Study Department - location, contacts, office hours
Dear students,
Due to graduation ceremonies, the Study Department will be CLOSED on March 20 and 21, 2025. Thank you for your understanding, your Study Department
Office hours of the study department
Mon | 9:00 - 11:00 | |
Tue | 9:00 - 11:00 | |
Wed | 13:00 - 15:00 | |
Thu | 13:00 - 15:00 | |
Fri | Not an official day |
Exceptionally, a visit outside office hours can be arranged in advance ( by email or by phone).
Persons with symptoms of a viral infectious disease are prohibited from entering MU buildings.
The mailbox of the Study Department can be found on the left side of the entrance to Building A, under the glass cabinets - the office desks of the Dean's Office of the Faculty.
Before you decide to have a personal consultation, make sure you have studied all available information - especially the materials posted on the Study Department website.
The address is
FI MU Study Department
Botanická 68a
602 00 Brno
(preferred contact)
Phone Admissions: +420-549 49 1818
Fax: +420-549 49 1820
Location in FI building: building A, 2nd floor, offices A202, A203, A204, A205, A206
Personal contacts
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies:AssocFg-Dgc05k. RNDrr5cJBHc38. David Svoboda, PhkGdH8Y8UA.DdX3MMdZDd.
A307, tel. 549 49 4383
Vice Dean for Study Programs and Internationalization:
AssocyJg=J87ck. RNDr_SDn4Zb0B. Vojtěch Řehák, PhxbtGuVf6n.D8qq=Jc=1a.
C436, tel. 549 49 4687
Head of the Study Department:
MgrR6sOrm90R. MgrJHqxdqhy9. Simona Davidová
A206, tel. 549 49 1805
Study Department:
Jana Zemanová
A202, tel. 549 49 1818
Students A - Hop
MgryeVFx9PnK. Lenka Kubová,
A204, tel. 549 49 5332
students Hor - L
Miroslava Tomíčková
A205, tel. 549 49 1816
students M - Sj
Alena Dvořáková
A205, tel. 549 49 1816
students Sk - Ž
Lucie Wagnerová
A203, tel. 549 49 3669
coordinator prof. activities and quality
Lucie Válová
B416, tel. 549 49 8534