient Cells (DOI)SorokinLegartová, Řezníčková-Podloučková, Malyšková, Küntziger, Collas, Cmarko, Raška, Kozubek, Bártová
0.5092016Examining the effect of body ownership in immersive virtual and augmented reality environments (DOI)Škola, Liarokapis
0.5092015Transposable elements and G-quadruplexes (DOI)LexaKejnovský, Tokan
0.5042015Power of the interactive proof systems with verifiers modeled by semi-quantum two-way finite automata (DOI)Zheng, GruskaQIU
0.52015Exact quantum algorithms have advantage for almost all Boolean functionsGruska, ZhengAmbainis
0.52015Academic-Industrial Cooperation in ICT in a Transition Economy – Two Cases from the Czech Republic (DOI)PitnerMinistr
0.4922017Visual analytics of educational time-dependent data using interactive dynamic visualization (DOI)Géryk
0.4832014Intravenous insulin therapy during lung resection does not affect lung function or surfactant proteins (DOI)Ručka, Koutná, Tesařová, Potěšilová, Stejskal, Šimara, VaňharaDoležel, Zvoníček, Coufal, Čapov
0.482014Epsilon-Semantics computations on biological systems (DOI)DražanováCasagrande, Dreossi, Piazza
0.482014STL*: Extending signal temporal logic with signal-value freezing operator (DOI)Brim, ŠafránekDluhoš, Vejpustek
0.482014Language equivalence of probabilistic pushdown automata. (DOI)ForejtJančar, Kiefer, Worrell
0.4712015A simple microviscometric approach based on Brownian motion tracking (DOI)KarasHnyluchová, Bjalončíková, Mravec, Halásová, Pekař, Kubala, Víteček
0.4712014Digraph width measures in parameterized algorithmics (DOI)Ganian, Hliněný, ObdržálekKneis, Langer, Rossmanith
0.4662017Generalizations of the distributed Deutsch-Jozsa promise problem (DOI)Gruska, ZhengQIU
0.4642018Parameterized Extension Complexity of Independent Set and Related Problems (DOI)Gajarský, HliněnýTiwary
0.4642018Investigating results and performance of search and construction algorithms for word-based LFSRs, \sigma-LFSRs (DOI)Bishoi, Matyáš
0.4522018Scaling Agile in Large Organizations: Practices, Challenges, and Success Factors (DOI)RossiKalenda, Hyna
0.4422018Smart Grid Testing Management Platform (SGTMP) (DOI)Rossi, PitnerSchvarcbacher, Hrabovská
0.4422018Moving towards Smart Cities: A Selection of Middleware for Fog-to-Cloud Services (DOI)Bangui, BühnováRakrak, Raghay
0.4412015Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Colorful Components Problems (DOI)PopaAdamaszek
0.4412016Equimatchable Graphs on Surfaces (DOI)KotrbčíkEiben
0.4352018Sampling-based Motion Planning for Tracking Evolution of Dynamic Tunnels in Molecular Dynamics Simulations (DOI)Jurčík, Furmanová, KozlíkováVonásek
0.4342015Characterization of the graphite pile as a source of thermal neutrons (DOI)VeškrnaVykydal, Králík, Jančář, Kopecký, Dressler
0.4342015Pulse-shape discrimination of the new plastic scintillators in neutron–gamma mixed field using fast digitizer card (DOI)Veškrna, MatějJančář, Kopecký, Dressler, Granja, Solar
0.4292014Coilin is rapidly recruited to UVA-induced DNA lesions and gamma-radiation affects localized movement of Cajal bodies (DOI)SorokinBártová, Foltánková, Legartová, Sehnalová, Suchánková, Kozubek
0.412014Device Independent Random Number Generation (DOI)Pivoluska, Plesch
0.4082018Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multigroup Multicast Routing under Uncertainty (DOI)Troubil, RudováHolub
0.3982018On clock-aware LTL parameter synthesis of timed automata (DOI)Bezděk, Beneš, Černá, Barnat
0.3952014Performance Study of Independent Anchor Spaces for Similarity Searching (DOI)Novák, Zezula
0.3942018Discrete and Continuous Strategies for Timed-Arc Petri Net Games (DOI)SrbaJensen, Larsen
0.3922018EEG-based BCI and video games: a progress report (DOI)Kerouš, Škola, Liarokapis
0.3922018Editorial for special issue on interactive virtual environments for serious games (DOI)LiarokapisEvans
0.392015Genus of the cartesian product of trianglesKotrbčíkPisanski
