A short reflections on the Day with industrial partners at the Faculty of Informatics MU, Spring 2023
Dorota Jůvová, Barbora Bühnová, 23. 5. 2023
Do you know about SPP Day?
On Thursday, May 18, 2023, the Day with Industrial Partners (SPP Day) took place at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University (FI MU). This day-long event offers students and the general public the opportunity to get to know the cooperation between the MU Faculty of Informatics, companies and students. This time, 25 companies from the Association of Industrial Partners (SPP) participated in SPP Day. In the lectures and discussions, representatives from companies and the faculty spoke under the leadership of three experienced moderators. Students could also visit booths and workshops organized by companies in person and online form.

What kind of program did you expect on SPP Day?
The program in lecture room D3 was divided into five thematic blocks. It was also possible to meet company representatives through booths in the entrance hall and on the ground floor of building D.
There were also thematic workshops from the workshops of the companies themselves.
Barbora Bühnová, Vice-Dean for Industrial Relations, Faculty of Informatics MU, introduced the whole day's program in lecture room D3. Furthermore, Václav Matyáš,
Vice-Dean for Relations with Graduates and Lifelong Learning, FI MU, presented certificates to the finalists of the 12th year of the Competition for Talented FI Students for 2023.

What were the topics in the lectures and discussions?
The first panel discussion moderated by Barbora Bühnová on the topic Become a doctoral student at FI MU in co-supervision with a company was presented in English and was attended by representatives of the companies Red Hat Czech, Lexical Computing and representatives of FI doctoral students. After a short break, there was a block moderated by Radek Ošlejšek, docent of Fi MU, in which the companies themselves presented themselves in the form of short presentations and had the opportunity to invite interested parties to their booths.
What happened in the break between lectures and discussions?
During the one-hour break between other blocks, it was possible to visit the first part of representatives of companies from SPP at the booths. Doctoral studies at FI MU and NÚKIB also had a booth here.

How was the afternoon program?
The afternoon blocks started with an expert discussion on the topic of Cooperation with a company during studies and how to lead it to successful completion of studies with a final thesis in the company led by Barbora Bühnová, where representatives from the companies Lexical Computing, Oracle, Y Soft and Safetica. The program in lecture room D3 continued with a presentation on Examples of successful cooperation between FI and partner companies with representatives of Kyndryl, Daite and Tescan, moderated by the academic director of CERIT and the head of the Lasaris laboratory, Tomáš Pitner. This block was directly followed by short presentations of the second part of the companies, who had the opportunity to present their company and invite interested parties to the booths.
What happened at the end?
This was followed by the afternoon booths of the second part of representatives of companies from SPP. The entire program was closed by workshops by Kentico, Kyndryl, Tescan and an online workshop by Oracle.