Dana Stewart Scott's lecture: Enumeration Operators, Probability, Type Theory
9 October 2019, 16:30,
Augustinian Abbey Refectory at Mendel's Square, Brno
As part of the event "A week with the Turing Prize laureates" and the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Informatics, MU, a lecture was held in the Mendel Museum on Wednesday, October 9, 2019.
Enumeration Operators, Probability, Type Theory by Dana Stewart Scott, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Philosophy and Mathematical Logic at Carnegie Mellon University.
His early joint work on automata theory with Michael Rabin earned them the ACM Turing Award in 1976, while his collaborative work with Christopher Strachey in the 1970s laid the foundations of modern approaches to the semantics of programming languages. He has worked also on set theory, model theory, modal logic, topology, and category theory.
The event is part of Masaryk University Seminar series in Mathematics, Physics, & Computer Science.
Donald Knuth, Dana Scott - Turing Prize laureates in Brno - summary information.