0.392017Polysemy and Synonymy in Syntactic Dependency Networks (DOI)HorákCech, Macutek, Žabokrtský
0.3652017Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images (DOI)Chalás, Urbanová, Juřík, Ferková, Jandová, Sochor, Kozlíková
0.3652017EEG correlates of video game experience and user profile in motor-imagery-based brain–computer interaction (DOI)LiarokapisVourvopoulos, Bermudez
0.3582015Kernelizing MSO Properties of Trees of Fixed Height, and Some Consequences (DOI)Gajarský, Hliněný
0.3582015Faster Existential FO Model Checking on Posets (DOI)Gajarský, Hliněný, Obdržálek, Ordyniak
0.3582015FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs (DOI)Hliněný, ObdržálekGanian, Kráľ, Schwartz, Teska
0.3582015Permissive controller synthesis for probabilistic systems (DOI)ForejtDraeger, Kwiatkowska, Parker, Ujma
0.342016Model checking C++ programs with exceptions (DOI)Ročkai, Barnat, Brim
0.3342015Localized movement and morphology of UBF1-positive nucleolar regions are changed by gamma-irradiation in G2 phase of the cell cycle (DOI)Sorokin, Šimara, MatulaStixová, Sehnalová, Legartová, Suchánková, Kozubek, Skalníková, Raška, Bártová
0.332016Analysing Sanity of Requirements for Avionics Systems (DOI)Barnat, Bauch, Beneš, BrimBeran, Kratochvíla
0.3292015Quick algorithms for real-time discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays (DOI)Amiri, Přenosil, Matěj, MravecCvachovec
0.3292014Computing the stretch of an embedded graph (DOI)HliněnýCabello, Chimani
0.3282014The TrueCrypt On-Disk Format—An Independent View (DOI)Brož, Matyáš
0.3282018On similarity of various reactor spectra and 235U prompt fission neutron spectrum (DOI)MatějKošťál, Losa, Huml, Štefánik, Cvachovec, Šulc, Jánský, Novák, Harutyunyan, Rypar
0.3282018The influence of core power distribution on neutron flux density behind a pressure vessel of a VVER-1000 Mock Up in LR-0 reactor (DOI)MatějKošťál, Rypar, Losa, Harut, Schulc, Klupák, Cvachovec, Jánský, Novák, Czakoj, Juříček, Zaritsky
0.3282018Measurements of neutron transport of well defined silicon fltered beam in lead (DOI)MatějKošťál, Schulc, Šoltés, Losa, Viererbl, Cvachovec, Rypra
0.3282017Measurement and calculation of fast neutron and gamma spectra in well defined cores in LR-0 reactor (DOI)Matěj, Mravec, VeškrnaKošťál, Cvachovec, Rypar, Losa, Rejchrt
0.3282017Measurement of Neutron Spectra in a Silicon Filtered Neutron Beam Using Stilbene Detectors at the LVR-15 Research Reactor (DOI)MatějKošťál, ŠOLTÉS, VIERERBL, Cvachovec, Rypar, Losa
0.3272016From LTL to deterministic automata (A safraless compositional approach) (DOI)KřetínskýEsparza, Sickert
0.3242015Soundness of Timed-Arc Workflow Nets in Discrete and Continuous-Time Semantics (DOI)SrbaMateo, Soerensen
0.322016Min-Sum 2-Paths Problems (DOI)PopaFenner, Lachish
0.3192015MDPV - Metric Distance Permutation Vocabulary (DOI)Dohnal, Homola, Zezula
0.3182018Towards a systems thinking based view for the governance of a smart city’s ecosystem: A bridge to link Smart Technologies and Big Data (DOI)Štěpánek, WalletzkýCaputo
0.3142014TCTL-Preserving Translations from Timed-Arc {P}etri Nets to Networks of Timed Automata (DOI)SrbaByg, Jacobsen, Jacobsen, Jorgensen, Moller
0.3142014Better lower and upper bounds for the minimum rainbow subgraph problem (DOI)Popa
0.3142014Using quantum key distribution for cryptographic purposes: A survey (DOI)BoudaAlleaume, Branciard, Debuisschert, Dianati, Gisin, Godfrey, Grangier, Langer, Lutkenhaus, Monyk, Painchault, Peev, Poppe, Pornin, Rarity, Renner, Ribordy, Riguidel, Salvail, Shields, Weinfurter, Zeilinger
0.3122015Quantum marginal problems (DOI)Tyc, Vlach
0.3062018Deciding Parity of Graph Crossing Number (DOI)HliněnýThomassen
0.3062018Simpler Self-reduction Algorithm for Matroid Path-width (DOI)Hliněný
0.2932017A tighter insertion-based approximation of the crossing number (DOI)HliněnýChimani
0.2882016Backdoors to q-Horn (DOI)OrdyniakGaspers, Ramanujan, Saurabh, Szeider
