Competition for talented FI students

Information for students 2024

The competition is held once a year and is aimed primarily at students of the 2nd and 4th semester of bachelor's studies. Within 24 hours, students solve tasks in which FI laboratories participate in cooperation with industrial partners. Finalists can obtain the positions of student researchers with company scholarships in FI laboratories and thus participate in activities that will strengthen cooperation between FI laboratories and SPP companies.


Competition rules for talented FI students

The competition for skilled FI students takes place within the activities of the Association of Industrial Partners (SPP) FI. The prizes in the competition are scholarships for supported positions of research assistants - juniors - in the laboratories of FI MU. These scholarships can only be paid from contracts of individual members of SPP FI in the FI budget. A typical schedule of the competition and its preparations is described at the end of this document.

Phase I - definition of positions
Companies (exclusively members of SPP FI) must reach an agreement with specific FI laboratories regarding the scope of work of junior research assistants. The number of students (= potential junior assistants) that is sought for each position must be specified. These positions should be created min. for one semester (5 months), the upper limit is not and ideally should result in a research position within joint projects of FI and companies. The position is associated with a scholarship from SPP funds from the company, typically initially in the range of 4-8 thousand. CZK per month, depending on the intensity of student involvement. Subsequent action is based on mutual agreement and satisfaction of all three parties involved (student, sponsoring company and the faculty laboratory).

As part of the competition organization, laboratories, in cooperation with companies, must supply position specifications in the required format. The order of delivery of these specifications (in the final version) determines the serial number of the position, the order of the logo and the name of the company when promoting the competition.

II. phase - specification of competition tasks
Tasks will be given to students in two days, there is always 24 hours to solve the task and the solutions are submitted to the MU IS. It is also appropriate to support students in submitting partial solutions or concepts. It should be borne in mind that the competitors are talented FI students in the 2nd or 4th semester of bachelor's studies and often with limited ability to program in multiple languages / environments. These students are usually active, talented and smart.

As part of the organization of the competition, laboratories, in cooperation with companies, must supply task specifications in the required format. The order of delivery of these specifications (in the final version) then determines the inclusion in the individual rounds / days of the competition, when tasks issued on the first day according to past experience are solved by 2-3 times more students (than tasks on the second day).

III. phase - task solving fixes
The laboratories, in cooperation with the companies, will supply the names and UCOs of the correctors, who will be granted the right of access to the solutions of the students who solved the given task - and this solution is then corrected, resp. evaluated. The solution should be evaluated within 24 hours, but preferably within 8 hours. After the evaluation, the correctors provide the organizers of the competition with a list of names and UCOs of the students who are to be invited to the finals of the competition.

Important Note: Students are clearly warned in the assignment that they may be interviewed in the finals (Phase IV) for any positions they are interested in - not just positions where they have been nominated for or addressed in the finals.

IV. phase - finals - interviews to offered positions
Laboratories and companies agree in advance on the composition of the team (usually 1-3 people), who participate in the interview with students on their behalf. Interviews usually take place the day after the evaluation of all student assignments.
The results of the interview are:
a) From students the number of positions (in descending order) in which they are interested. E.g. 4, 2, 3 or just 5.
b) From the position writers, the names of students who are interested in the given positions after the interviews.

Interviews take place in such a way that students choose the positions they are interested in and whose representatives they want to talk to. Usually, but certainly not always, these are the positions for which they have solved the corresponding task. The advice for students to consider positions is as follows - it is advisable to have at least a general idea of the time that you can devote to working in a given position in the laboratory so that it does not have a negative impact on your studies. Take half days as the smallest meaningful units of time and consider that the scholarship from the resources of the involved company will correspond to the level of commitment.

Phase V - filling positions
To assign positions to specific students, we follow the following rules (classification is performed by a representative of SPP, the organizer of the competition):
1) In the event of a conflict of rules, the student's wishes expressed immediately after the final, in IV. phase.
2) A student who does not express an interest in the given position will not be assigned to this position.
3) Nominations from the team of the given position as well as from the competing students must be arranged in descending order. The assignment will take place according to these nominations.
4) The team may only fill a predefined number of positions.
5) Two months after the final of the competition, teams announcing assignments are forbidden to communicate with students who have been assigned to other teams.
6) Students not assigned to any specific position after the final may, after a clear instruction from the organizer of the competition, contact any team with an expression of interest in cooperation. Such collaborations take the same or different forms.

VI. phase - start of work and communication with students.
Without central coordination, the teams for individual positions agree with the students assigned to the individual positions on the beginning of the cooperation, the preliminary duration, the intensity and the awarded scholarship. Representatives of laboratories and companies are prohibited from contacting students who have been selected for other job positions in any way for a period of 2 months. Students who have not been assigned to any job position can, if their contact details are available, be approached with an offer to engage in research, whether on a topic related or different. The organizers of the competition will greatly appreciate the feedback from students, participating laboratories and companies - both to the organization of the competition itself and to the work in the given laboratory (in the given position).

Competition schedule
1. Specification of positions (usually February).
2. Specification of tasks (usually early March).
3. Announcement of tasks and their correction (usually Mon-Wed at the end of March or beginning of April).
4. Finals of the competition (usually Thursday of the same week as the announcement and correction of tasks).

Competition rules for download (in Czech) HERE