Doctoral Study Programme

Studying from Autumn term 2025
(from September 2025)
Submission of applications
January 20 - May 21, 2025
Admission exam
June 6, 2025
The admission procedure takes place at least twice a year. Information on corresponding deadlines is published four months in advance.
Studying from Spring term 2026:
submission of applications: September - December, 2025
The Doctoral Study Programme is offered to graduates of master's programmes. Primarily to those in the fields of informatics, applied informatics, or related disciplines. Having taken the state doctoral examination, and successfully defended their doctoral thesis, graduates receive the “doctor” title (Ph.D., to be added after their name).
Currently, the faculty possesses accreditation for aFour-year Ph.D. study programme Computer Science
consisting of two study specializations (modes of study) Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computing Technology and Methodology, both available as a full-time study and combined study mode, either in Czech or English. Full-time doctoral students spend most of the semester at the training site, except for approved foreign internships.
The faculty supports students through its technology equipment necessary for their work, facilities they have available, as well as financially. Collaboration established with other institutions (Czech and foreign) and support from grant agencies allow students to take part in expert conferences, summer schools, and complete a part of their studies abroad.
The Ph.D. Study Programme takes 4 years (standard length) up to 8 years (maximal).
"The Doctoral Study Programme allowed me to work on my research entirely independently: starting from selecting the topic, proposed experiments, up to publication and presentation of my results. After I compete this programme, I'm planning to verify to what extent my research results may be applied in in the industry sector. "
Petr Bauch
graduate in Computer Systems and Technology