0.2862015On finding optimal polytrees (DOI)OrdyniakGaspers, Koivisto, Liedloff, Szeider
0.2722016Examining Brain Activity While Playing Computer Games (DOI)LiarokapisBakaoukas, Florin
0.2642015Refinement checking on parametric modal transition systems (DOI)Beneš, Křetínský, SrbaLarsen, Moller, Sickert
0.2622017Promise problems solved by quantum and classical finite automata (DOI)GruskaQiu, Li, Zheng
0.2612014Visualizing Stable Features in Live Cell Nucleus for Evaluation of the Cell Global Motion CompensationSorokin, MatulaSuchánková, Bártová
0.2612014Haematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell linesTesařová, Šimara, Stejskal, Koutná
0.2612014Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Genome Integrating or Non-integrating MethodsŠimara, Tesařová, Paďourová, Koutná
0.2612014Mysterious Role of H3K56ac in Embryonic Stem CellsStejskal, Tesařová, Koutná
0.2612014Sub-Volume Averaging of Repetitive Structural Features in Angularly Filtered Electron Tomographic ReconstructionsMatulaKovacik, Kereiche, Raška
0.2582017FTutor: An Interactive Guide to the Fundamentals of Frequency Analysis (DOI)Sečkář, Svoboda
0.2432014Determination of Imatinib in the Blood Cells of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients by Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry (DOI)Potěšil, Stejskal, Šimara, Koutná, Mayer, Ráčil, ZdráhalHavelková, Dvořáková, Borský, Rázga
0.2362018A Distributed Fixed-Point Algorithm for Extended Dependency Graphs (DOI)SrbaDalsgaard, Enevoldsen, Fogh, Jensen, Jensen, Jepsen, Kaufmann, Larsen, Nielsen, Olesen, Pastva
0.2352014Markov Decision Processes with Multiple Long-Run Average Objectives (DOI)Brázdil, Brožek, Forejt, KučeraChatterjee
0.2332018Analysis and design of mastery learning criteria (DOI)Pelánek, Řihák
0.2282017Analysis of Trends in Data on Transit Bus Dwell Times (DOI)RudováIsaac, Barlow, Smith
0.2122015Economic Aspects of Multi-Source Demand-Side Consumption Optimization in the Smart Home ConceptHorák, PrýmekProkop, Mišák
0.2092014Personality Perception in Instant Messenger Communication in the Czech Republic and People’s Republic of ChinaLinkov, Šmerk, ŠmahelLi
0.2062017Discovering Archipelagos of Tractability for Constraint Satisfaction and Counting (DOI)GanianSzeider, Ramanujan
0.2022016Quantified conjunctive queries on partially ordered sets (DOI)GanianBova, Szeider
0.2022016Expected Reachability-Time Games (DOI)ForejtKwiatkowska, Norman, Trivedi
0.1952017Hematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell lines is accompanied by the morphology of embryoid bodies and the expression of endodermal and hematopoietic markers (DOI)Tesařová, Šimara, Stejskal, Koutná
0.1852014PRMT1 arginine methyltransferase accumulates in cytoplasmic bodies that respond to selective inhibition and DNA damage (DOI)SorokinSuchánková, Legartová, Sehnalová, Kozubek, Valente, Labella, Mai, Eckerich, Fackelmayer, Bártová
0.1692017Precise parameter synthesis for stochastic biochemical systems (DOI)BrimČeška, Dannenberg, Paoletti, Kwiatkowska
0.1322018On the complexity of the quantified bit-vector arithmetic with binary encoding (DOI)Jonáš, Strejček
0.0952015Potential of Quantum Finite Automata with Exact Acceptance (DOI)Gruska, ZhengQIU
0.0892017When the Display Matters : A Multifaceted Perspective on 3D Geovisualizations (DOI)Juřík, Herman, Šašinka, Stachoň, Chmelík
0.0722014On the state complexity of semi-quantum finite automata (DOI)Zheng, GruskaQiu
0.0662016Assessing similarity models for human-motion retrieval applications (DOI)Valčík, Sedmidubský, Zezula
0.0642018Software Tools for Big Data Resources in Family Names Dictionaries (DOI)Rambousek, HorákParkin
0.0512016Inherent Fusion: Towards Scalable Multi-Modal Similarity Search (DOI)Budíková, Batko, Novák, Zezula
0.0462015On the interpretation of results from the NIST statistical test suiteSýs, Říha, MatyášMárton, Suciu
0.0322014Privacy-preserving Outsourced Similarity Search (DOI)Kozák, Novák, Zezula